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- Jun 30, 2016
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The Sleeping Circle
The Sleeping Circle is a sewer gang mostly made up of Drowdars aiming to bring back the Drowdar respect, destroy the regalian government and bring up a new better government out of the ashes. House Duboi adopted 4 drowdars who were trying to sell wine in regalia. They then created a gang named The Sleeping Circle deep inside the sewers. House Duboi almost does absolutely nothing that affects the gang. All members of the Sleeping Circle has a tattoo on their back in the shape of the image above. The existence and motives of The Sleeping Circle is public knowledge though it's members, ownership, and many specifics are unknown.
The Sleeping Circle is a sewer gang mostly made up of Drowdars aiming to bring back the Drowdar respect, destroy the regalian government and bring up a new better government out of the ashes. House Duboi adopted 4 drowdars who were trying to sell wine in regalia. They then created a gang named The Sleeping Circle deep inside the sewers. House Duboi almost does absolutely nothing that affects the gang. All members of the Sleeping Circle has a tattoo on their back in the shape of the image above. The existence and motives of The Sleeping Circle is public knowledge though it's members, ownership, and many specifics are unknown.
Sopitas: The leaders of the gang. The highest rank in the gang. @H0on @Aphellon @Hastlngs
Consiliario: The Advisors/Lieutenants. of the gang. They receive orders from the Sopitas's and can do anything unless the Sopitas's says so. @Ferdigo @WhatevrimPawsome
Exsequor: The Enforcers/Officers of the gang. They operate below the Consiliarios. The Exsequor direct some of the operations themselves. @wboy04
Socius: The members of the gang. These are the people who are trusted by the Exsequor and usually do the dirty jobs.
Tironem: The recruit of the gang. These are the newest members and usually don't get a lot of respect from the higher ranks.
Warrior: These are the fighters of the group. They do the field work. They will always start as a Tironen unless promoted. (Promotion as warrior is pretty easy)
Secretary/scholar: These are the people who organizes all the gangs doings and personally gives advice to the Consiliario. They will start and stay as Exsequor unless stated. Please note that this is a hard position to get.
Nurses/doctors: These are the people who ESP and help the members when they are ill or injured. They will start and stay as Socius unless stated.
Sponsors: Those who fund and help the gang behind the scenes. They are the allies of the gang. No rank. They may be involved in some of the gang's advances.
Translators: These people translate different languages between different races to ensure easy communication. They are assigned to one person and should be bilingual.(knowing common is mandatory!) They start as Tironem unless promoted.
Prisoners/slaves: These are the people who serve the gang with their lives by being slaves. They are all marked by an initial on their neck S. They will always be Tironem unless t hey are able to get out of their position and be promoted.
Friendly note: Other roles can be created upon request.
Gang Uniform:
This uniform is only worn in the sewers. The Consiliario rank and above does not need to wear this uniform but it is highly preferred for lower ranked members.
Current members:
@H0on: Davi Dubois https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/davi-dubois.54580/
@Aphellon: Rei Levithane
@Hastlngs: Tareth Gallear
@Ferdigo: Ryun Fritari
@WhatevrimPawsome: Tori Loe
Allies of The Sleeping Circle
Silsilad Ishaysta - @SilentEndurance
Initiation will be done upon acceptance IC by one of the leaders or designated members. Those allowed to initiate new members: @H0on @Aphellon @Hstlings
I 'Insert name' solemnly swear to
Protect the secrets of the Sleeping Circle,
To do my duty to the Sleeping Circle,
To obey the circle code of conduct at all times,
To follow all orders from my leaders,
and to do every thing within my power
to abolish racism.
I 'Insert name' solemnly swear to
Protect the secrets of the Sleeping Circle,
To do my duty to the Sleeping Circle,
To obey the circle code of conduct at all times,
To follow all orders from my leaders,
and to do every thing within my power
to abolish racism.
OOC information
The Sleeping Circle is a gang operating in the sewers and aboveground. It is owned and sponsored by House Duboi. It was made based on reforming the regalian governmment and bringing the drowdar respect back. Please note that all weapons are provided by House Duboi. Overall, we are a unique group which plans on influencing world progression!
Please not that any vampires or undead will not be accepted
Character name, race, and gender:
Character application: (preferred)
Specialization and role applying for:
What languages do your character speak?
preferred language is common but we have some translators in the gang)
Which role are you applying for?:
Skype?: (Mandatory unless you know someone in the gang who can speak for you on skype)
Any experience with other rp groups?: (If so, which?)
IG punishments: (/seen)
Roleplay references: (Anybody who can vouch for your rp skill and trustworthiness. Make sure you ask them first!)
Any questions?:
IC letter to the gang and it's leaders: (mandatory)
Character name, race, and gender:
Character application: (preferred)
Specialization and role applying for:
What languages do your character speak?
Which role are you applying for?:
Skype?: (Mandatory unless you know someone in the gang who can speak for you on skype)
Any experience with other rp groups?: (If so, which?)
IG punishments: (/seen)
Roleplay references: (Anybody who can vouch for your rp skill and trustworthiness. Make sure you ask them first!)
Any questions?:
IC letter to the gang and it's leaders: (mandatory)
Recruitment is currently OPEN! Apply now!
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