Aloria Story Progression The Siege Of Shaaq-turnaal

Discussion in 'Progression Events' started by MonMarty, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    The siege of Shaaq-Turnaal came at a head on the morning of the 3rd of June, 305 AC. The Lieutenant General had already commanded the troops to take positions around the city to surround it, though allowed a small corridor on the north side from which a number of citizens tried to flee. Compliant with the Emperor’s Orders, the General sent forth the Cavalry to chase down these civilians who were fleeing on foot, some with barely a basket of belongings or carts with them. The cavalry made swift work of them, cutting down the ones who tried to run and finally executing the ones that did surrender or tried to avoid the fate that had been sealed on them.

    The Songaskians inside the city became aware that their situation was becoming more dire, though were given no moment of respite as the Regalian cannons spewed forth a rain of fire and death on the city walls. The Songaskians that tried to hold the walls with their skirmish weapons failed to achieve any number of significant casualties on the Regalian infantry lines, the artillery superiority of the Regalians was simply too great against the pearl bastion walls of the city, battered as they had been in the past months after relentless Bone Horror attacks. Before long, it was time to send forth the assault. From the left flank, Jared Luchs Kade commanded the infantry, from the middle vanguard, the Emperor Cedromar I Kade-Alltmeister commanded the central wing, and from the right, Theoden Typhonus led the right flank infantry. Ulric Typhonus remained at base camp to overlook the battle while Inspector Admiral Christopher Black also remained at base camp to assist in the supply train, along with his wife Duchess Dianne Black who assisted the medical camp.

    Meanwhile in the camp, a brunette woman of mischief tiptoed around the camp, giggling and sometimes wincing as she often lost balance, attempting to trod around the sandy desert rocks in her high heels and petite dress. She had been rejected from the original sign-up by the Lieutenant-General, but she had convinced herself that this moustached hero did not truly know what was good for him, and would eventually realize the love he should have for her. The medical staff paid little heed to her as she made her way to the Lieutenant-General’s camp, intent on declaring her love.

    The infantry assault started just as midday struck on the clock, all three columns advancing with a shield turtle formation towards the weakened breaches in the walls created by cannons but mere hours before. After encountering only minimal resistance from the Songaskia on the walls, the commanders deemed it appropriate to break formation and assault the walls head on by taking caution in the wind. After all, if there was only minimal ranged fire from the Songaskia, the assault would benefit from a quick attack to drive home the momentum of the battle. The first to break the walls interior was the left column commanded by Jared Kade. It stormed into the west district of Shaaq-Turnaal where the majority of the military seemed to be situated. An unfortunate early casualty was Vulmar Ravenstad, who despite attempting to protect the Crown Prince, found himself targeted by a Songaskian javelin that pierced his upper leg. He was quickly carried off the camp and Myla Reyner took excellent care of him, stopping the bleeding and ensuring that he would not succumb to his wound.

    Urgan Oaksplitter was equally unlucky. While attempting to strike down many enemies, he found himself struck by a heavy vase on the top of his head by a Songaskian civilian who was defending her home. He suffered a concussion and was dragged out of the battle to avoid him becoming overwhelmed by the heavy fighting in the west district. Gregor Typhonus and Fudail Bashshar in particular, both Lancyon fighters, distinguished themselves in the western district of the city, even to the personal note of the Lieutenant-General who was informed of their excellent performance in the field. Before long, Jared Kade had secured the western district, and approached upon the inner city walls. As he passed houses, looking at the frightened civilians closing windows and making offerings to their sungod, he could not help but shake the feeling like he was looking at ghosts, dead men and dead women who would soon meet their fate at the hands of an Imperial blade.

    The mysterious brunette at base camp struck once more as she had hidden behind one of the tent’s cloth pieces where the Lieutenant-General resided. She leaned up against the cloth in an attempt to catch a glimpse of her great love, the Revain Typhonus. Her heavy breathing could be heard by all in the tent who paused their tactical planning to look around in confusion. And yet, this encounter was avoided with a random gust of wind, strong enough to make the tent’s cloth violently lift up with force, knocking the mysterious brunette into another tent.

    In the eastern district, Theoden Typhonus had also breached the wall, but faced large numbers of skirmishers who had hidden in tall buildings and towers. The first stuck was Heikki Saari, having numerous arrows drilled into his back. He was quickly rushed back to base camp where Nicolette d’Eluise personally took charge of his medical care. She remained level headed and calm, and administered just the care Heikki needed. It was safe to say that afterwards, Heikki’s life was saved by Nicolette’s quick hands and calm approach to his medical needs. Lathai Daeyra was less lucky, they did not have a medical wonder child to take care of them and found themselves suffering a painfully broken leg for the remainder of the battle at base camp. Hjalmar Haagevig was the one that eventually broke the stalemate in the eastern district by charging up the towers himself as fast as he could and striking down the archers that continued to rain arrows on the streets below.

    The central column, led by the Emperor experienced more problems. The local Songaskian warlord had concentrated all efforts on the central district, and was aware that the Emperor was present in the battle, seeking to eliminate him as quickly as possible. The weakness in the wall had been feigned, in fact the gap was shut off as soon as the Emperor’s forward numbers had rushed through. Jaspar Qaseem was one among the first wounded as the Songaskians surrounded the Emperor’s retinue in large numbers. He was struck on the arm with a blade and forced to retreat to the back of the retinue where he continued to be trapped, unable to wield his sword any further in battle. Aedan Corlan was equally unlucky, a spear had penetrated his shoulder plate and seriously harmed him. Other soldiers closed ranks to ensure the wounded would not be slain as the Emperor started barking wild orders at the Blackclaw Guards.

    It was Richarr Ravenstad that would break the losing battle in the central column. Using his horse to scale the rubble of the central wall that the Songaskians had partially refilled by throwing stone boulders down, he was able to reach the top of the wall and race his horse all along the length of it towards the gatehouse. To his left, Regalians were fighting for their lives, and to his right, Regalians were desperately attempting to enter the city to join their Emperor in battle. Richarr eventually reached the gatehouse, dispatched the guards as he rode in on his horse and then finally threw his sword at the gate controls, loosening the weights and rapidly opening the gate. As the gate opened, Regalian soldiers flooded into the central avenues to the aid of the badly pressed soldiers that had been forced up against the wall.

    Leonzio Vauclain was one of the first to reach the badly pressed Emperor who was clean of any wounds, but certainly covered in the blood of both Regalians and Songaskians alike. With a set of fancy moves, he quickly dispatched enemies that stood before the Emperor before charging forward, bringing much needed morale to the soldiers that still held their ground. Kaja Santorski was equally skilled in breaching the first waves of Songaskians. She even impressed the soldiers around her and the Emperor alike by throwing her blade in the face of a nearby Songaskian, picking it back up as he fell backwards and continuing her fight, much reminiscing of the ferocity of her mother on the field.

    At that moment, despite his wound, Jaspar Qaseem launched himself in the way of the Emperor who was about to be charged down by a cavalryman from behind. With a last ditch throw of a dagger, Jasper was able to disable the horse and kill the horseman immediately after, all in the view of the Emperor who had just turned around to react to the commotion behind him. There was little time for an exchange of courtesies however, as the charge continued. Avilda Ignaard danced through the enemies with her dual axes as one of the very few Skaggers employed in the Ostmark Army, cutting down foes and eventually even squaring off against the Songaskian regional officer and slaying him. Carthas Norrvakt equally showed skill in protecting the Emperor as he charged forward to the heart of the Pearl City, keeping his flanks secure while the Blackclaw Guard formed the spearhead.

    It didn’t take long for the three columns to reconnect at the center of the city, but at this point the Songaskians were about ready to surrender. The commander had already given in and the signal was given to cease fighting on both sides. The battle had been won, with surprisingly little dead, but with a lot of wounded. The Emperor had all the nobility and military leaders dragged to the central square before Ulric Typhonus and the other Tacticians and commanders would join them. The Emperor then chose a single female Noblewoman, mounted her on a horse, gave her some water and then forced her to watch as he commanded the Blackclaw Guards to butcher the other nobles, including the woman’s family, children, and all the people she had ever known. Eventually the Emperor sent her on her way to deliver a message of the city’s fate to the Songaskia Massya and to tell him that he intended to exterminate all cities until the Massya unconditionally surrendered. As her horse was escorted out, the Emperor and the Lieutenant General gave the orders to purge the city. She was slowly escorted down the main avenues as regalian zealots and retinues that had joined the war effort went from house to house, killing anyone they could find. The city of Shaaq-Turnaal, one of the great Pearl cities of the Songaskia turned into a carnage as blood washed into the streets and an estimated thirty to forty thousand people were butchered in less than twenty four hours.

    Finally the Emperor brought in a column of chained mages who whipped up a fire and stone storm, tearing and smashing at the Songaskian sundials and effigies to their sun god, tearing down these pillars of heresy in front of an applauding crowd of military leaders. When all was said and done, the city was effectively empty far from the stench of death and Regalian soldiers. The command was given to commence looting, and this is where some people found some useful items. Carthan Norrvakt found a rare ruby encrusted curved Songaskian blade, probably belonging to a famous general that may or may not have died on the battlefield there that day. Hamelin de Vaud captured an extremely finely decorated silver Kaffee ware set, encrusted with sapphires and emeralds and shining brilliantly in reflective light. Hjalmar Haagevig managed to capture a smaller sundial plate, a relatively ugly, but otherwise solid golden plate that was worth about as much as a bouillon of gold and could certainly land him a nice property for life in Regalia. Finally, Richarr Ravenstad found the prize of them all, the Prince Aq’buwende’s coronet, a finely decorated coronet featuring dragon like creatures circling and holding a braided rope encrusted with sapphires and a single large crystal at the forehead. Submitted to the Emperor’s Stewards, he was permitted to keep it under the provision that the Empire did not recognize the noble rights of the Songaskians, and as such, their property was up for provisional looting by the men. The Emperor made no further claim to the noble possessions of the Princes, and as such, Richarr could take the coronet home.

    With the city of Shaaq Turnaal captured, the war had truly and fully begun. A foothold was made on Songaskian soil and the camp opted to camp outside of the city once more. This was purely chosen as no real attempt was made to clear out the corpses from the city. The Emperor made it strictly clear that this was not a conquest war and the Songaskians could come and reclaim this city later if they so desired after surrender. As a precaution to prevent undead from taking hold of the city, the corpses had been decapitated, though the soldiers refrained from re-entering the city where the corpses would start to rot in the coming days and bring pestilence to the land.

    As the military lords finally gathered back at base camp, the mysterious brunette struck once more. Deprived of her high heels, her dress torn to pieces and the sand having sandblasted her hair to utter ruin, she now possessed the stature of a common vagrant. As she attempted to approach the Lieutenant-General to proclaim her love through a poem, a stray horse that had been scared by the death smell of the bloodied Emperor and his Blackclaw Guard went berserk and ran straight into her, her hair entangling with the reigns and dragging her along as she shrieked in the distance. Unfortunately for the mysterious brunette who was no other than Violette Coen, the commanders were too busy toasting to notice her predicament, and she was later caught by a soldier who managed to finally catch up to the horse, put on a ship and sent back home.

    The Emperor made no further comments on the military plans laid out by the Lieutenant-General. He simply formally shook his hand, the Lieutenant-General completely clean washed and pristine looking while the Emperor was practically covered in blood. The Lieutenant-General now had the liberty to move the army in whatever direction he wanted, and the other Generals were informed that they also had the liberty to start their own campaign in the land of the Songaskians. The opening salvo had been fired, the stage and mood of this war had been set, and it was a grim one indeed.

    Further participations of characters who didn’t achieve any noteworthy actions or loot or wounds:
    Xavier Ravenstad, Violette Coen, Veridan Daevaar, Konnold Dunwynd, Kharzug Longscythe, Khalid Ordensias, Hadrian Grey, Borug Steelhide, Frederick Speziale, Eric Liolen, Dianne Black, Reynald Typhonus, Renly Kade, Oswald of Echten, Ossian Driscoll, Markus Haagenvig, Marcelo de Santigo, Lolettia Da'Pihuya, Trevor Grey, Gerolt Lispector, Gaspar dei Orazio

    Anyone who was wounded in this battle is barred from future battles for 2 weeks and ought to roleplay walking around with crutches for those 2 weeks duration.
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  2. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Avilda Ignaard earned a Medal of the Fire Heart
    Nicolette d'Eluise earned a The Noble Heart Minor
    Richarr Ravenstad earned a Medal of the Keen Mind
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  3. Peekaboop

    Peekaboop 하지만 그는

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Jaspar walked with his crutches, a frown on his face upon the disappointing moment of not earning a medal, he takes his time in remembering the emperors face at the time he killed the upcoming enemy. He shook his head with a clenched fist. Unsealing his pursed lips with a slightly monotone voice.
    "No matter, I'll prove my worth in the next war. Spirit Bless Regalia and the injured."
    The man walked on from that statement to congratulate the people praised and the people not rewarded.
  4. dboy_101

    dboy_101 Matthias Heinrich - The Old Man

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Matthias Heinrich
    Upon hearing of the Empire's success in Farah'deen, Matthias simply smiled to himself "Perhaps this I underestimated our power... Well, perhaps I will be allowed to participate next time."
  5. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Juliette listened to the news, picking her nail unhappily at the table in front of her as she did. When all was told, she rose from her seat and set out of the room. Her voice was a low grumble as she made off for Blacktower, left hand closed defiantly as she walked. "Rejected, great." She paused, her right heel on the road in front of her as she had halted mid-step. Juliette looked up as if consulting in the branches hanging lowly above her, bowing to age and the weight of leaves. She considered the advice she'd hear if she grumbled to Avilda, Valbrand, or her remaining sister before setting her shoulders back and continuing on as if she'd never stopped. After a moment, she said aloud to herself and the wind and anyone bored enough to listen to a young noble's words, "I suppose I'll simply have to try again."

    A few minutes later, she'd entered the door of Blacktower and prepared to start a patrol.
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  6. Jouster

    Jouster stutterer

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Valbrand Haagenvig sipped from a cup of kaffee as he took in the results of the siege. His lips formed into a smile at the mention of his brother's actions. Maybe he could join the next battle. But for now, he could only anticipate future skirmishes and the like. The Northerner perched the hot cup on top of the table which faced the tavern's rather wide fireplace. Then, he started to ponder about his unfortunate rejection. Always tomorrow.


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  7. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Smoke and blood. The scent was almost too much for Jared Kade to bear as he watched his men put civilian after civilian to the sword. The corpses around the city grew by the minute, and the stench came with it. He had served in many wars but this was different. This was nauseating. Not hours ago he had pleaded against this very course of action, but cracking jokes with his friend and his master seemed so far away now, in the broken streets of a city he had torn apart. His pride over the success of his flank was hard to find as he lifted his blade, stomping off to join his mercenaries in the grim slaughter ahead of them. He killed many that day, but the majority he killed had not a weapon in their hand, nor hope in their eyes. Only a terrible reflection of the cost of this war.

    And yet, Jared Kade did his duty. He had to take pride in this, he had to be content with this. He had to lie, for only disloyalty would come from the truth.
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  8. Deleted User 0206201901

    Deleted User 0206201901 Beggar

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Theodon Typhonus
    That was a bloody massacre, the general remarked to one of his subordinates as they were paving their way through the blood-drenched sand where the battle took place. Not all the bodies had been disposed of yet, even some were still partially alive. Wounded regalian soldiers went to the medicals tents but the same could not be said about the Songaskians that had literally bit the dust in such large numbers. At least a quarter of the Songaskians soldiers that had fallen were half-alive and they had yet to be brought down, he actually had to order a handful of his soldiers to do just that. Lucky for the general he could already withdraw towards the camp in celebration but the wailing of the wounded and the innocent would resonate in his mind all night.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. xandiexand299

    xandiexand299 The King in the North?

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Aedan grunted, reaching for his injured shoulder where the spear had penetrated his shoulder. "I've decided I hate spears..."
  10. Varisus

    Varisus Refugee

    Jan 20, 2014
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    Garret Ames kicked his feet back, staring deep into the fire as embers danced around, his flask laid beside him with only a sliver of liquor left as he attempted to process the information. It was unnatural how quiet the room was, filled only by the snapping and popping of the fire, the noise so sporadic as the flames danced along with the embers, as if to represent the chaos taking place overseas. With a shake of his head Garret knocked back the remaining liquor as he tossed his rejection letter to the very fire. Later he dropped backwards to his bed with a sigh of relief as he muttered to himself. "Women and Children? Guess It's a good thing I was rejected, bloody animals..."
  11. Timisc

    Timisc The Worst

    Apr 14, 2016
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    The Dressolini tore through threat after threat, problem after problem, in more ways than one these past few months. It had been quite a while since he had seen battle, or even fighting for that matter, but it all came to him as if he had never stepped away from his training for a single day. He weaved through body after body, his blades gliding through the air, following one another as if they belonged together, finding purchase into the flesh of each Songaskian that crossed his path and taking them down. It reminded him of simple times, no politics, no drama, simply fighting his “brothers” in Turall and at one point the Elves of 302 AC. It was all so natural, so easy for him. He enjoyed it.

    A smirk pressed across his lips as he continued tearing through each being that crossed him and soon made it to the pressed Emperor. His newly re-found confidence erupted from him and he rallied those around him. “Bring them to their knees, men! Take this city in the name of the Spirit and your Emperor!” Leonzio bellowed out as he charged in once more, his blades again moving in sync and slicing through Songaskian after Songaskian.
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  12. Wumpatron

    Wumpatron Das Wump

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Carthas held his newly acquired blade in his hand. He hadn't been trained to handle blades due the time it would have taken him to master the skill, rather opting for the ease of use that maces provide. Regardless, he held the blade, inspecting it. Perhaps should he survive the entirety of the conflict some training would be called for order? It mattered not currently as he looked down at his mace, chunks of Songaskian stuck onto the head of the weapon. He looked up as he believed one of the fallen bodies was squirming with life. The eunuch stepped over the Songaskian body and stared at it. Looking down at the blade, Carthas struck at the neck of the body, removing it's head. He smiled to himself, moving to another body, removing it's head. For the next moments Carthas gleefully removed heads until he was summoned away.
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  13. Batel_

    Batel_ Magical Batel

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Raja Ahmad marched two steps behind the young Lady Vauclain through the cobbled streets and into the tavern. The house guard kept silence as she listened to her Lady speak of the war news to other young nobility. "Rejected.", she had answered some time earlier when questioned why she had not left with the fleet.
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  14. Ellimairy

    Ellimairy Sophia Du Polignac

    Sep 15, 2013
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    Violetta Coen earned a Broken Heart.

    Sophia shook her head at the news. ''They killed all of them.'' She huffed as she spoke to some Ithanians on the street. ''Even children? Have they lost their minds? I know they are the enemy but what if faith turns on us?''
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. GRIST_

    GRIST_ The Antagonist Premium

    Aug 8, 2016
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    Avilda had never fought in a war, she thought that there would be a lot of thinking and a plan once she was out fighting but now...there wasn't. It was all a flash and blur for her her thoughts only holding onto one thing as enemy after enemy was slain 'They must all die'. It was bloody but Avilda hardly noticed as she just kept fighting.

    Songaskian after Songaskian fell around her as the battle continued, and she found herself looking directly at the Songaskian regional officer. For that one moment she made up her mind and an urge that shook her entire body made her rush forward and at the man. She was fighting for her Emperor, and she would stop at nothing to win.
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    #15 GRIST_, Jun 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  16. MantaRey

    MantaRey repairing the gens Staff Member Lore2

    Jun 6, 2016
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    There was no sense of thorough satisfaction that coursed through her body. Every sight and sound struck every potential chord they could within her, and for a while she was seeing things, the enemies, in nothing but tunnel vision. For what seemed to be eons, Kaja was lost in her own sense of hysteria; fueled by her desire to live, to redeem herself, and to heal. She needed to survive. She needed to win. She needed to prove to those around her that was no longer the frail, cowering girl she was.
    Yet, with each swing of her longsword, each pivot of her feet as she took on foes in the front lines, that panic strangled at her soul and her mind. It was imperative that she live: for herself, for her family, and now, for the Emperor's sake. The war was cruel, and never would she boast in the sights she saw; so, for all these things, she struck down the oncoming Songaskian with an act of ferocious desperation, lost within her tunnel vision. Though the fellow fell, there were more to defeat.
    She did what needed to be done.

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  17. Walrusaur_

    Walrusaur_ Force of Chaos

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Einarr Norrvakt stood from his chair in the Ironwolves Den, holding in his hand a copy of the battle report. His good eye scanned the paper, soaking up each and every detail before setting it down on the desk. "Brandt, I want you to ready our men for a long voyage. Weapons, rations, everything else they need." He finished before moving across the room to a familiar set of cloth armour on display. His hand trailed along the gold accents, the direwolf pelt stitched to the shoulder piece. He slowly changed into his old attire, remembering how it felt to charge across the field alone, wreaking havoc as he went, felling whatever foe dared oppose him. He adjusted the wolf's pelt on his shoulders and let out a sigh. A grin slowly worked its way onto his face as he thought about his lengthy life, wondering to himself "What is left to do but die well?"
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  18. NChulingeth

    NChulingeth Meemay. Premium

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Rokh'Pokka stared blankly into the distance, his eyes wide with excitement, as he saw the sight. An entire battlefield filled with men-- That was, until he was brought back to reality by that single word. "Rejected!" He stormed back to his Pride, absolutely fuming and sputtering away to his forced audience, spouting on and on about how the commanders in the field would be missing out on his service until they came to their senses, starting off with "Can you believe that, Nal?!" And rambling on. He would be sure to join them next time, however.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
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  19. Arganam

    Arganam Lord Brandt von Eisner

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Finally, the almost sunken Anglian frigate arrived at shore, Johnathan burst out of his cabin with a suit of antlered armor that made him look 7 feet tall. He waved a flaming sword in the air, attemting to rally his men, but oil that had dropped from the blade quickly managed to catch his cape on fire. He cursed as he struggled to remove it, many men laughed. Finally, a de-caped Johnathan turned to his left, and saw the already conquered city. "That dang void infested +_$&$#, #&#$&&# #__$&&#&+$_-## &#$_## storm!". After a way too long stream of cusswords the Count took off his helmet and threw it down on the deck, sadly, Johnathan assumed that the whole war was over, due to having drank a bottle, or ten, too much whiskey the previous night. To the crews confusion, he ordered the ship to turn back towards Anglia. Later that night a still drunk Johnathan realized the war was not over, and found his way to a rowboat, and started rowing towards farahdeen, throwing up all over along the way. He fell asleep, and lost course. he was found by a local songisan Fisher, who a drunk Johnathan threw overboard. He soon sobered up, and arrived in farahdeen, with no men, no sword, and a helmet-less suit of fancy armor. If word of anything reached regalia, it would be that Johnathan is missing.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Educated Educated x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #19 Arganam, Jun 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
  20. Legoclub22

    Legoclub22 The Antagonist's Right-Hand

    Oct 26, 2014
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    Benedict got wind of the news, receiving it in shock. "By the Void, that's a bit brutal even for my taste. Seems our Emperor will do Regalia right." He took another drink of his Whiskey, and returned to his novel.
  21. Anseran

    Anseran Ifrit Enthusiast

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Sat within the garden chamber of the central tavern, the meticulous Sonja Apoleno sat in wait... His ears listening to the many soldiers who cheered at the death and the glory they had won for their Emperor. It was foreign... But it was also War. He took the time to glance at these people, and then considered whether or not it was morally Just... The execution of so many, to make a point? The man had many ways of viewing the act: Strategical, childish, worthwhile, a waste of time, and so on.

    It took hours, yes. In the end, he realised but one thing... He's on this side on the wall of War, and beggars can't be choosers. Those who died knew that the moment the Pearl wall came down on each side; the Songaskians and the Regalian's alike. To him the wall was much more metaphorical, yet it made much more sense to consider it in this way. He was on this side of the wall, and crying about death being wrong doesn't stop the Songaskians from taking a chance to put a wall between us once again, to decide who should gain "glory". Pft... It was time to get busy, clearly...

    "Oi! You lot! Where do I sign up?!"​

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