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The Viridian Inquisition

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The following notice would be nailed to the notice boards surrounding the capital city of the Empire. The parchment of simple form, yet of higher expense than the peasant variety. The ink black and in common based on the general availability of the substance. The handwriting heavy and the message heavier. It reads as follows:

I have only returned to the capital for but a week, in my time I have seen papers and missives of various kinds lining walls and alleys, boards and church doors. In the taverns and pubs I hear whispers from the lips of drunkards and aristocrat alike. These writings and papers trouble me, as both a Unionist and a citizen of this Empire. Therefore as one devoted and loyal to his Imperial Holiness Cedromar I, I hereby write this declaration of Inquisition on the heretics and rebels who so freely exist within our walls.

Canon Law Three: Holy Protection
There exist the permitted faiths, which are: Faith of Estel, Old Gods, Faith of Baskarr, Dwarven Dogma, the Allar life beliefs, Qadir life beliefs and Orc life beliefs which Regalia will permit to exist within its boundaries. Individuals of these faiths may freely practice their faith in their homes, or specifically allocated temples. Public profession of these faiths or attempting to convert good Unionists to these faiths is heresy. Additionally, any faith not on this list, is pure heresy.

State Law Eleven: Regalian Conservation
Any person within the Regalian Empire, regardless of political stature shall endeavor not to express any Jacobinism views, support any whole or partial Jacobinism views, or in any way publicly denounce the rights of aristocracy or otherwise attempt to upset the structure of authority and royal prerogative in the Empire.

I, Harald Viktor von Drachenburg, first of his name, Paladin of the Brotherhood of Viridian, Keeper of the Faith, and Keeper of the Peace, hereby declare Icarus Albatross and any and all those who claim themselves a self righteous poet and collaborator's of this villain as heretics and criminals by the laws of our Holy Empire. May the Spirit's Judgement be upon them.

I call upon the Brotherhood of the Viridian Order to join my person as we move forth with this Viridian Inquisition. May the Spirit guide us as we fulfill this most righteous act. May the chartered organizations recognized by the state stand with us. Let this villainy be vanquished with swiftness and piety.

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Conf paused, glancing the notice over. "Sucks to be him, if hes caught at least." Then he moved on with his day.
Icarus- or a normal commoner due to the lack of cloak- looked at the notice and folded their sleeved arms, smirking proudly at seeing their 'name' posted so boldly upon the notice board. In a quiet and not-quite-masculine-nor-feminine voice, the writer declared to themselves: "So there are the city's religious men, it seems that it only took several weeks for them to get off their arses."
Reimund stared at the poster in shock. He tore it down, taking it in his hands to get a closer look. "Ehren, brother." he stated. He'd quickly assemble a writing kit, sending word in return to the Paladin;

Ehren, Sir Harald.
I will admit, I was quite in shock at the contents of your notice. A Viridian Inquisition is a rather bold idea. While I was planning on applying for a Field Officer commission under one of the Generalships, I would quite enjoy knowing more of your intentions. Pen me a response, or a meeting location.

"Surely the poet will be caught." Audrey commented while reading the proclamation. "Nobody expects the Viridian Inquisition."
Dietrich nodded as the Paladin affixed a notice on every public board in the city.
The massive, covered figure of Iris, the writer, looked at the proclamation.
"I suppose then that my next essay must be re-written, and worded carefully." the gruff voice spoke, before walking off into the alleyways and streets.
Reverend Innocenzo wonders why people even pay attention to the irrelevant poets.

An addendum was added with Sancella seal.
"This Inquisiton is not condoned by the Sanchella of Union. Any religious persecution or trial not sanctioned by the Synod is an act of apostasy in it's own right."