The Start Of A New Beginning

Everybody seems broken nowadays. You can't find a person without a broken past or a traumatic experience locked away in the back of their mind, wrapped in chains. Kaian Bennett knew that all too well. The young man had his own fair share of dark secrets and he'd spent years locking them away in a place nobody would be able to find them.

Kaian saw them as a weakness, something to be ashamed of, a horrifying thing no person should have to witness ever again. So now he instead spent his days studying people, watching from a distance the way they spoke or the way they walked.

People were like machines to him, all made up different parts and when put together causes them to function in certian ways. He enjoyed figuring out how a machine worked, so he put his skills in that set against emotions. Of course, nobody's mask is perfect, and sometimes even the smallest of cracks can still show and no glue is strong enough to fix them.

He was fascinated by the fact that nobody wanted to hear about your sad stories, they only wanted to hear happy tales or of your journey across fields of green. That they didn't want to hear of abusive pasts or kidnappings or even breakups that had lead to nights of tearstained cheeks and weak sobs. His family had though him weird for it, but he couldn't have cared less.

That was one of the reasons he'd wanted to travel to Regalia. Their diverse culture, vast range of races and many different people to talk to and find out about. Kaian was always told he should stop focusing on the future and focus on what was happening here and now, but never listened. The future was always worth thinking about.

As a child, every little detail was crucial to him. If someone placed down a glass slightly too hard, he could tell they were either stressed, angry or annoyed. If someone's eyes were clouded and seemingly unfocused he knew they might have been tired or upset, and he couldn't wait to meet all the new people in Regalia and learn about them.

So, with one last glance back at the city he'd called home for the last 17 years, he stepped onto the ship, only taking with him memories, hopes and dreams.

Would ya look at that. A lovely little piece on a new Qadir I'm making...​