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Reply to thread

A notice is penned in reply, elegantly scripted - yet with a shaky hand that 
trembles from a wound cut deeper than any blade from a Death Cultist could. 
To the Minister of Truth, Terrence,

You have a flair for the dramatics when you are being thrown overboard & did not come to me, whatsoever, in person about your (& I presume others') concerns with my brother. I heard he was rude. Abrasive. Unruly. Violent. Did not know basic etiquette. But never a spy from other people. I was relieved to see him after all these years & took him under my wing to make up what I've done to him. I had my suspicions, admittedly, due to the way Naravan conducts himself, so I did not share any critical information regarding the Law Ministry with him - and to hear these concerns voiced on a large paper on a board, rather than in person is .. Blood-boiling, and anguishing, especially from another Minister

But, to shed light on your truth when it is nothing more than fragile slander to myself:

Where is your evidence about me being a spy? What the Grand Vigil Felix Valdemar Vítek wrote, about a 'Knife ear with Allorn loyalties' holding Government office to sow the seeds of unrest, because I, and Mayor Trent & Commissioner Meriyaan Cavaal, the only other 'knife ears' holding office - are Occult? Is it because I am a daughter of a non-Unionist Goddess - who might I add, sleeps with every woman she lays her eyes on? Is it because I have no resemblance of an Ailor, and instead, bear the heritage of a full Teledden?

.. Whatever the reason may be; I mean this with my heart & not an ounce of malice. I am hurt, angry & upset, but most of all I am concerned:

I hope you are well, Minister.

To Naravan,

You are no longer my brother. You are no longer recognized as a member of my family. I have nothing more to say to you.

Minister of Law,
Suzenvaela Felaadar bel-Evalond

OOC TAGS: [USER=18821]@microwavemmm[/USER] [USER=15056]@PaladinoGui[/USER]