The Soth'hrii Cluster - Disbanded


I'm a Believer
Nov 19, 2016
Reaction score
Smash Mouth
Roleplay Guilds

Disbanded! It was a good run. From the ashes, it may rise again one unfaithful day.





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"Gratification, Selective Liberty, Worth, and Supremacy."
لتمكين وصعود أنفسنا هو أبعد من أي دين

    • The Soth'hrii Cluster was established 308 years beyond the Cataclysm, down in the subterranean slums of the Regalian Empire's sewage. There, among the many maladies festering, I should mention, there is that of a wretched, suppurating Cluster with an obstinate soul -- A fatal, yet primary pinpoint, may very well be mentioned as the most distressing collection yet. Seen as a bit experimental in comparison to most of the Covens speckled throughout the Undercity, this Cluster also accepts the membership of those in "good standing" with The Void. Do you wish for specification? That is something you must find out yourself, not all things in life are handed on a silver-platter, plate and spoon. Such is a true rarity.
    • The group is by all means new, but to them, the path of ignorance is foreign. Prideful in the inclusion of Voidal Essences, old and new, The Soth'hrii Cluster invites Sanguine and Voidal Allies alike to submerge themselves in such knowledge. Metaphysical science deemed all possibilities of such properties fallacious, and therefore the ambition is present to do more than to "prove wrong," but to "enhance." To be the creatures in the dark.
    • For some, the portals to their soul opened wide with knowledge and a thirst for carnage the moment their orbs opened wide to the world -- For others, my friends, that time is now. Whether you be of the latter or the former, accept the invitation.
    • What strikes fear upon an individual? What clutches their heart in strangulation, inflicting occlusion caused by an ever-growing sense of… dread? Darkness creeps about the edges of the room, spilling over viscous, sickly sweet and rotting as it oozes out from the cracks above and below you until you are fully submerged. Groping about in the dark, not being able to see what is in front of you, is this what we are afraid of? Surely the absence of life, such an insignificant thing of this realm, cannot bring about such terror. No, that is not it, not it at all.
    • If you think darkness is the thing that makes your blood curdle and your insides swell in perturbation, ye be but a fool. It is not darkness Himself, but what lurks within. Unexpected jolts, whispers and laughing in the night, fiends and daemons ready to pounce where they wish. You may view them as barbaric at first, but rest assured, they know their rightful place on the earth -- the farmers of physical beings. For what is a farm without its farmer? And how can a farmer do his duties if he is not well nourished?
    • The Cluster differs in that they are the farmers awaiting in the darkness, to feed upon their cattle. They recognize their place of superiority over the mundane, and take great advantage of it, strengthening not just themselves, but voidal essences and the Undercity as a whole. But to achieve such ambitious goals, a group must grow. Yes truly, even those with immense power must not be stricken with that ruminating inclination to all mankind, and more especially to persons of ardent curiosity, to hide away forever. Eventually one must grow. To grow requires fertilizer, so come, let us nurture the community -- we have sown what we soon shall reap, and now reap with diligence what has been propagated through the ages leading up to now.
  • VALUES. »
    • Supports 'Illegal' Organizations (Covens and Void-Based Gangs/Cults).
    • Supports racial and gender equality, as all have an equal social base as a Sanguine (or Void-Gifted).
    • Acknowledges that godly beings exist, though doesn't force their worship upon others.
    • More TBA.
    • Denies the rights of Werebeasts, unless enslaved.
    • Denies the right of Charters and Mercenaries in general.
    • Denies the rights of:
      • Dragon Followers.
      • Witchbloods (Archbloods).
      • Sihndar, and all those who follow the Spider Queen.
      • Draconic Religion.
    • Denies Estel being worshipped, though acknowledges she existed once.
    • More TBA.
    • On another note, this is a rough estimate of our player activity on a given day; 5-7.
Newbloods - Recently infected Sanguine, usually, this being their first turning/acceptance of Woldemar's blessing.

Recruits - New to the Cluster, either recently reinfected or have recently joined. This rank is equal to that of Newbloods.

Lesser Kin - Despite the name, this is the common role, a full-fledged member of the Cluster.

Greater Kin - Kin that has shown loyalty to the Cluster achieve this rank.

Enhanced Kin - More respected kin, those who have proved undying loyalty and initiative to achieve our goals for the Cluster.

The Zealous - Warriors of Woldemar and Ayas, Sanguine that wishes to drain the blood of foes as a sacrifice to increase the Coven's and the person's individual strength. This ranking is equal to that of Enhanced Kin.

Champion of Wutienda - Monthly or so Championships will be held, and the winner will be granted this title. Only one may exist at a time.

The Grand Synod - The third highest rank one can obtain in the Cluster. Each is granted Cluster heraldry by Ayas. Four positions exist within the unholy Synod;

- The Cultist; is in charge of religious/cultist affairs. They hold sermons, rituals, sacrifices, etc. They must be Void-aligned, but not required to have accepted the blessing of Woldemar.
- The Scholar; is in charge of the libraries, and researching various things in order to be a jack of all trades when it comes to knowledge. They must be a Sanguine or a Voidal Sorcerer/Mage.
- The Medic; is in charge of medical experimentation upon people, healing people, as well as researching anatomy and other medical topics. They must be Void-aligned, but not required to have accepted the blessing of Woldemar.
- The Tender; is in charge of the bars of the Cluster, and keeping the members well-fed, up-keeping the bar, as well as writing the menu. They must be Sanguine.

Desmarquess/Desmarchioness - Titles of those that have merged with the Cluster. Their former Desprince(ess) takes the new title. They are considered about as equal in ranking as one in the Synod. If someone is interested in "merging", shoot me a PM. I won't accept right away, since I don't like to see other groups disband (so I'll offer advice first).

The Regent - Second in command of the Cluster. If Ayas is ever absent in a fight, they have the highest command. This is a hard title to obtain.

The Desprince/Mistprince - The leader of the Cluster, Ayas.
    • IGN: __
    • Character Name: __
    • Character Application: __
      • Character Background? (Only if no Application): __
    • Recent Jails/Mutes/Bans?: __
    • Affliction?: __
    • Discord?: __
    • References? (1 or 2):
    • Letter (See Below*):
    • @Beleiver
      • *For IC letters being submitted, send one to HoHoSnow Man#1315 on discord.

        Also, feel free to apply in character! Just message me (HoHoSnow Man#1315) on discord! I don't bite.

Last edited:
IGN: Qoll
Character Name: Oma
Character Application: x
Recent Jails/Mutes/Bans?: Nope.
Affliction?: Barghest vampire.
Discord?: Qoll#1750
References?: @_Breakshot_
Letter: Sent over Discord.
IGN: antifascist_
Character Name: Jihane of Saruhanna
Character Application: linked in signature

Recent Jails/Mutes/Bans?: n/a
Affliction?: Doughall
Discord?: I'll add you because I'm not sure it works for people adding me
References? (1 or 2): @Vivamente @War_pig
Letter (See Below*):
IGN: antifascist_
Character Name: Jihane of Saruhanna
Character Application: linked in signature

Recent Jails/Mutes/Bans?: n/a
Affliction?: Doughall
Discord?: I'll add you because I'm not sure it works for people adding me
References? (1 or 2): @Vivamente @War_pig
Letter (See Below*):

Aaaaaaccepted! Check discord. = )