~the Silver Salon~


Mercenary, and part time badass
Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Wraithhold Company
The Silver Salon


Established in 308AC the Silver Salon is meant to be a one stop beauty shop! With anything from alchemical remedies to mundane beauty care products including perfumes, hair styling, tattoos, piercings, massages, Nail styling, Scar removal, and a spa day for anyone! The Silver Salon prides itself on service both mundane and through the silver specials. to get the men and women of regalia a simply dashing look.

Current location: PetalCourt11

Tattoos/Piercings: We offer tattoo both as a Silver special and basic. in appearance, Prices ranging from 15-40 regals for an hour of tattoo work, meaning the more time your bodily art takes, the more you will be charged, but we promise only the best of the best will be laying such a tattoo on our customers. Piercings can also be a Silver special, or basic., running about 15 regals flat for either type of piercing.

These Tattoos are currently ON CHARACTERS IRP right now from the Silver Stylist!

On @ZigsaK9 and his character Kemeiatee

On @_e_money_ and their character Ana, but painted gold.

on @BluKnight10 and his Character Yueliang

Hair Styling: We offer an assortment of hair styles from any Ailor or elvish culture! We promise to deliver what a customer desires to the best of our capabilities. For long haired individuals, male or female, the price is 10 regals for a styling, while short haired individuals will pay 7. We also can do hair extensions and dying for an added 10 regals to the original styling price! A standard package of hair styling includes washing, conditioning, trimming or styling. While the premium package includes extensions and dye.

These hairstyles have been IRPLY applied to characters, for a reference to what he can do!



on @froginsink and her character Rowen

On @Shade_Star and her Character Yvonne

On @CanadianNeighbor and her character Palina

on @Doeelk and her character Dusk

on @KeysReborn and her character Bliss Willow

on @IriCrescent and her character Auriane

on @SneakyLinguine and their Character Aeda'lyn
Massages: A massage is one of the other services our group offers, for 10 regals an hour you can have the time of your relaxing life in the downstairs massage parlor. You can even choose what style of massage you like for no extra charge!

Nails: We will style any and every type of nail, from claws to dainty finger nails, we will create beautiful patterns in the color of the customers request!

Scar Removal: Scar removal is a unique service our Salon offers, for a small, reasonable fee of 5 Regals, we will remove any blemish, scar, or unwanted mark on your skin, including poorly done Tattoos by our competitors!

~Special Packages~

Super Spa day: For 25 Regals, you will get 2 hours of a massage, free scar removal, and a hair wash/conditioning, as well as up to two hours in the massage parlors hot tub if you so wish!

The Beauty queens dream: for a low price of 20 Regals, we will style your hair, remove blemishes from your skin, and do you a complete make over! Even paint your finger and toenails!

~The Ultra Deluxe: The Ultra deluxe is priced at 35 Regals, but will offer scar remove, 2 hours massage, a hair styling, and nail styling. As well as a blissful 2 hours in the hot tub!

Super Special Package
VIP Treatment: It is priced at 30 Regals, but included a makeup makeover, a Hot tub visit, and access to the private lounge with a guest of your choice! To enjoy complimentary drinks and services! You can stay in the lounge as long as you want! With no restrictions and just hang out with your friends, one pass pays for two people for one day.

Monthly VIP Pass: If you wish to enjoy the private lounge on a frequent occassion, as well as the hot tub. This pass is for you, while it does not include the makeup makeover. Everything else in the VIP pass is included, except you only make ONE payment, and can bring TWO guests at a time! The price is a simple 65 Regal one time payment.

Yvonne de Pierre-Pass Owner
Palina de Pierre-Registed Guest of Yvonne
Bliss willow- Registered guest of Yvonne

~Beauty Products, Basic and Silver Special~

Perfume of the customers choice smell-25 Regals a bottle
Silver Special: Permanently smell like you want, from freshly baked cookies to Chocolate strawberries- 20 regals!

Acne cream-8 Regals
Silver Special Variant:Remove all blemishes from your skin permanently- 10 Regals

Hair styling products from gel to moose- 8 Regals
Silver Special :None

Hair dyes of any color-15 Regals
Silver Special: None

Silver Special eye color change, can be made any shade of silver, blue, purple, or green: 15 Regals

Teeth whitening basic: 10 Regals
Silver Special Variant: Straightens and whitens your teeth for life- 20 Regals

~Application for Employees!~
Discord Tag:
Character Name:
Posistion wanted: Stylist, Alchemist, masseuse/massuer , Tattoo Artist/piercings, Nail Stylist. Barkeeper/Cashier
Any criminal Record:
Any OOC Jails, mutes, or bans:
Character Sheet:
IC Letter to the Silver Stylist:

Last edited:
Updated! We now have a VIP package and Private lounge area!