The Silver Test

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Nathan1012, May 9, 2021.

  1. Nathan1012

    Nathan1012 cinnamon

    Jun 16, 2020
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    A few gentle sheets of paper would be carried by a wayward wind through the soil of Petal Court, one Sunday's morn - the sheet was signed with Estellian iconography and natural aesthetics;

    To all who have in their life taken the All-Mother; Estel to their heart, I address you now;

    Do not abandon your Radiant All-Mother.
    Do not turn your back on Her.
    Do not fall to the tricks of the Void.

    We are raised as her children, and today and tomorrow forevermore we are tested as her faithful—indeed more than ever. It is with the highest pain I am seeing many of the supposedly 'faithful' turn their back on Her, and with each lost flower in the garden of life, I shed a tear—shared with our suffering mother. She screams from a place where she is not meant to be, and for those who have heard of her nature after the events of recent, I must remind you with a few considerations.
    • Look back to the events of the past—were it not the Ciellonians spared from the same justice given unto the Est-Allorn who turned their back on her? Ciellonians walk their lives with their feet in the divine sandals that she has given to us—it is not an easy life, and we see this now, but it is her calling that we were raised to be her faithful.
    • Our All-Mother is not without anger, and rightfully so. Supposedly—she does not walk the plane of Aloria as she once had, and even so, reports claim that she is missing from her Throne, the Exist. We Ciellonians, given the role of the chosen—are we not to guide our All-Mother back to where she belongs?
    • Faith holds us close to knowing that she has a plan, for she represents true divinity—Estel, so hallowed her name, is wiser, and represents all that has been given to us that is good more than any Archdemon, Arken, or Dragon. Trust in your All-Mother, for now is the time she turns her gaze, webbed in a palace of pain and suffering—she looks to her followers for liberation and does this to test our faith in Her.
    • Do not believe the tricks of the Dragons—like unruly children, they scream out for attention to garner and control the faithful of Aloria, they rally against our All-Mother—akin to the forces of the Archdemon. Guard yourself against these lies, as they are no different from the Void.
    Who are we to abandon our All-Mother's suffering, who are we to be ignorant and lay resting in our homes, drinking our teas and acting as if nothing is amiss? What does it make you when you hear the cries of Estel and simply choose to turn the other cheek—even worse, turning to other religions and faiths despite all the blessings we Ciellonians have been given. Remember that there is purpose in our existence, and in unity—we will be with our All-Mother again, walking radiantly -beside- her, rather than against her.

    I hereby call all Ciellonians to heed this coming test, and know that turning your back on Her, will only spell out pain. For Aloria has turned it's back on Estel for far too long, and we must recognize that it is time to be more faithful than ever. As we deliberate our motivations, reconsidering our world views—Estel will never abandon you, it is only you who may abandon Her, your True Mother.

    I hereby call the Freedom Arken—the same who had given our wayward Priest, Talisin the divine mission only a day ago. Hear the call of our All-Mother and her screams, bring her to freedom as you are her child. I call to you and hope that you hear me, let Estel walk and sit upon her Throne once again—the Exist, and I will forever serve this mission as my purpose. Approach me with the means to free her and I will forever be a servant in the name of freedom—to free my All-Mother. I will not rest until She is at peace and free once more.

    Darinrael Everei Lyarian Raylaikaen;
    'Darian Ralokan'
    • Winner Winner x 9
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  2. FeatheredBlade

    FeatheredBlade Local Imperial Knight Supremium

    Dec 21, 2020
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    The Villiers pauses in his rounds, letting his spear lean against him as he catches the fluttering parchment with armored fingers. A soft sigh escapes the man as he skims the contents, accompanied by a gentle shake of his helmet.

    "I admire their faith, a shame it is misplaced. May the Spirit grant them mercy in the next plane, so that they may be blessed with a clear sight."
    • Powerful Powerful x 2
  3. Proudbucket

    Proudbucket Custom title

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Imira walks in, checks the paper and scratches her head and mutters to herself:

    Abandon the allmother because of stuff that an arken or a powerful mage said so?
    Is this what worries Talisin? pff that would be silly.

    She shrugs and continues on her merry way, her faith not being affected in the least.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. CloverOverDover

    CloverOverDover sapphic, maffick, and graphic

    Jun 14, 2016
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    Melanie stares over the page with furrowed brows, a small chill running down her spine at its angered tone.

    “Spirit guide their endeavors true. Darian is— different but I respect his piety. I hope they fix whatever is of such concern.”

    She leaves the parchment gingerly on the notice board, continuing her walk.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. RainAxe

    RainAxe Refugee

    Oct 4, 2020
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    The Knight would gaze upon the notice. Reading such over with a distaste from beneath the helmet to see the worship being addressed. His days in the Monastery causing him to speak a few words amongst the notice.

    "I hope that this one opens their eyes. It pains me to see such words be given to such a wrong path."
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. MidnightRey

    MidnightRey Ruler of the Abyss

    Feb 5, 2018
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    "This sounds like a hilarious, and pathetic might I add attempt at stopping people from turning away from this Goddess. I abandoned her ways myself long ago, and I encourage others as well to stop believing in this fake Goddess."
    Said the creature made of plant and metal from a poster that somehow found its way into the sewers. Letting out a small chuckle.

    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Simslp

    Simslp About as productive as a Typhonus in Ithania.

    Sep 29, 2018
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    The patrolling Violet Guard would gaze upon such notice. The only reaction he could muster was to shake his head. Adding
    "It seems like they continue their road. Trying to end this plane and even searching for a twisted creature that the arken are. It is foolish to say one is better than the Archdemon, if the results are the same. It seems like these zealots aren't better than the voidlings. The dragons were right..." before looking around and trying to find his fellow Guardsman. Telling him the news @BeetrootSalad
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
  8. BitCatalyst


    Apr 4, 2021
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    The paper catches Theo’s eye as he lets out a sigh.
    “This is a dangerous way of thinking. I’m not surprised by Darian reacting this way, though.”
    He picks up the paper to dispose of it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. BeetrootSalad

    BeetrootSalad the gremlin Supremium

    Jun 2, 2015
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    • Powerful Powerful x 1

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