The Shipwreck Inkwell


Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score

- The Shipwreck Inkwell -
[ Information ]
The Shipwreck Inkwell or better yet known as just The Shipwreck is a body care and tattoo parlor within the Emporium. People are commonly encouraged to stop on by to treat themselves to a tattoo or other body care items they have to offer. But it is said that for a price they give information to those that ask.

We accept both walk ins and tattooing appointments. When booking an appointment send an ic letter Kai's way aka a DM to Nesstro via the forums or discord.

[ Workers ]

Kai-si'en | Tattoo Master - @Nesstro
Tulip | Tattoo Master - @ShipIt

Tattoo Apprentices - Open for Applications
Bodycare/Massage Therapists - Open for Applications

[ Things Offered ]
The Shipwreck offers many services to the various groups within the sewers, such as;

All tattooing will be done IC and then if requested Nesstro will add the tattoo edits to the skin itself. Said tattooing on skins will be free of charge oocly.
Each tattoo price is based on how long it takes + supplies used and depend on the tattooer.

Similar to tattooing, piercings will be done IC and can be requested to have Nesstro add it to the skin free of charge oocly.
These are typically 10 regals for a piercing and are either charged 5 or 10 more regals depending on if a person buys a pair of earrings to have something to switch out.

Hair Pieces
These such things are hats, headbands, ribbons, and on occasion, haircuts.
Pricing depends on what item is bought.

Body Care Package
The body care package is a pampering pack of a massage along with a haircut, either a tattoo or a piercing or hairpiece, and perfume or cologne to get rid of the sewer smell.
This is typically priced at 20 to 50 regals based on if a piercing, hairpiece, or tattoo is done with it.

[ Applications ]

Character Name:
Specialize in?: [Tattoos/Piercings/Bodycare]
Character App: [Optional!]
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Applications are currently OPEN.