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The Sucker Punch! - Under New Management


dark spirited demidevil
Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
e-boy McDonalds


Greetings and salutations! If you don't know who I am, my name is Kabili Drulviirn. Before Llewyn's untimely demise, they expressed their wish that a Kathar would own the Sucker Punch after them. So, I am taking over The Sucker Punch to continue the business in honor of them!

There won't be many changes, likely only a few decorative facelifts to the interior. It's a work in progress, much like Crookback right now.

Any business inquiries regarding The Sucker Punch should be directed to me. If you would like to contest my ownership…

Don't. My lawyer will destroy you.

That is all!


Kabili Drulviirn

Monarch of Kaahl Drulviirn

& Excellent Party Host

A note was found underneath the announcement

Deathbane militia supports Kabili's acquisition of Sucker Punch. Anyone who dares to take Sucker punch by force of arms from them shall face us too