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The Rose Record | Issue Three


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Sunday, October 13, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Three


9 October

Citing declarations from the Violet Order, it is now common knowledge that the Werebeasts are Arken-created twists of the Spirit's Ailor and lesser races, and are no better than the Sanguine who plague our streets, our aristocracy, and our Undercity. The Werebeast affliction has torn through our beloved City much as the Sanguine curse has done before, but the Violet Order is working towards minimizing and curing any and all poor souls suffering underneath said curse. It is currently unknown to the Rose's editorial staff what specific traits Werebeasts as a whole have, or if they are even identifiable.

As well, the Violets will be testing the entire guard force once every two weeks for Werebeastism and Sanguinism to keep their corrupting influence away from the City's protection. Nobles and aristocrats alike are recommended to bring House Guards or request Vigilant Shield escorts when touring the city. Additionally, a request for increased Violet Order presence at major events or gatherings is further recommended.

2 October

Commentary by Miss Kateryne Bagshaw on the Peirgartens.
Commentary by Madame Milena du Brierüst on the Anahera.

House Peirgarten has successfully revealed the letters incriminating the honorable Duke-Consort Rodrigo Peirgarten to be fake, yet this does not affect the current hatred towards the Duke-Consort. In fact, some of the townspeople, and possibly even aristocrats may see him more of an unneeded evil rather than an honorable man with many accomplishments.

The Duke-Consort is possibly most notable for being a renowned soldier, an ex High-Reverend, Commander of the Ironspire regiment of the Violet Order, and a capable swordsman before he lost his hand. In my eyes, I believe that the Duke-Consort, Rodrigo Peirgarten, is being framed and none of the scrutiny is relevant or needed and should be kept to themselves. There is no proof other than a few persons stating that the Duke-Consort killed their daughters or sons. Although at the time the riots seemed understandable, but an improper way to "protest" the letters published by the Duke-Consort Peirgarten, and it is understandable why the Military stopped it.

In other news, Duke Hengest Harhold coordinated a deal with a yet-unnamed Baron in Swinnigh, where he gave gems whose worth totaled 20,000 Regals in turn for the birds of a town to be sent to him. Upon receiving such, the Duke Harhold tied sulfur to the birds, setting them, and when they went to their home roost, the city alight. The city frantically panicked, attempting to open the city gates as fast as possible. The gates were successfully opened after at least fifty percent of the city had burned down. It is currently not known why the Duke Harhold is making military moves in Swinnigh, and is being investigated.

Finally, the Anahera Cabal has been embargoed completely by the Secretary of Finance, Her Grace the Duchess Catherine Tyrannian. House Anahera has decided to stockpile the warships they were providing the Empire beforehand, and other non-tax paying Houses, both Noble and Aristocratic, have begun to arm themselves in preparation for conflict. House Anahera has offered a flat 100,000 Regals to pay for itself and Coivra, who is also suffering from the Secretary of Finance's latest acts, and will continue to pay taxes from this point forward to end its embargo.

If the State does not take this offer, then the State is not recognized as a ruler, nor as a state at all, by the Anahera Cabal. While not explicitly stated, it is incredibly worrying that if the Secretary of Finance does not accept the offer, she is enabling another State on the Regalian Archipelago to exist, one that is not pro-Empire and instead hostile. Such a hostile State would also have a naval capability and a Crown-backed monopoly on opium business, which would cripple opium bars across the Empire if a refusal to trade was given.

9 October

On Wednesday this week, the Violet Order carried out a covert operation in the Sewers which was wholly successful. The tremors felt rocking the Holy City, as well as the surrounding Noble Estates in the countryside, have been confirmed to be the Violet Order's work. Dynamite and other explosives were set in what used to be the Hierarchy Coven's base and promptly detonated, bringing the whole thing down.

It is hoped that this makes the Violet Order's stance clear: no longer will they turn a blind eye to corruption in the City, especially in the light of the infection of Madame Margarethe Black, as well as Mister Augustin Reinard, who have both been thankfully cured by the Violet Order.

12 October

Cause for celebration reached the Crown Isle recently, as developments from the warfront arrived. A decisive offensive move had been launched by Field General Reimar Typhonus and Field General Aldywn Howlester, overseen by Field Marshal von Drachenburg. We sat down with General Reimar Typhonus to discuss the newest iteration of the war effort. "Lurlaven has proved to have been a difficult target, with prior attempts by different Generals in Spring earlier this year having been met with defeat," General Typhonus said.

This time, however, the city had now been captured thanks to the efforts of the three named men and the countless others who supported each step of the way, who General Typhonus stressed to be "instrumental" to the affair. "Without the soldiers who had trusted me and the other generals, this would be impossible and the Kathar would be at our docks. An honest thank-you is deserved to every fighter in the field, scout in the trees, or even the families these soldiers have left behind, because there would be no war, no defense of our Empire, without them," General Typhonus said, raising his glass to them in cheers.

The Wolond of the Western Jungles around Lurlaven have been a "thorn in the side" of the war effort, but finally, they had been bent and broken. Victory at Lurlaven proves that the tools to win the war are in hand, and proven further the ability of our expert Generals and Marshalry Cabinent to use those tools to root out even an entrenched enemy.

In recognition of Ruedin the Inspiring, the Heron of Generals, the Rose Record will be publishing a special issue about the Dread War and wars past, with personal thoughts penned by none other than General Reimar Typhonus, the hero of Lurlaven. This special issue will include details as we find them about the latest offensive on Lurlaven, and will be printed for October 23rd, the day dedicated to Heron Ruedin. All of the Ruedin issues will be free to serving soldiers or war veterans.

Developing Stories
It has been anonymously reported and independently confirmed that the Nestled Nook staff is serving Kathar who are showing their face on the surface, and even defending their "right" to be there when contested. The situation is still unclear and under investigation by the Rose.

The Violet Order as a whole is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individual recruiting charters have been enumerated below.

The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter.

The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry.

The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information.

Blood, sweat, and tears are three things Spriggan's Heart members face daily in a battle against the evils of Aloria. Whether trusted to fight alone, or side by side with comrades, no Spriggan is without loyalty and bonds. If you wish to delve deep into ancient ruins, support businesses, offer charity, or simply fight for a just cause - then pledge yourself to the Spriggans. We'll pledge back.

The Golden Hive, located at Imperial Isle31, is your one-stop shop for honey treats and sweet things! Stop by today!

To the lonely people of Regalia (especially the poor Aristocrat ladies!),

Hi! I'm Abigail and I want to be your friend. Or bachelor! Or bachelorette! I don't care. Whoever you are, however you're doing, if you're down on your luck or just need a friend, I'll be there for you! Please write me letters! I'll write you back! Promise!
Abigail Tucker


Staffing Alerts

Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Madame Milena du Brierüst or Madame Haeddi Harhold at the new Rose Record building, located at Imperial Isle 47!

Given the volume of stories this week, the honoring of Leonard Underwood will be printed next week.

OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @ChurchCat_ ingame for the rest!

Aleck put a pen to delicate paper, huffing, he had wished it hadn't come to this as he penned in to the editor for a favour. 'Margravine, I would like an ad for the Gallovian Royal Guard in your papers.'

He dipped his quill back into an ink pot and shook his head. "I need men I can count on, myself and Lysander just aren't enough."

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Gwelurin would blink at the paragraph regarding the Nook and it's staff serving Kathar. She sat in the lap of her husband and read out loud the words on the paper, as he was illiterate. She craned her head to look into his eyes and said,
"So... guess we should start kicking out Kathar to avoid a scandal?"
Ida Rote would be seated outside of Greygate, and she would beam brightly upon reading the paragraph regarding the Violets. She would scan the rest of the paper while idly swaying her legs, and then stumbled upon the lone Write-In! Rushing to take out her notebook & her charcoal pencil from her picnic basket, she sought out to write Abigail Tucker a letter in return.

The letter was written in haste, due to possible excitement.

Dear miss Abigail Tucker,
Hello! My name is Ida Mae Rote, though you can call me Ida! To make things short, I want to be your friend! You don't have to be my bachelorette or anything like that, but I do wish to meet with you! I can even treat whatever injuries you have, if you have any! Thank you for thinking of the people of Regalia, it's incredibly sweet of you. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits, & in good health!


Sylvi straightens the newspaper that was left atop one of the bar counters at the Nook, ending up hovering over it for much longer than intended. She was hooked. "Someone pen a letter to The Rose Record in my name! I want a subscription!" She yells to a random employee, which ignored her with no reply in return.

The Velheim ends up writing the request herself.

@canaaa @AtticCat
Fen'nan barked a cold laugh that nearly matched her icy expression as she read over the paper, slouched in a chair of her home, her legs propped on a desk, leaned back with a roguish ease, "Oho! What a riot, you see this? 'There is no proof other than a few persons stating that the Duke-Consort killed their daughters or sons.' Sure, sure, cause that's not bloody proof enough—on no, not when it comes to them." She snarled sarcastically to Milo over her shoulder as she ripped the Peirgarten section from the paper. She sat up, glancing up to the collection of papers on the wooden board above the desk, some ripped from older papers and others handwritten notes, pinned with some pins and knives. She took a small knife from her boot before she took the ripped paper and stabbed it into the board with the knife, pinning and joining it with the collection of other papers and notes.

"And I thought he was bullshiteing me. Friggin another sadistic Peirgarten on the list. Time to finally write a damn subscription while we're bloody at it." She muttered to Milo as she grabbed the quill off the desk and stabbed it into the ink beside it, grabbing a blank scroll of paper and furiously scribbling down and penning a subscription in for the paper under her name.

@MrHasagi @canaaa
Fen'nan barked a cold laugh that nearly matched her icy expression as she read over the paper, slouched in a chair of her home, her legs propped on a desk, leaned back with a roguish ease, "Oho! What a riot, you see this? 'There is no proof other than a few persons stating that the Duke-Consort killed their daughters or sons.' Sure, sure, cause that's not bloody proof enough—on no, not when it comes to them." She snarled sarcastically to Milo over her shoulder as she ripped the Peirgarten section from the paper. She sat up, glancing up to the collection of papers on the wooden board above the desk, some ripped from older papers and others handwritten notes, pinned with some pins and knives. She took a small knife from her boot before she took the ripped paper and stabbed it into the board with the knife, pinning and joining it with the collection of other papers and notes.

"And I thought he was bullshiteing me. Friggin another sadistic Peirgarten on the list. Time to finally write a damn subscription while we're bloody at it." She muttered to Milo as she grabbed the quill off the desk and stabbed it into the ink beside it, grabbing a blank scroll of paper and furiously scribbling down and penning a subscription in for the paper under her name.

@MrHasagi @canaaa
Milo smirked in response. "Have fun with that 'essay' of yours then." he joked