The Royal Garden
Eliza Sterke-enn was having a hard time finding a job. She graduated from the school of Horticulture under the topic of Floriculture, that was her profession. Noticing that mainly her husband was supporting the family she wanted to help as well. So she set up the Royal Garden. This small business shouldn't have a lot of workers seeing that it only takes one or two to fully maintain the flowers and crops. Other people may apply but she doesn't expect many will. With some knowledge of fruits and vegetables she will have bushes or the crop for sale. A small price of two regals may get you juice made out of a certain berry. Flowers will be the main selling item however since her knowledge to fruits and vegetables are limited. Breeding flowers will be an option but you must be willing to pay because this will take a lot of time and hard thinking.
OOC Things
- First off I do not expect this to get many employees but if you are interested please read up on the flora and have some understanding of it.
- A uniform will be put in place but as of now there is not one.
- All races can come and go if they please, Gorr races cannot work here with the exception of female Varran.
- If you do come by and want something like a tree I wouldn't expect to get one. Vines will be sold as well as other bushes and shrubs.
- And finally have fun while at the workplace, Anyone can come and go if they please.
IC Rules
- Treat staff with respect, if you do not you will be banned for at least a day, at most a week and if you come back again disrespecting then you will be permanently banned.
- Employees must wear their uniform in the building (Still pending as of now)
- Do not vandalize any of the flora, if so you will be banned and maybe even arrested depending on how bad it is.
- Staff must treat buyers with respect
Items for Sale
Items for Sale
- Dragonflower
- Emperor's Pride
- Axford Maiden
- Fireweed
- Black Orchid
- Chrysant Flower
- Fly Orchid
- Ruby Flower
- Song Flower
- Lorwick Thistle
- Stonepetal
- Triclone Orchid
- Yuntia Cactus
- Shurbakal
- Sleeping Beauty
- Brightmoss
- Wormfern
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