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The Treaty Of Mull


[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
Estel Temple (https://discord.gg/ewbBmv)



HIS HOLINESS CANTON MÉDARD DU MONT SAINT LUCIA, first Canton of Gelle, Spiritual representative of the peoples of Gelle and the Isles of Mull, anointed by the imperative.

KALROY ALARIC WYNFRITH, First Kalroy of Kalwry, Proprietor of The Wynfrith Company and its various subsidiaries, and second largest supplier of low price furniture in the Axford region.



'A depiction of Alaric Wynfrith clasping the hand of a Mull levyman in solidarity.' - an unknown artist.


I. Independence
II. Non-Hinderance
III. Holy Investiture
IV. Defense
V. Trade

Henceforth, with the combined decree of Kalray Alaric Wynfrith and Canton Médard du Mont Saint Lucia, the states of Gelle and Kalray do formally with their executive powers decree the following amendments to their status as sovereign states and diplomatic relations with one another. The content of this blessed content of this treaty makes no effect to the standing of the two nations in regards to membership of The Regalian Commonwealth, as is set in legal and diplomatic precedence. The following is hereby in effect:

The Cantonship of Gelle from the signing of The Treaty of Mull shall cease to be an extension of the Kalroyship of Kalray, no longer observing its laws and doctrines, and in all effects becoming an independent nation. [II] The Reverends of Gelle shall no longer harass the based affairs of Kalray, nor hinder their money making efforts, instead, building the Cantonship to serve as a beckon for Unionists of faith on the island. [III] The Cantonship of Gelle is permitted entire, whole, and complete freedom, to run as a Cantonship under the direct control of the Holy Synod of the Sancella of Union. In lieu of a Synodical vote on the matter, Gelle is both blessed by the Synod of The Divine Sancella, and ratified by its people as a Theocracy, to be ruled by the priesthood in the best traditions of Unionism. [IV] Furthermore, The Kalroy of Kalray and the Canton of Gelle shall enter into a mutual pact of defense, coming to the aid of one another in times of civil strife. The Viridian Garrison of Gelle will provide defense against wild beasts, and any other forms of danger that may roam among the peoples of Mull. Gelle does this in good faith, knowing that despite separation from one another, the two Colonies retain the best intentions for the peoples of one another's lands. [V] As a last, and final point, the peoples of Kalray and Gelle may enter into a state of free-trade between one another, enabling lucrative profit for both ventures. This agreement will enable the growth of both states, and ensure that Mull itself is never left wasted, and in such a case useless to the Regalian Empire as a whole.
