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The Unification Of Honaberg


The Walking Spreadsheet
Jan 11, 2018
Reaction score
North Carolina
Roleplay Guilds
The LCC, The Fourth Company
Screenshot (223).webp

Upon the day of January 22nd 307 AC, House Longsae and House Carwell met in the town of Honaberg, the capital of the Barony of Valdepoort, and discussed the future of the Veer. From that, the two powers of the Veer came to a mutual agreement of unity, and of strength. Thus the following actions have been made, upon this date:

Baron Jason Carwell, along with those under him of House Carwell joins House Longsae, in name, land, and banner. No longer will the Veer be split in the discourse of two as now, or at times more lords vying for power. The Veer will be controlled by our one, unified House, unified by blood of the marriage of Alyssa Carwell and Warric Longsae. Working together, we may bring future strength and prosperity to the Veer in its entirety. Together, we are the House of the Veer. We, are House van der Veer.

I, Jason van der Veer, also can understand if people have their doubts about this, I had them as well when I first thought of it. I don't believe myself as the last true patriarch of House Carwell either, that honor belonged to my brother. But in order for both House Carwell and House Longsae to continue, we must learn to unite together in order to help bring peace to the Veer. For House van der Veer!

Harric van der Veer

Baron of Valdepoort

Baron of Norreck

Jason van der Veer

General of the Veer
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"Oh deer. Perhaps this is the only way for the two families in crisis to settle their issue. Add the witch with the unforgiven.", muttered Baron von Dietrich to himself as he was given the paper.
"How terrible."
"The members of House Carwell really drew the short straw on this one." Muses Louis Delmotte