
Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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The Skagger Order.webp

"Honor, Duty, Sacrifice, these are the tenants which make up the backbone of the Skagger Order."

Velheim Purging woods.webp

The Skagger Order is an institution which has existed in Drixagh for generations. Formed to create military order within the region, the Skaggers quickly grew and branched out, becoming a cultural symbol to the Velheim who live in every corner of the Regalian Empire. While hardship and struggle have plagued the lives of these elite warriors, they have not yet fallen into obscurity as the snowfall covers the steps they take in their next moves.

Formally introduced in the Spring of 307 AC, The Second Sword of the Bulwark issued a decree that would recognize the Skagger Order as a unique and self sustained mercenary company beneath the banner and laws of the Swords of the Bulwark. While it would not replace the actual Skagger Order, despite using its exact name verbatim, it would serve as a more driven group, with clear goals and objectives to promote the Skagger heritage and Velheim culture in the services they provide so long as they remain in service to the Empire.
The Skagger Order, like all companies under the Swords of the Bulwark functions under the same rights, rules, and regulations. They are as follows:

  • Rule I - The Right to receive an automatic weapon permit that allows them to open carry non-military grade weaponry. They may use a plate mail chest piece and chainmail arm protection and leggings. Half-plate is permitted, Full plate is not permitted. Leather helmets are permitted, however full metal helmets are not. Mercenary helmets must also not obscure facial features. At The Cost of not bringing undue harm to an innocent or bystander, under severe penalty by the Bulwark Court. They must additionally assist the Violet Order in bringing down particularly dangerous beasts and individuals that are too dangerous to be handled by normal guards.

  • Rule II - The Right to be paid by their employer, nobility or otherwise, for basic protection, event guarding, track and hunt bounties posted by city authorities, and martial tasks that do not directly disturb the peace. At The Cost of swearing undying loyalty to the Empire, and to the Imperial Spirit, and maintaining the interests of the Imperial Family.

  • Rule 3 - The Right to work unimpeded by "petty crimes", and are not held by Regalian Law when operating in the Sewers, so long as they carry a copy of a contract, an employer's signature, or bounty for verification by the Violet Order on request, and do not, in the eyes of the Violet Order, break the law to such a degree it becomes a danger to the security of the Realm. At The Cost of paying a tithe of 10% of their contracted price to the State, and must otherwise follow the Regalian Law.
Additionally, the Captain of the Skagger Order, Ser Edvard Norrvakt issued a series of other rules and stipulations so as not to tarnish the name of the Skaggers.

  • Rule I - Skaggers will not engage in any action that seeks to diminish their honor. No barbarism, aggression, or loss of control. These behaviors are the qualities of fallen warriors, not the pride and strength of a true Berhednar. To spit in the face of honor is to spit in the face of the Skagger Order and your people.

  • Rule II - Skaggers will receive consistent pay and open contract to House Norrvakt. As acting ruler over the noble household, the Baron of Ostyr will pay for services that promote the Velheim people and seek to expand their influence within the rights and laws of the Empire. This includes sparring, hunting, tournaments, as well as guarding over and preserving the Velheim District and the Old God's Temple in the Crown Isle.

  • Rule 3 - Skaggers will strive to protect the weak and will not cause harm to those who cannot defend themselves. As an elite class of warrior, the Skagger is equipped to take down even the most grueling opponent. It is with this ability that the knowledge of self control and forgiveness become the greatest test. Even the Bear is able to make communion with the Squirrel.

The Application format is below, any questions, comments, or concerns can be addressed to Wump#5523 on Discord.

Character Application:
Discord (You may send this in Forum PMs to myself for discretions sake.)
Letter to the Second Sword and Captain of the Skagger Order: