The Uruk Raiding Party


Phsycotic Horse Rider
Sep 21, 2017
Reaction score


Intro, By Yazgash Uruk
Honestly my friends, this is long past the time it should have been made. There are so many riches in the slums it hurts me that there isn't a raiding party already installed. Today, that ends. I'm Warchief Uruk of Clan Uruk and I say this to all raiders at heart that want nothing more than loot and plunder. We promise all of that as we raid the slums to strip it of it's loot. My main goal is to quash the flame of the vampire infection, maybe even feed my family with them if I can, This act is to establish that orcs are friends, not foes. So I ask all of you capable to join this noble raiding party so I can share, or steal, a tankard of ale with you.


1. Kill the Vampire infection as well as the vampires that are infected, or at least kill most of them
2. Gather loot and plunder, 50% of which go to clan Uruk for funding weapons and other assorts of armor and tools
3. Take food and ale- yes, humans count as food.
4. Make orcish peace to Regalia (Other Races are welcome to join)
5. Make more interesting rp in the slums for everyone!


The Uniform of the Raiding Party is really simple. All you need is a tattoo of either Vakgar or Yazgar, this is for all of our infectible races so they can't get infected due to the religious value to the tattoos. You can try to talk Yazgash into letting you use your own religious symbol but be ready to barder!


The leader/leaders of the group, often times the strongest and smartest

Yazgash Uruk @Nidakk

Second hand to the warchief, often advisors and leaders of smaller groups within the bigger one

Ver'tu Uruk @Israphel__

What makes up the general grouping of the raiding party, can be either melee or ranged

Mallen Hawthorne @Rubarberry

Self Explanatory

Jessica Caladwen, @Ringo0310


Character Name:
Character Race:
Character Gender:
Desired Rank:
Letter to Yazgash Uruk:
Last edited:
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Jessica Caladwen
Character Race: Kathar
Character Gender: Female
Desired Role: Slave
Discord?: You have it.
Letter to Yazgash Uruk: (I am applying for a slave, so do I write a letter still?)
IGN: Ringo0310
Character Name: Jessica Caladwen
Character Race: Kathar
Character Gender: Female
Desired Role: Slave
Discord?: You have it.
Letter to Yazgash Uruk: (I am applying for a slave, so do I write a letter still?)
Fair point and accepted
IGN: Rubarberry
Character Name: Mallen Hawthorne
Character Race: Altalar/Dwarf
Character Gender: Male
Desired Rank: Grunt
Discord?: You know this.
Letter to Yazgash Uruk:

Hello Yzgash Uruk,
This is from the smallish pink kind. Mr. Uruk, Orc, I'll keep this brief.

I, Mallen, want to be your 'Grunt'.

I'm not suitable to be food so don't try anything. I will work diligently and skewer things excellently if need be. I can shoot things- with arrows. We may have something in common when it comes to weaponizing barstools.

Mallen Hawthorne
Accepted, just note that Yazgash is a woman