Combat Guild The School Of Ylesse


Staff member
Dec 29, 2021
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The School of Ylesse


The School of Ylesse, started by Meriya Cavaal in December 310AC, is something of a flight of fancy on the Solvaan's part, a desire to bring something useful to the people of Regalia, as well as something that made use of their particularly focused skillset. The Ylesse is a Combat Guild focused on mutual improvement through sparring, study, mindfulness and discipline.

The School of Ylesse is focused almost entirely of helping people get used to CRP systems in a comfortable environment where they can spar and PvP to their heart's content without much concern for OOC conflicts. Both PvP and PvE events will be hosted, and all types of combat are welcome and catered for.

The Ylesse Guild intends to host all manner of events, with a focus on the members involved. These will range from PvE-styled excursions into the Mist-filled forests of Solleria to challenge the party's martial skills in a series of trials, to PvP-styled battles in the various Arenas of the city. Pursuits of Scholarly excellence, as well as Galas, Parties and all manner of Celebrations will also be hosted.

One big part of the School of Ylesse is that it's structure will be a call back to old Combat Schools of 2018-ish Massive, where Combat Schools mattered. Except this one will be built and shaped by the players involved, to maybe provide their characters with something to take away. This means the School will develop 'disciplines'.

Establishments currently held by the Ylesse-Aveia Guild consist of:
  • The Pale Flame Lounge.
Other structures the Guild frequents will be listed when they become relevant.

Disciplines are the term used to refer to the various courses and styles offered by the Mentors of the School of Ylesse, each mentor has a different skillset and different talents to offer, so don't be afraid to approach them!
  • Meriya Cavaal (@Stellarrix) is the Mentor of the Discipline of Bannership, which finds much of it's lessons grounded in Team Command, Supportive Magic, Formations, and wielding a Warbanner and Single-Handed Blade in Combat, alongside an elective course of Horsemanship.
The Ylesse-Ise Combat Guild was previously an extension of my Mercenary Company, but now I would rather hard-shift it into something else, in tagging along with this idea, you'll be invited to participate in:
  • Sinnavei's Trials hosted by Meriya via my Custom Kit.
  • Combat Training and mutual improvement roleplay.
  • Writing of IC Combat Theory and treatises to be posted on the Forums, building up and developing individual character styles.
  • Hopefully granting a lasting impact on other characters who join up, granting them something extra to add to their character's skillsets.
If you're interested in tagging along, please contact me at Stellar#5233, or fill out the application form below, and I'll contact you.

I'm currently looking for people to fill out the roster as mentors and as participants, if you think your character has a cool and consistent combat style that you'd like to inspire other characters to use, do come along!

Character Name / App:
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Bumping this, as it's finally relevant again. Some updates:
  • It's no longer a band of do-gooders, but instead a full-fledged Combat School, that will have disciplines dictated by the mentors involved.
  • Come make your character's combat style a thing that's taught to other people for them to use as well, brag about how cool your OC's combat style is.