- Joined
- Feb 4, 2018
- Messages
- 269
- Reaction score
- 201
- Points
- 233

"What is the Collective? Who are the members of the Collective? Well, the Collective is a group made up mostly of Cratos, Engineers, Vampires, Mundanes, all the above. Who reside within a place called "The Undercity", deep down in the Meriac Sewers. First created by the one known as Ifrit, than Rhys Sagh took over, and now Ania Sagh leads the Collective. With these changes of ownership multiple times over the years. Many people, ideologies, goals, and plans have come and gone. But if one thing between all of the different Collectives leaders has stayed the same. It would be the advancement of Technology at all costs."

>[Revive of the Collective]
"What was once a successful group dedicated the the technological advancements for Cratos kind. Rhys arrived to the Meraic Sewers to see it only as shambles. The Collective being rather dead upon his arrival. While Rhys Sagh had ideas of hopefully creating some form of knowledge branch within the few Engineering groups he's been in, his ideals always tended to stray afar from the average Cratos. He wished to learn, and wished to advance what has been learned. With the unfinished form of The Collective open to the arms of anyone who wished to take its roots, Rhys abandoned his former group of Cratos to create one that he knew he could control to advance the thirst of knowledge that he knew many others held within them."
>[New Reign]
"After many successful years of running the Collective, Rhys soon grew tired of the city and set off on his own endeavors. Leaving the Collective into the hands of his daughter, Ania Sagh. Shortly after Ania took over as the new Tech Princess, the Lich Lord started an invasion on the city. Which as a result, halted the Collectives growth for around two months. However, after the war had ended. The Collective was finally able to focus once more on it's growth and values.

>To provide a safe haven called "The Undercity", within the Meriac sewers. In order to house and protect Cratos, Engineers, Mundanes, and Vampires, Cahals as well possibly. Along with old documents in the Achieves.
>To protect, train, and raise the young or new members of the Collective to ensure they become better and stronger than they were before they entered the Collective ranks.
>To ensure that Dark Metal, is used only by those worthy of it. And that technology never falls into the hands of the ignorant.
>To ensure a good name for the Cratos (of any Attunement), and a brighter future to those within the Collective.
>To suppress and combat all those who may oppose the advancements and doings of the Collective.
>To uncover the many secrets of the world in various locations of Aloria
>To pay respects to the creator of the Cratos, Dhul-Enhura.
>To advance all technology by any means possible.

Loading.. Loading.. ERROR.
Bypass FAILED.. Seek out the Tech princess for further information.

>This page is mostly to be a minimalist of the Collectives ideologies and goals developed through IC interactions over time. As well to say, I want to make the Collective as open to all parties as much as possible. As to bring in any people who enjoy Engineer roleplay as much as I do. Also, having your character convert to being a Cratos, where encouraged, is not required! Meaning the Collective is open to Vampires, Mundanes, (some Cahals to possibly), so forth. If you want to get involved in the Engineering or Cratos community, or have any questions. Do not feel afraid of popping me a message on here, (the forums). Or joining the official Technocratic Discord server, (Here). And shooting me a message on there (Discord) instead!
OOC Template to join the Collective
I normally encourage people to ICly seek out Ania and inquire her about joining the Collective. But I also want to allow an easier OOC way of keeping track of who all wants to join the Collective. And in general easier way to sign up for the Collective.
Activity Level (1 - 10):
Character Name:
Afflicted or Mundane?:
Engineer Proficiencies?:
Character Sheet, if available:
Bans, Jails, Mutes?:
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