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The Supreme Chancellor's Missive: Regalian Guard Restructure


Massive's Resident Law Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Kinwrey, Gallovia
Roleplay Guilds
House Howlester, The Vigilant Shield.



Upon sunset on the eve of the 22nd of August , a runner originating from the Chancellery offices was seen to be scurrying to each of the guard stations, checkpoints, charter leaders and finally the Citadel carrying a long, official looking document. As the representative of each guard charter and checkpoint read out the missive in the Supreme Chancellor's own words, it became painfully obvious to each guardsman and woman that another change to how City Law Enforcement worked was about to unfold. It read as follows:

In recent times, it has become blatantly apparent that the once virtuous Regalian City Guard has fallen on rough times. Regalian Charters have encouraged a numbers game, detrimental competition amongst those whose job it is to protect the city and its civilians, and have failed to ensure strict recruitment standards to ensure that only the best of the best serve in protecting the sanctity of the Holy City. Hence, by official decree of the Supreme Chancellor, all City Law Enforcement Charters are hereby disbanded. In their stead, the Supreme Chancellor feels great honor and pride in re-establishing the Crown Isle's long forgotten uniform Regalian Guard organisation, The Violet Order. The Violet Order will consist of a new hierarchy. The Lord Commanders, being a council of three, which as of now shall consist of two of the current Regalian Commissioners Ania Howlester and Hengest Harhold, Captains whom will have executive leadership over individual Chapters within the Order, and the various officers within those chapters providing additional oversight over the chapters specific guardsmen . Moreover, as already outlined, the City Guard will enforce certain quality assurance processes to ensure that we do not have a repeat of the past few weeks. Men and women who seek to join the Violet Order under their various Chapters will be required to provide credentials proving a minimum ability to handle themselves in combat.

The announcers went into detail, speaking of the various changes and nature of this change, all before dismissing the guardsmen home after their nightly shift, not quite knowing if they'd still be employed in the morning to come.


From here on out, the Vigilant Shield, Hammers of Holmganga, Crown Isle Wardens and Black Regiment are disbanded. In their place, a more central Guard force known as the Violet Order has returned, sporting a centralised hierarchy and more uniform policies.

Chapters are making their return. The current approved chapters within the new Violet Order are the Vigilant Shield (Vigilant Chapter), Crown Isle Wardens (Warden Chapter) and Blackguard Regiment (Blackguard Chapter). Each of these respective chapters are expected to immediately dismiss all guardsmen within their ranks and insist on re-application under the new Violet Order criteria on their respective threads. Additionally, ranks within these chapters can be customised to the Captain's choosing, so long as it is restricted to four ranks and each correspond to the general layout of: Recruit, Guard, Oberst, Ensign. It is recommended that all charters amend their recruitment threads as soon as possible. Membership numbers for all chapters are moreover capped at 20 members each.

Additionally, there are now set requirements that have to be met before a character can join the Regalian Gaurd. These requirements are:
  1. The character in question must have an approved Character application.
  2. If the character is male, they must have at least 15 proficiency points in a Martial skill. If the character is female, they must have at least 20 in a martial skill. Martial skills are any combat skill, i.e. Longsword, altraves, Skagger Axes etc. Some exceptions can be made for characters that meet the point requirement across all of their combat skills. I.e. 7 in Longswords, 8 in Skagger Axes, etc.
  3. The character must not have an excessive criminal record or history of incompetence.
While Captains are charged with their own recruitment, the Lord Commanders of the Violet Order can intervene and prevent recruitment of a certain individual by a majority vote. A universal Violet Order skin will be provided to all new Guardsmen, with sash customisation to discern which chapter said individual guardsman belongs.
Furthermore, City Guardsmen will now be awarded a wide variety of rights not readily available to the common citizen, though these rights will published at a later date.