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The Same Notice For Two Worlds


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
*On the Regalian noticeboard a notice was placed up, openly and baring the sigil of the order known to some by the name Darkmark, and others by the name Stealthmark*
Dearest Potential Employees of Regalia,

I am going to keep this short and sweet. I, Virio Crumm, Champion of the Darkmark Order am seeking new members to join a mercenary chapter/guard charter (depending on those turning up) I intend to generate within the coming months/weeks. The skills required for those signing on will include Rogue Training aka Stealth Abilities, and Combat Proficiencies which will increase the ability of Stealth orientation. Those who are, like me, also from the Order of the Darkmark would also be accepted quickly. If you also have had a criminal history you will be accepted without question, bearing in mind that you haven't done anything too serious of note, and haven't committed so many crimes that you are to be untrustworthy. We also do not take aberrants unless collared, well known of in the government, or trusted by the government, like few of you are. In fact, even then it might be a rare case, of course depending on the case. Also, I will be seeking those who are not afraid of the darkness of the sewers. After all big strong bounty hunters or guardsmen shouldn't be afraid of the dark, right? Either way, I hope the populace of the city at least think on the offer I am putting forth, for either the good of another, more stealth orientated guard order within the city, or at least a mercenary chapter of similar skill, again serving the city populace. Though perhaps in different ways.
Virio Edwin Crumm

*On the back of the letter, in Thieves Cant it had a small, another message, readable by few, save for those with Underworld Knowledge*

Find him in the darkness of the dripping tunnels if you can read this, and comprehend the letters. You're the real target that this message needs, and not some ponces from above.


*On the Sewer Tavern noticeboard another message was posted. The same sort of paper, however, the handwriting was more jagged. Perhaps on purpose, perhaps not. Curious indeed.*
Citizens of the Sewer not already in one of the Three Major Players save for the Vampires,

I, The Returned Revenant, am looking for those willing to sign on with me and my new business I will begin to form down here in the shadow tunnels. I am a relatively new player down here in the shadows, however, I have already made friends with a certain Vampire Lord, bless his bloodwine drinking soul, and intend to make more friends (and potential business partners) along the way down here. But what do I need from you? Well, I need good strong blokes, willing to crush those who would try to steal from us, those with a knack for stealing from those above (though not members of us below), and those with a knack for getting "good" items to sell from all sorts of places, like from others or from their own initiative. If all of these people were to step forward and join my Revenant's Revelry, we would have a booming economy, sharing the coin between us, and getting rich, while also aiding our fellow sewer dwellers and giving a big "Fuck you" to the men upstairs. Of course, we might also impede on some businesses up there to help us out too, which would be good. As well as this I could also give some of your backup plans and alibi, and more legal forms of work as well, under mercenary banners or the like, doing work for the state while also work for the sewer, course doing more work for the sewer and yourself too. I am all about Sewer-Cohesion and as such, I would love to see as many of you with my group as bloody possible. After all if we all work together, we all profit, ey?
Hope to see some gits around soon,
The Returned Revenant
PS: To those of you who would be interested, might host a ball or two in the coming months as well. A bit of fun for the community, ay?

*Attached to the letter, would be the same message again in Thieves Cant, for those willing to read it again in Thieves Cant*