
GrandMaster of the United Trade Coalition
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Central Essalonia
United Trade Coalition (with border).webp
The United Trade Coalition is a collection of Factions with the purpose of bringing traders together so that they can flourish while understanding that they can protect each other.
Note: It is NOT an Empire, and even entire Empires can join.

The United Trade Front
The United Trade Coalition is represented by the United Trade Front (the Faction) which offers a negotiation room for the Council of Leaders and the Coalition Market that is only operated by Coalition members. To join the Front, one must be a member of a Coalition Faction and be recommended by its Leader, or be trusted personally by the GrandMaster (as of now that's me).

Coalition War
Each Faction/Empire within the Coalition can still act independently (and can even be enemies), but if an Enemy of the Coalition (not necessarily the enemies of the Front) is declared all members are asked to put aside their differences and are summoned to the Coalition War until it is resolved.

Coalition Market
To be a shop owner in the Coalition Market you must be a member of a Faction within the Coalition and obtain a trade license.

Want to join or perhaps you are still curious? Find me in the MassiveCraft Discord or talk to me when I am online. If you are unable to find me you can "/mail send Bl33Pi3" in-game to let me know you are interested. We have our own Discord which offers more detailed information.
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I'll hit you up on discord if the king agrees, I'm just Azuria's 2nd in command.
you can join the discord now with "Guest" tags if you want to see who's in already and get an idea of what we're about, but yeah, you would need your leader's permission for your faction to actually join the Coalition