Archived The (rp) Purge.

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Firework Salesman
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Algaron, North West Deandroc
One day per year...

All RP is legal...

RP staff services are temporarily disabled...

Your server thanks you for your participation in...

-=-=-=- THE PURGE -=-=-=-


Once a year, all RP is completely legal. This includes ridiculous god-RP, RP'ing as demonic unicorns, RP'ing as the Emperor of Regalia, RP'ing that Regalia is in fact nothing more than a dream, ANYTHING.

In order to further support this exciting event, staff members would also be present in and around major RP locations to assist in the special effects. It's one thing to simply exclaim that there is a wall of watermelons outside the tavern, but it's another to walk outside and see it has already been built.

Granting ulimited access to the shriek command to all players during The Purge, in addition to any other cosmetic (and annoying) RP features can only add to the fun. Awards may be given to those with the most ridiculous experiences.


EDIT: Any ERP, swearing, or exceptionally inappropriate or disrespectful behavior would not be allowed.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
With the exception of the above problem, I think that might actually be a fairly good (Edit: fun) idea. April Fools. I think I will support this. With the exception of the above problem, of course.
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Uugh please no.

Also I believe Shreik is no longer in the game <3
The secound movie was better than the first one.
I would have to say no. Mostly because it causes, pretty much inherently, intense chaos. And it would probably scare off newer players if there was a bunch of people running around screaming randomness and the possibility of random "giant walls of watermelons".
I wouldn't call it a purge, I'd call it a Headache.
I would pity the staff with all the tickets and complaints they'd probably get.
  • This would cause too much commotion, and might be much more trouble rather then fun.
  • Special effects wouldn't work, given the sheer amount of players in contrast to staff- It would take to long.
  • This would be too frustrating for people who would want to /actually/ roleplay.
  • This sounds like an idea that someone would come up with if they didn't like the lore...
I would most likely support this idea if the crime part was the only thing allowed, not so much the RP as whatever you want part.

I was a little hurt that you added the extra poll option, James...

I'm sure your intentions were good, and I absolutely respect your opinion, but did you really need to embarrass and shame me on my own post, especially by using staff abilities unavailable to normal accounts?

I'm confused, and quite frankly, disappointed... I've always respected your maturity as a staff member; what led you to do this?

Surely there are better ways to express your opinion than publicly shaming the author; I feel betrayed...

Whether you intended this as a joke or simply as a clever and unique way to show your opinion, I feel obliged to let you know that in doing so, you have hurt a dedicated member of your server :/
For all you roleplayers saying it would cause you to not roleplay I have an idea. Maybe leave Regalia. :O I know its a new concept but seriously factions and outside worlds can be used by roleplayers too.

I was a little hurt that you added the extra poll option, James...

I'm sure your intentions were good, and I absolutely respect your opinion, but did you really need to embarrass and shame me on my own post, especially by using staff abilities unavailable to normal accounts?

I'm confused, and quite frankly, disappointed... I've always respected your maturity as a staff member; what led you to do this?

Surely there are better ways to express your opinion than publicly shaming the author; I feel betrayed...

Whether you intended this as a joke or simply as a clever and unique way to show your opinion, I feel obliged to let you know that in doing so, you have hurt a dedicated member of your server :/
The Poll options you provided were limited, and not truly sensible.
I'm going to take it as these were the original options:
  1. Obviously! What a fantastic idea; I'm totally in! [Um. Okay.]
  2. No. But I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues. [Quite Rude..]
  3. i iz vampr l00king 4 vampr fraction plz. [A Joke???]
Do any of these seem at all non-embarrassing? The first one is fine, but you didn't give a polite option to disagree. "I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues" is not at all mature, so who are you to judge other's maturity? I /myself/ chose the joke option, but I think the fourth reason Jamescl added was quite reasonable. It was not intended to shame you in anyway, from my point of view, but to instead to add a normal response for people to disagree.
Your poll was biased, leaning towards agree'ing, and not able to give a disagree without looking dumb.

No. I'm disagreeing as although this may seem fun, it ruins the emersion of the server.
May I ask how you are hurt by this? It was simply an addition to the poll.
It's saying although this might seem fun and all, it would not fit. It's better then the 'No' option you gave, for sure.

If anyone shamed you at this point, it would probably be me, and I apologize.
The Poll options you provided were limited, and not truly sensible.
I'm going to take it as these were the original options:
  1. Obviously! What a fantastic idea; I'm totally in! [Um. Okay.]
  2. No. But I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues. [Quite Rude..]
  3. i iz vampr l00king 4 vampr fraction plz. [A Joke???]
Do any of these seem at all non-embarrassing? The first one is fine, but you didn't give a polite option to disagree. "I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues" is not at all mature, so who are you to judge other's maturity? I /myself/ chose the joke option, but I think the fourth reason Jamescl added was quite reasonable. It was not intended to shame you in anyway, from my point of view, but to instead to add a normal response for people to disagree.
Your poll was biased, leaning towards agree'ing, and not able to give a disagree without looking dumb.

No. I'm disagreeing as although this may seem fun, it ruins the emersion of the server.
May I ask how you are hurt by this? It was simply an addition to the poll.
It's saying although this might seem fun and all, it would not fit. It's better then the 'No' option you gave, for sure.

If anyone shamed you at this point, it would probably be me, and I apologize.

Nevertheless, it is his post.

Nevertheless, it is his post.

But in asking for feedback, the poll which is also meant for feedback should reflect all options, not just options that invalidate the whole purpose of a poll in the first place. His thread yes, but doesn't he welcome all opinions? After all, this is an idea feedback thread. And since this added another option, why should there be a problem with this? I think the edit was justified and welcomed.
In my opinion, the idea is useless(No offence whatsoever. Sorry if I hurt someones feelings). I mean, why can't people just light rp in their own factions? I mean there is no rule that you can't light rp or disregard the lore on other worlds, it's just in Regalia that you HAVE to follow the lore. In a conclusion, No I don't think this is a good idea, because we can already do all of this in other worlds.
He can make whatever Goddamn poll he likes. Sure, it might not be a good one, but that doesn't matter. If you don't like the poll, don't vote. Now, although there are certainly a number of valid points on both sides, I do find myself thinking that this could be interesting. On the one hand, it can both interfere with immersion in the world of Aloria as well as scaring off newer players. According to the MassiveCraft statistics page, there are 200 new players each day on average. Even if only 50% of these players entered Regalia, they would bear witness to chaos. Now, while some would find this enjoyable, there would be many others who came to Massive for its strict RP setting. It's also worth pointing out that the people who see this kind of commotion and are inspired to stay might not be the sort of people that we want our community composed of. On the point of imerssion, although it is only one day, having everyone breaking character and messing around can affect the way you think about people, places and things in the long term. I know that this might seem to lack weight, but consider, for example, when you're mid-RP and you break character briefly for OOC shenanigans, you rather break your imerssion and feel slightly disconnected.

The major point supporting this idea is that it would be fun. Then again, the majority of the RPing community find RP fun, or so I would hope. Otherwise, why would they RP? All in all, I think this is a rather fun idea, but really might not be worth the hassle that it could cause. Save your shenanigans for the wilderness.
Oh, I voted the wrong thing. i r vamp plz i n33d faction, i r gud and only drink anmal blood.
My thoughts:

This would actually be a GREAT thing...
To show noobs how NOT to RP.
Since all RP is legal, including God RP and all that, it would be a great chance to show newer players how RP works, and if their interested in the RP, they can learn stricter RP and all that. Plus, technically speaking, in just about all the worlds excepting Regalia and Warrenord, Aloria RP lore isn't technically 'strictly enforced', so you cooouuullldddd technically speaking RP whatever you want in a faction you own or in wilderness. While I don't support it 100% or anything, I think it would be interesting. I stand medium on this.

Plus, I could live out my Grumpy Tigran shenanigans. o3o.
Not necessarily. It could actually give them a wrong impression on how we RP and have them confused we we are like "That's not lore compliant and god rp. GTFO".
I mean this in the sense that they would hopefully be shown this server by someone that knows how to RP right, or at least being told by someone that 'Ey, this is how we don't RP kids'. I've actually done this many times with some noobs, try to help them out in what RP is good or not, and I'm fairly certain other people do this as well besides me.


0_0 (apologies for that)
Alright... this is gonna take a bit
Remember the time the masked organization attacked the tavern and caused the purge
No? This is how it went
The masked (in my eyes) were sort of like an evil version of Martin Luther king Jr.
Instead of marching and peaceful protest, they represented the kind of people that would cause large amount of damage by trying to help.
This would be a sort of un-personified version of them.
They were definitely lore incomplient, further bringing up that fact.
and knowing quite a bit of rpers on the server this would end with twilight/fnaf/teen wolf fans running around everywhere.
To cite the arguments we have now:
I don't think ALL rp should be legal

*Ahem* Erp *Ahem*
With the exception of the above problem, I think that might actually be a fairly good (Edit: fun) idea. April Fools. I think I will support this. With the exception of the above problem, of course.
This sounds really cool, I would love to participate in this!
I would pity the staff with all the tickets and complaints they'd probably get.
  • This would cause too much commotion, and might be much more trouble rather then fun.
  • Special effects wouldn't work, given the sheer amount of players in contrast to staff- It would take to long.
  • This would be too frustrating for people who would want to /actually/ roleplay.
  • This sounds like an idea that someone would come up with if they didn't like the lore...
So basically you're suggesting one day a year where all the decent RP'ers aren't really allowed/able to RP.

Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaah; No.
He can make whatever Goddamn poll he likes. Sure, it might not be a good one, but that doesn't matter. If you don't like the poll, don't vote. Now, although there are certainly a number of valid points on both sides, I do find myself thinking that this could be interesting. On the one hand, it can both interfere with immersion in the world of Aloria as well as scaring off newer players. According to the MassiveCraft statistics page, there are 200 new players each day on average. Even if only 50% of these players entered Regalia, they would bear witness to chaos. Now, while some would find this enjoyable, there would be many others who came to Massive for its strict RP setting. It's also worth pointing out that the people who see this kind of commotion and are inspired to stay might not be the sort of people that we want our community composed of. On the point of imerssion, although it is only one day, having everyone breaking character and messing around can affect the way you think about people, places and things in the long term. I know that this might seem to lack weight, but consider, for example, when you're mid-RP and you break character briefly for OOC shenanigans, you rather break your imerssion and feel slightly disconnected.

The major point supporting this idea is that it would be fun. Then again, the majority of the RPing community find RP fun, or so I would hope. Otherwise, why would they RP? All in all, I think this is a rather fun idea, but really might not be worth the hassle that it could cause. Save your shenanigans for the wilderness.
The Poll options you provided were limited, and not truly sensible.
I'm going to take it as these were the original options:
  1. Obviously! What a fantastic idea; I'm totally in! [Um. Okay.]
  2. No. But I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues. [Quite Rude..]
  3. i iz vampr l00king 4 vampr fraction plz. [A Joke???]
Do any of these seem at all non-embarrassing? The first one is fine, but you didn't give a polite option to disagree. "I'm only disagreeing due to my unresolved childhood issues" is not at all mature, so who are you to judge other's maturity? I /myself/ chose the joke option, but I think the fourth reason Jamescl added was quite reasonable. It was not intended to shame you in anyway, from my point of view, but to instead to add a normal response for people to disagree.
Your poll was biased, leaning towards agree'ing, and not able to give a disagree without looking dumb.

No. I'm disagreeing as although this may seem fun, it ruins the emersion of the server.
May I ask how you are hurt by this? It was simply an addition to the poll.
It's saying although this might seem fun and all, it would not fit. It's better then the 'No' option you gave, for sure.

If anyone shamed you at this point, it would probably be me, and I apologize.
I wouldn't call it a purge, I'd call it a Headache.
I would have to say no. Mostly because it causes, pretty much inherently, intense chaos. And it would probably scare off newer players if there was a bunch of people running around screaming randomness and the possibility of random "giant walls of watermelons".
-please don't kill me, k?-
For all you roleplayers saying it would cause you to not roleplay I have an idea. Maybe leave Regalia. :O I know its a new concept but seriously factions and outside worlds can be used by roleplayers too.
And this same logic here can be used against the suggestion. If you really wanted to perform RP that would normally be illegal in Regalia, why not do it in the survival worlds? The survival worlds enjoy the freedom of being a light-roleplay universe year-round, whereas Regalia is a strict-roleplay environment.
I personally don't find any benefit in this suggestion, especially since it's only one day every year.
You can do this outside Regalia any day of the year. When I'm not in Regalia, I like to role play as an 18 wheel monster truck that's the size of a building.
I have a simple piece of advice to all of you fantastic forum peoples: If you do not like or agree with the opinion of the author, leave your rating and perhaps a respectful and constructive comment, and move on.

What you all fail to realize is that this post was only half serious. While I believe it could honestly be fun, I recognize how absolutely ridiculous it is.

For some reason, the overwhelming majority of this forum community goes from 0 to 60 way too fast.

I'll be sure to add a few more smiley faces next time, since many of you appear unable to pick up on humour.
I have a simple piece of advice to all of you fantastic forum peoples: If you do not like or agree with the opinion of the author, leave your rating and perhaps a respectful and constructive comment, and move on.

What you all fail to realize is that this post was only half serious. While I believe it could honestly be fun, I recognize how absolutely ridiculous it is.

For some reason, the overwhelming majority of this forum community goes from 0 to 60 way too fast.

I'll be sure to add a few more smiley faces next time, since many of you appear unable to pick up on humour.

Sir, you posted this on the "feature and idea discussion" page. People will discuss it, and though I do agree that people can tone down a bit, there was no evidence that you were "half serious". I do not mean to start any fights, but if there was, people probably would've done something similar and called it spam.

I do agree with your statement that people should just leave a constructive comment and a rating rather than a destructive comment and something grating. Though I do also think there should be at least minimal discussion between posters. Probably for more reasons then I can really think of right now. (One of which being that discussion can help improve the idea and fill holes the OP didn't notice.)