The Sun In My Eyes

The awning of the beach chair creaked and groaned as the Bulwurk sat, languished under the cool shade of a tropical tree. To her right side, her husband was reading a book that was all about politics. She looked over, giving a small chuckle, of course, even when he was on vacation, he could not stop to read about the things he loved the most.

"So -" Her thoughtful tone inquired. "Are we going back?"

"And go into that Mage hellhole? No way." Her husband snorted. "You heard what happened, they appointed a Cahal sympathizer of all people to run Crookback. I'd march in there myself and kill her if I could."

A lengthy silence followed that declaration, followed by a sigh. "Honey, I've been thinking, it's usually only Magic users that cause the most issues..and with you being a Bloodcast Knight, how would you feel if I joined the Red Schism?"

Her husband's eyes widened and shot toward his partner, looking confused. "It took that long to realize these folks are dangerous? The Exist are breeding grounds for Cahal and the Void is breeding grounds for Vampires. All that magic ever does is lead to a person becoming corrupt, their soul tainted and twisted. I'd put the entire Crookback sector to flames if I could."

"Well…yes…but it's also my job to appear for the people."

"/Was/ your job," He corrected, "The State tossed you aside once they learned their tax bracket wasn't going to be filled." His hand reached for a drink, raising it to his lips. "If you want to join Heshian, Haqet, and me in the fight against the Occult, I'm sure they'd love you."

Another long silence followed, as her finger trailed a half-eaten pastry that Zolo Baker had sent. "Are you still going on that long trip with your friends?"

"Yes, and I prefer if you remain here. I'll only be gone for a couple of weeks." He replied.

A quiet musing of thoughts entered her brain, followed by a simple question: "What if we just stayed here? I mean, it's not like the situation in Crookback is going to get any better, and you'll be gone for a couple weeks. What if we just…stayed here? In El Puerto Azul?"

Her husband put the book down, squinting out to the rising tide in thought, before giving a nod in agreement.

"You know, that doesn't sound half-bad. I mean, all your friends back at home are Mages, it would be quite the jarring change for you to return just to stab them. You'd also constantly be in harm's way…which.." His worried brown eyes peered at her. "I want to keep you safe. Maybe start a family…run a business..I grow old of the Bloodcast." He took a glance at the waves again. "The Knights are a diminishing force without their presence in the Capitol, they've made steps to redeem themselves by banning Void and Ordial Cultism, and most Heathen ones, but they've also blundered quite a bit. Here though -" He waved the hand that held the book. "It's just citizens. I don't have to constantly worry about you getting run through with swords."

She nodded, leaning back and relaxing in her chair, picking up the pastry Baker had made her, before quietly consuming the rest. As the evening sun slowly dipped below the horizon, turning the sky a fiery red, she listened to her husband and they held hands as they talked of a new future.