Magical Guild The Sacred Winds Arcana Guild


Jul 26, 2021
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⫷The Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana⫸

[In the rustling leaves and the whispering trees,
There's a message carried on the gentlest breeze,
Unveiling the gifts that growth will bring.
Embracing the potential within us all.]


『||GUILD INFORMATION || to note one's identity.

The Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana, carrying on the name of its founder's previous Regalian establishment, was founded on August 9th, 311 AC by Countess Izel Mecatl. It seeks to prove to the Empire that magic can be utilized for good and be approached from a constructive, methodological standpoint much like its secondary focus on the ways of Alchemy and other mundane sciences. It consists of a vast array of mages, medics and academics, as well as any who are willing to put effort towards their common goal. Research and discoveries are a big part of the Guild as well.
…. The Sacred Winds Guild's thematic colors are Teal, gold, and Grey. A notable symbol the guild will be seen using is leaves flying in the wind.

『||WHAT WE OFFER|| the benefits of membership.

The Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana is a structured organization that provides a variety of services, resources and opportunities for individuals who practice magic. Most of these apply to its offerings towards the sciences as well. An organization such as this serves as a hub for education, collaboration and advancement.

『Education and Training』
…. The Members of this guild will have the opportunity to receive thorough training in magic, medicine and other currently available sciences. There are a range of magical specialties, such as utility, melee casting, ranged casting and imbuing objects with power.
『Library and Facilities』
…. The vast libraries of the Sacred Winds Guild are stocked with informational literature, priceless for researching and broadening one's understanding of their subjects. Members have access to these resources to learn more about their chosen subjects.
…. Hands-on research is provided for with workshops and facilities equipped with tools and ingredients necessary for magical and scientific experimentation. Members can practice spellcasting, craft items, develop new techniques and refine their skills. House Mecatl's distribution of herbs and alchemy means there are a large array of supplies to be used, however, many of them require permission to access.
『Networking and Collaboration』
…. Mages and scientists are given a place to connect and collaborate with others who share their interests. Members can exchange ideas, share experiences and even collaborate on complex magical tasks. Guild collaborations frequently result in novel solutions and discoveries.
『Challenges and Competitions』
…. These foster growth and healthy competition among Members. The Sacred Winds Guild will often host challenges, dueling tournaments and other contests. These events allow members to showcase their skills, learn from others and potentially earn recognition within the community.
『Protection and Advocacy』
…. The Sacred Winds Guild serves as protectors of their members, providing a united front against external threats. They may negotiate with political authorities on behalf of practitioners and ensure rights are upheld. In some settings, they will also offer magical security services or support in times of crisis.
『Rites and Rituals』
…. The Sacred Winds Guild will often organize and lead rituals, ceremonies and magical rites that foster a sense of community among members. These events can range from celebratory festivals to solemn gatherings, strengthening the bond between guild members. It can include therapeutic meetings.



『||GUILD RANKINGS AND BRANCHES|| all cogs to the clock.

『Bora』Held indefinitely by Countess Izel Mecatl. This position deals with executive decisions for the Guild, and holds the final say in consultancies.
『Foehn』Members trusted to make executive decisions in lieu of the Bora. This includes the Guard captain.
『Mistral』Members who have proven to hold initiative, the third line of representatives if the first two are unavailable. They may be given head positions in facilities run by the guild, but may only have this rank paired with a singular Levant branch.
『Levants』Members of the Guild. They are granted default access and rights of the organization. There exist five branches of which the Member can belong to.
Magic || The science of Magic. Those belonging to this branch actively work on themselves and help others in this field.
Alchemy || The science of Alchemy. Those belonging to this branch actively work on themselves and help others in this field.
Mundane || The Sciences. This also covers miscellaneous material such as botany and other highly specialized subjects. Those belonging to this branch work on themselves and help others who may be in their field.
Guard || Those who utilize their branch or other means to protect or provide manpower for the Sacred Winds Guild. They will be called out to aid in retrievals of rogue mages and other events that require martial skill.
Shopkeep || People who work at one of the Guild's off shooting businesses. It is frequently paired with one of the branches above.​
『Sirocco』New members of the Guild, undergoing a trial process for evaluation. They may not have a chosen branch yet, and do not have access to Guild resources without at the very least a Levant present.
『Sprouts』Apprentices to the Guild, of any branch they were not previously skilled in. A Member can be an apprentice, but it's not required. Upon approval from a Bora or Foehn, they may take an apprenticeship with any member of the guild.


『Respect』Members must treat one another with dignity and courtesy, recognizing the unique perspectives and magical traditions that each member brings to the guild.
『Ethical Magic Use』Members are obligated to use magic for the greater good, refraining from malicious or harmful actions. The use of magic to manipulate, control others against their will, destroy surroundings, harm others, or break the law is prohibited by the code.
『Secrecy and Discretion』Members must keep the guild's knowledge and practices confidential, ensuring that the mysteries of certain actions remain protected from those who might misuse them.
『Collaboration and Unity』Members are encouraged to collaborate on projects, experiments, and magical endeavors, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within the guild.
『Conflict Resolution』The code provides mechanisms for resolving disputes or conflicts within the guild through open communication, mediation, and a commitment to finding solutions that align with the guild's values.
『Respect for Non-Magical Beings』Mages are expected to treat non-magical beings with respect and empathy, refraining from exploiting their abilities for personal gain.
『Contribution to the Community』The code encourages members to use their magical talents to contribute positively to the broader community, whether through healing, protection, education, or other means.
『Personal Responsibility』Practitioners must take ownership of the consequences of their magical actions, learning from mistakes and striving to minimize harm.
『Balanced Power』The code emphasizes that power must be wielded responsibly, advocating for humility in the face of magical abilities and a keen awareness of the potential consequences of their actions.


『OOC Conduct』We expect our members to show good and respectful conduct out of character.
『Conflict』Conflict is to be kept strictly IC. OOC communication is encouraged, but it should not lead to OOC arguments.
『Metagaming』 Metagaming is strictly forbidden, and will be dealt with accordingly if heard about such.
『Activity』We don't require lots of activity from each member, but being open and communicating about it is always appreciated.



The Sacred Winds Guild for the Advancement of Science and Arcana is always looking to recruit both capable members, as well as trustworthy business partners! See below how you can be a part of the group's activities:

Applying for membership is preferably done IC by finding Countess Izel Mecatl or one of her known higher-ups for an interview. If you have trouble finding us or if there are reasons you cannot seek us out, Reach out to me on Discord (Wildsages) to arrange alternatives.
Business Partnerships are arranged by finding Countess Izel Mecatl or one of the known higher-ups IC, or reaching out on Discord (Wildsages).
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