The Sacrament Of Harmony.

"And for as long as I shall live, I will remain by your side.
Ever-faithful, what is mine is yours until and beyond
my final days." - Tobie Peirgarten 306AC


As the days flew by in Regalia with the coming of the new year, a war on two fronts and a dragon assaulting the homeland on an almost daily basis, many were relieved at the coming of a joyous occasion. The 18th of January held the Union between Kimmie Grey and Tobie Peirgarten, a purely Unionist Wedding, mind you.

In the early hours of the morning in the chapel grounds, large banners of House Peirgarten were hung as well as fresh flowers being set about the grounds. The chapel bell rang out it's lunchtime tolls by the time the decorating was done and in that moment, the building was flocked by friends and family of the couple.

Tobie arrived in his family colours, a tight-fitted suit with golden accents to keep it all together. He seemed to wear an abundant amount of accessories, such as rings and strange bracelets upon his person, as well as his Family Sword.

Meanwhile, Kimmie brought herself down to the aisle to the strains of a beautiful canon. Her dress was a beautiful green with gold, adorned with a brooch in the style of the House Bigge anchor that adorned their family sigil.

The two, stood at the altar with a brilliant array of light shining down on them in multiple colours through the stained glass windows. The Priest stepped forth to read out the Sacrament of Harmony, the couple looking to each other the whole time. As the end of the Sacrament was read and the vows were spoken to one another, that the guests may also hear them, the chapel erupted into cheering and clapping. The two lovebirds brought themselves to kiss one another and then walk back down the aisle and out the door.

Later that day, the newly married couple showed their faces at the Azure Premise to buy a round of drinks for their friends. It seemed a reasonably simplistic way to spend their time with family and friends, however the next day on January the 19th was intended for the newlyweds to spend alone.

( @seoulmate @Springheel @Levanta @_Owlet @Plutopup @SpoopMelon )
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OOC Note: This story isn't a masterpiece and certainly didn't have any creativity thrown into it, try not to get angry at any spelling mistakes or otherwise.~
Clementine scoffing, "Good luck, little girl."
Lucien, upon returning from said wedding (where he'd been sat at the back, watching with a look of extreme displeasure; stupid marriage with Kimmie's stupid smile with Tobie's stupid love-struck love and their stupid kiss what a stupid wedding.), violently slammed his head down on the desk in front of him, fist following with a thump. "Void Sake, Kimmie Bigge-- Pah, should I say Kimmie Peirgarten. Worst mistake. Urgh, she's a fool. Such a fool. Stupid friend making stupid life choices with stupid abusive people who like to insult other people to make up for his own stupidity because he's stupid! And why, Spirit tell, did she look so voided happy?! She's marrying Tobie. That should be a deterrent in of itself, I tell you!" The Rosendahl grumbles, standing to flop onto his bed with a sigh, "He's an insufferable prat, and she married him. How could she marry him? That was the worst thing I've ever forced myself to attend! Never again, I tell you. Ridiculous! Terrible! Shocking! Stupid!" On and on continues the grumbling, the male not leaving his room until an hour later, where he stalks towards the tavern, an air of annoyance around him as he mutters insults in Leutz.
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Lazaruz would clap them on at the aisle, atleast some people got their happy endings, mmm?
Czylle rolled her eyes as the gathering approached the Premise. She had been sat at one of the larger tables with her Ravenstad companion, but quickly made herself ready to leave.

"It finally happened then," she'd say quietly to Erwald, "them getting married, that is. At least that means the free drinks and regal drama with Solaine was all worth it."
She stood then, swinging her legs from under the table,

"Now you have to come up with a good location for our party. I hope you decide on something better than the Premise... No pressure, my Lord"

With a wink flashed to the Ravenstad, Czylle began to make her way off.

Maxence Piergarten:
He sniffed, rubbing his nose with a handkerchief. Always having a soft spot for weddings, as well as hoping his brother to be happy. Now that he was for certain, he was ready to take a step in hopefully finding love himself, "Incroyable" he murmured softly under his sigh.