The Ularen Lions


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Apr 30, 2016
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The first recorded instance of the 'White Lions of Ularen' dates back to 121 AC as an Avanthar mercenary band that fought under prominent Elven successor states in Daen. The number in the company varied over the years and the pure Avanthar cavalry core diluted over the years due to a combination of attrition and desertion. After a disastrous defeat in 146AC the unit was folded into the forces of the Hyärra state that kept its namesake for its irony when conflict with Avanthar broke out. Its name fell into disuse after a heroic last stand where the unit was wiped out while serving as a rearguard during a full rout. The few survivors that escaped the carnage and still remembered the name were few and far in-between.

The name resurfaced in 302 AC during the Ranger Crisis as a mercenary group to fight in various conflicts that erupted in Daen against the various external forces that were a threat to the Altalar successor states as a whole. The company took part in many successive battles during the campaigns and performed its charge dutifully. But as the nature of the wars changed into a more desperate fight for the survival payment often arrived late. The leader of the Ularen Lions at the time, Vynael Avalorn began fighting for ideology more than payment and began to payroll troops out of his own pocket. After the end of the war in 306 AC the settlement of the war meant that the weary and exhausted unit disbanded after having campaigned for so long with little to show for it.

In 307 the name was taken again as a standard but this time to fight for the interests of the Regalian empire rather than against it under the leadership of former members of the band who decided the future for the Altalar peoples was within the Empire rather than to fight the rising tide of the passing of history.

The Ularen Lions is a mercenary company based around Altalar stratagem and tactics. The term mercenary might be deceptive to its purpose as it is a company of civilians who primarily exercise trades in their daily lives. A lot of its contracts are focused around hiring the staff corps that make up the leadership of the unit such as statesmen, generals, and economists as a competent group to hire in situations that require nuance rather than brash force. The company embodies the Elven tradition where farmers and craftsmen needed to take up arms for their city in times of need rather than as professional soldiers that lived and died by the sword.

The Ularen Lions pride themselves as an apparatus that serves the Altalar people of Regalia through service to the Imperial Throne. It also performs its charge towards its goal by combatting perceived rogue forces within the city, although it does so under questionable legality
The combat style of the Ularen Lions is based on small units within a formation that is known as a 'Lance' that make up the formation. The combined use of ranged weapons and polearms in tight formations are the signature of the Ularen Lions. Through discipline and homogeneous combined arms, the company overcomes lesser trained units. To cover its weaknesses the company also makes use of other Elven and Yanar auxiliaries to cover aspects such as skirmishing or specialized combat styles.

The ranking structure of the Ularen Lions is very shallow and straightforward stemming from the philosophy of farmer-soldiers who beat their swords into plowshares when war is no longer the talk of the day. The leader of the company is called the 'First Amongst Equals' with the officers addressed as Lances and the men as Spears. In practicality, the men address each other by their name, failing that the surnames which are easily recognized by the colors and sigils of the families that are painted on the Charay Shields
Schedule for an in-game meeting by posting below. Due to the localized presence of the company it is assumed that you heard of the Ularen lions by word of mouth within the Altalar district. Likely reasons to join the cause are simply to defend the district from Kathar incursion or political interest in advancing the Altalar cause.

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Last edited:
In Game Name: Valewynn
Character Name: Anhaern Circaraine
Character Race: Altalar, Central
Character Age: 94
In Game Name: Osowiec
Character Name: Bel-gyarhyabrin Tibaerthus
Character Race: Altalar
Character Age: 76
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Character Race: Altalar
Character Age: 72
In Game Name: Chiruda
Character Name: Inyathel Sash'ana Avalorn
Character Race: Altalar
Character Age: 79