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The United Commerce Of Crookback: New Beginnings


Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score


Decree 1 | 09.10.310 AC

The decree has been printed in a variety of languages, mostly western.


As many of you have already heard, after the underwhelming resignation of Mister Faust, Captain CC-Delle has been assigned as Crookback's new Mayor. With these changes comes a new format of the Crookback Borough's government, including the formation of one such branch named The United Commerce of Crookback. In this decree, you will be informed of the purpose, jurisdiction, rights, and immunities of the UCC within the Crookback Borough, including an official ledger of officials and employees.​


~ To…
collect, confiscate, designate, or withhold monetary funds as well as collect, confiscate, sell and/or auction, and withhold personal property in accordance with Crookback law.​
~ To…
host commercial events relating to the finances of Crookback Borough. This includes but is not limited to: auctions, fundraisers, and drives.​
~ To…
stabilize and maintain stability within the Crookback Borough's economy by using whatever means necessary and available.​


~ The right to…
bare arms within commercially or privately owned businesses and rented or owned housing when conducting UCC business.​
~ The right to…
collect monetary funds or personal property to stabilize or grow the Crookback economy or in accordance with fluctuating Crookback law.*​
~ The right to…
defend UCC in its entirety through written or artful media as well as psychologically, physically, and verbally.**​
~ Immunity to…
certain to-be-determined safety laws within Crookback Borough to ensure efficient flow of government duties.​

* Crookback law will fluctuate with the introduction of Law Auctions.
** Slander, insult, or violence against the UCC will be considered slander, insult, or violence against the institution of the Crookback Borough government. We will respond accordingly.


~ Chief Financial Officer of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Responsible for the UCC in its entirety.
Laerilas Valloaan [@joglak]​

~ Secretary(s) to the Chief Financial Officer of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Responsible for aiding in whatever tasks the Chief Financial Officer requires, including but not limited to data tracking, enforcement, and publications.
Yarehuani Al-Almeen [@naramm]​

~ Bruteforce Officer to the Bruteforce Committee of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Responsible for the Bruteforce Committee; Responsible for the physical tasks of enforcing UCC rulings, including that of which falls within UCC jurisdiction and Crookback Borough law.
Applications open.​

~ Fundraiser Officer to the Fundraising Committee of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Responsible for the Fundraiser Committee; Responsible for brainstorming event, action, and law ideas or concepts and hosting them to further Crookback Borough's economy.
Applications open.​

~ Members of the Bruteforce Committee of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Applications open.​

~ Members of the Fundraising Committee of the United Commerce of Crookback…
Applications open.​


~ Those who…
complain about taxes shall be fined 50r per comment. If 50r is unobtainable, personal belongings will be confiscated.​
~ Those who…
are deemed High Risk Notables (Archon, Knights, and Ailred) will be required to pay an entry fee of 50r upon entering Crookback Borough. HRN are also subject to wearing identification hats sold at 5r/per; Please request an identification hat if you do not already possess one.​


~ Crookback Borough (Bralonatown) Law Auction: Week 1 | 16.10.310 AC…

Each week, the United Commerce of Crookback will host an auction within Crookback Borough's Emporium Auditorium for Crookback's denizens to purchase changes in laws. If you desire a law appealed, this is your opportunity. If you desire a law passed, this too is your opportunity. Mayor-Captain CC-Delle, the new Crookback Borough government - including the United Commerce of Crookback - will make your ideas reality with the signature of a pen.

WHO: Everyone
WHEN: Sunday, October 16, 310 AC
WHERE: Crookback Emporium Auditorium /tp RPEvent
WHY: Mayor-Captain CC-Delle and the UCC are believers in a burgeoning free market.
HOW: Attend. When you arrive, an auctioneer will allow attendees to propose a law they wish to pass into the legislature with an attached sum of money. Others can vote against this law by attaching a sum of money larger than that, and the process will continue until no others bid higher than the final amount.

The Chief Financial Officer of the United Commerce of Crookback
Laerilas Valloaan​


Tl;dr Law Auctions, IRS, taxes and fines and mone.

Please contact me through the forums or discord (joglak#2288) if you desire a position within the IRS. I mean. The UCC.