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The Truth In The Face Of Greed


the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score

I write this from my desk, having received such a notice of blatant lies. I will acknowledge your petty slander this one time only, House Mecatl. In the coming days, I will receive and post statements from those who are not of my own Household and staff; rather, people who barely know me but bore witness to the events you discuss now. After which I will no longer acknowledge these filthy, disgusting lies and accusations of racism.

In regards to the Squire:
I personally came to the temple to apologize for his actions to the Silontaar, Nafiri. There was a Narim person whom I do not know their name, nor did they ever give their name to me; and another Narim I know as Micah (whom I have never once been racist to, and whom I will ask for a statement from as well). There was also the Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr present. Nafiri questioned my presence, hostile on sight, informing me that the "proper" knights had been informed and assuming I came there to arrest him. I told him I had in fact come to better understand the situation which the squire had told me of. It was then the Countess Gwentyr asked who I was. As I began to introduce myself, the squire made a racist and inappropriate comment towards the Silontaar. I punished him on the spot for such an action, reprimanding him in public for all to see his foul behavior; promising further training and punishment. Nafiri admitted that my own actions were not unlike his own and then explained the situation that had occurred. At this point, the Countess Gwentyr and myself made proper introductions and she offered to take the squire on for etiquette and scholarly lessons; an offer I gladly took in front of both Nafiri and the Narim present who still had not introduced themself. Nafiri seemed satisfied with such, and noted in a jesting matter that the squire was lucky it was not Sibolah (I believe that is what he implied) who had been present at the temple. The Squire did nothing else.

Additionally, these exact words as relayed in Nafiri's quote from House Mecatl was not what was explained to my own person.

In regards to Lady Nitza Mecatl, the Asha and Narim present whose names I do not know, and Nafiri:

- I referred to the Lady Nitza Mecatl as "Narim" once, until she promptly informed me of her title and name after which I used in every moment of speaking to her or acknowledging her. Her quote is a blatant lie, and I will acquire statements to prove such in the coming days. You embarrass yourself and your House by posting such plain lies.

- I referred to the Asha present, if I did speak to any of them, as Asha because I did not know their names. The lie that I stated to one Feka-Asha present to "Speak only when spoken to, Cat.", whom has not been named in House Mecatl's filthy slander nor was I ever told their name, had continued to hurl insults, curses, and threats to myself and refused to use my titles and after multiple warnings I used my whip, as I am a Lothar Beast Master and am trained with a whip for melee combat as it was present given the situation going on, which will be explained shortly, to silence them by using a basic combat techqnieu with the whip that all Lothar know; silence a mage. I used the whip to ensare the Asha by the throat, and then cause them to stumble as I released. No harm save for perhaps a bruise ego, as the only words I said following that were, exactly, "Check yourself and hold your tongue.". I did not at all say anything of the sorts regarding the Feka-Asha's race. That is another flat out lie.​

- I referred to the other Narim present who was not Micah as "Narim" because they refused to give me their name; additionally, there was a major issue at hand which will be acknowledged in a moment, keeping mine and everyone else's attention.​

- I referred to Nafiri as a Silontaar. That is true, but I was not racist, I simply refused to acknowledge his name because we have not ever once been friendly to one another. He refers to me as Lothar, or uses my title when others are present. I have tolerated his insolence to a point, but these racist accusations will not stand.

I am a Lothar Knight, and with such comes stereotypes and slander; but I will not tolerate this. I am not, nor have I ever been, racist. I will come to you, House Mecatl, with statements and truths, untouched by pride and greed.

This was something House Mecatl failed to mention and I have brought up earlier:

Right as I introduced myself a Coin of Greed manifested from nothingness: rolling out of the tree which Nafiri rested upon and rolling before himself and all present. I instantly recognized the coin for what it was; yet, before I could act, Nafiri picked the coin up. I immediately ordered him to drop it, after which he made to stand. I then produced my Puretek and once more ordered him to drop it; at this point the others I fear were starting to stare at the coin as well, whilst I always made sure to keep my eyes focused anything else. step away and not to touch or look at the coin. Again, Nafiri refused, I believe at this point already overtaken by the curse, and even Lady Nitza attempted to pry the coin from him and the Fin'ullen mage, Zadicus, even told Nafiri to drop it. Myself and others continued to tell Nafiri to drop the coin. I ordered him to place it on the ground. It is at this point Zadicuss suggested to find any Aelrrigan to cleanse the artifact of its power. I relented to this, but again, ordered Nafiri to drop the coin and allow myself to guard it with the others whilst someone went to find an Aelrrigan. Nafiri, the unnamed Narim, and Lady Nitza began to argue and bicker with me; insisting I allow Nfiri to take it or leave. I told them all no. Lady Nitza then offered to take it, which I explained was even more outlandish as I would not allow a noble to be cursed.

This arguing continued, but I was able to keep Nafiri and the coin in place for the Wyrdd Knight Singe of the Aelrrigan Order to appear with another knight of her Order whom I do not know their name. The Wyrdd Knight Singe asked for the coin, upon which Nafiri gave her a coin. He hid motions from one side, where Lady Nitza and the others stood, whilst myself and the mage Zadicus watched as he gave her a plain facing regal. The Wyrdd Knight Singe began the ritual, and I could watch but for a few moments before going forth and turning the coin over, revealing it was a simple regal -- and the magic of the Aelrrigan Knight destroyed the regal which confirmed such as well. The Lady Nitza made an outcry as I pointed my Puretek at Nafiri, who clearly was consumed by the curse, as the Wyrdd Knight Singe approached and asked for the coin. There was some kind of magical... battle of will, one which the Wyrdd Knight Singe won. More bickering ensued from Lady Nitza and her entourage, who by this point was actively hindering both myself and the Alegrrians who were attempting to cleanse it by distracting all three of us; which proved to be fatal as a nearby Asha rushed the Wyrdd Knight Singe in the moment of chaos. It took all three of us knights to finally capture the Asha, but at this point she had dropped the artifact in the canal nearby. Zaddicus jumped in to grab it given he is a Fin'ullen... and was promptly ensnared by the curse of the coin and departed by waterway to only the Everwatcher knows.
As I said when I left, and so I say now, may the Everwatcher bless your poor, tortured souls; for I will come forward with truths, House Mecatl, not the slander that the Countess Izel is fond of.

Lady Protector Ylvi du Roserei
Countess of Sarr
Confidant Knight, Cursed Retainer, and Beast Master of the Grauwald Chapter of the Lothar Order

@Lizehrd @AWildRhia @WildSages @OkaDoka @NebulaePrimo
The Reliquary is investigating this matter under charges of assault on Holy Grounds and assault against Unionist Priesthood.

The Above was struck through. It now reads: The Reliquary is investigating this matter under charges of assault on Holy Grounds.
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