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The Rose Record | Issue Five


tea gremlin
Staff member
Media 2
Oct 10, 2015
Reaction score
Monday, October 28, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Five


All proceeds from this issue will be donated to the Violet Order to fix damaged and provide new equipment to fight Sanguines and Werebeasts.

27 October

Just hours ago, Duke of Maraisburke, Grand Commander and Greywitch Commander Leufred du Brierüst emerged victorious from a battle that resulted in the fatality of none other than the ill-famed Desprincess, Merith Wyrmwood. The fight between the Duke and the Desprincess began late last night, with an attack on the du Brierüst countryside estate. A full room of the house was damaged, as well as rows of wine-grapes just weeks away from ripeness for a new generation of wine.

The fight continued with Duke du Brierüst tracking down Wyrmwood to the Lantern Tree, her assumed hideout since the forced infections of members of the nobility. Duke du Brierüst was joined by Greywitches Qalhata Sarnai and Alcuin Diederich for the final battle. With the assistance of Diederich, Duke du Brierüst was able to finally finish off Wyrmwood with a javelin to the back. Wyrmwood is stated in her last moments to have expressed regret of what the Sanguine curse turned her and warped her into. Duke du Brierüst escaped with a broken leg, a large gash on his forehead, and a bite taken out of his side, stretching from just below his ribs to his hip.

"What happened to Wyrmwood is regrettable," Duke du Brierüst said. "By all accounts, before her transition, she was like any other Altalar. Perhaps a bit prideful, a bit nationalist, but mundane. Most importantly, she was capable of being reasoned with. When the curse took hold, what was good about her died forever. It is the job of every good citizen to report Vampirism when it is discovered so that we, as guards and as protectors, can wipe the beastliness from them until the stain becomes permanent, like with Wyrmwood. But, the addicts, the curse supporters, the Jacobins. They lay on the wrong side of history. And given time and resource, we will wipe them from Aloria."

Wyrmwood is most famed for leading the Hierarchy coven, and committing innumerable acts of murder, attempted murder, assault, kidnapping, burglary, and forced infection of the Sanguine curse.

If you or anyone around you becomes infected with the Sanguine curse, it is in everyone's best interest to bring them straight to the Violet Order for curing and healing. As always, your safety as a citizen of the Empire is paramount, and the Violets are always here to help and protect you.

26 October

A tense moment at the Secretariat meeting led to Duke of Norrland and Secretary of the Army Garth Viduggla to be barred, in no uncertain terms, from both the Marshalry Cabinet and the Violet Order, effective immediately. The meeting of the Secretariat was hosted at the Howlester Estate while the Imperial Palace undergoes renovations. In attendance were the Lord Chancellor, Secretary of the Whip, Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Southmark, Secretary of the Faith, Secretary of the Commons, and all three Vice-Secretaries of the Magi. The Secretary of Finance was not in attendance.

In response to the legalization of atheism in the North, Duke Viduggla was truly put between a rock and a hard place on Saturday. Secretary of Faith Jared Kade pursued a line of questioning to the Duke related to the legalization, which was met with noncommittal or otherwise non-answers and a fair bit of staring. Secretary Kade then approached Duke Viduggla directly, asking him straight-on how he, himself, stood on the issue. Duke Viduggla then replied, "I do what is best for my people."

Dissatisfied by this response, Secretary Kade went further, asking the Duke what he truly thought about the legalization of atheism in his home of the North. In response, Duke Viduggla said, "I will not commit slights on my people when all they have done is stopped their prayers. They harm nobody. They don't push their agendas, because I had asked them to and they agreed. I am content. Are you?"

It is at this point that the Imperial Court Marshal and Lord Commander of the Violet Order William Howlester chose to speak. He asked the Duke Viduggla if his House had turned its back on both the Old Gods and Unionism, to which he garnered no response. He then commented, "The House Viduggla acknowledges no gods."

Duke Viduggla then turned to the Imperial Court Marshal, stating what may well have sealed his very fate: "The one thing I am not acknowledging here is you, Imperial Marshal." He was then promptly barred from any upcoming meetings of the Marshalry Cabinet, due to his refusal to recognize the Imperial Marshal as the leader of such. Duke Viduggla was also stripped of his rank of Guardsman within the Crown City Wardens chapter of the Violet Order and discharged. Before his selection as the Secretary of the Army, he was the Commander of the Crown City Wardens.

The Duke Viduggla has been given a period of three days to recant or otherwise state his views on religion in the North, or else be subject to the Secretary of the Faith. At the time of writing, one of these days has already gone by, leaving the Duke with a precious two days to state where he and the North he rules over stand in regards to their faith.

26 October

During the witching hour on Friday evening, leading into Saturday morning, His Imperial Holiness the Emperor Alexander I saw fit to bring in not one, but three Vice-Secretaries to fill the office of the Magi due to widely differing political views. Aeralaanys Rhylovhas voluntarily abdicated the office once confronted with the options for an appointment for removal with the Emperor, and applications opened for the position Thursday night.

The three selected for the Secretary's position are Duchess of Maraisburke, Valerie du Brierüst; Gilded Templars Captain and House Typhonus Court Mage Valarosta Baal'ial; and magical scholar Alexis Morgan. The three Vice-Secretaries are expected to work together, as each individual Vice-Secretary can process and legalize aberrants separately. However, if one Vice-Secretary steps out of line, the other two can move to accept or deny that action in its entirety. As well, if one Vice-Secretary is brought to the Emperor by the Whip and the inquest leads to firing, all three are fired at the same time.

Duchess du Brierüst is a Mage specializing in antimagic. She also has a past history of work with the Azure Order, the Divine Militia, the Crimson Inquisition, and the Greywitches of the Violet Order under her husband. Being born into House Ravenstad and a member of the nobility, we can expect Duchess du Brierüst to have a tight control on palatial dispensation especially, and serve as a more conservative figure of the trio.

Captain Baal'ial is a Mage who specializes in duality-themed magic. She serves tirelessly with the Gilded Templars of the Violet Order as a Captain, working underneath her wife. Captain Baal'ial also serves as the Court Mage of House Typhonus, a testament to her strength and skillful use of her magic, and is quite the fighting force on the front lines of the Dread War. Being a Manathar as well as a mage, we can most likely expect more liberal or moderate views from Captain Baal'ial, as well as legislation addressing magic on the front lines of the city's defenses.

Vice-Secretary Morgan is a woman yet unseen in the Holy City, and the Rose Record is at the time of writing unaware of her past history. We do know, however, that she is knowledgeable about all sorts of things pertaining to the arcane, and can expect her to be a "swing-vote" of sorts on the council of three.

It remains to be seen what actions the Vice-Secretaries of the Magi will take, but it is with high hopes that we look to the future.

Developing Stories
A new Commerce District has been put into Regalia, with many budding shops and businesses, as well as those already known and loved, finding new homes to conduct business. Once the dust clears and businesses are set up, we'll be doing a very special business issue to shed some light on the shops that are keeping the Regal in circulation.

The Undead menace continues in Old Town, with repeated attacks on the Nook. More details will follow as they become clear, though in the meantime, the Rose Record encourages readers to give their business to the Golden Willow in the interest of safety.

The Violet Order as a whole is seeking able-bodied and able-minded individuals to serve in the ranks and protect those in the City. Individual recruiting charters have been enumerated below.

The Greywitches of the Violet Order are recruiting. Aberrations, magical specialists and bounty hunters in need of consistent work with legal chapter rights are all welcome to apply. Contact the Grand Commander Leufred du Brierüst of the Violet Order through a letter.

The Ironspire Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking to recruit capable men and women willing to utilize their martial talent for the Empire into their ranks. All individuals who are capable of combat prowess and wish to operate under a prestigious Charter may letter Commander Rodrigo Peirgarten to inquire about entry.

The Victoria's Valiant Medical Regiment of the Violet Order is seeking individuals with medical and alchemical knowledge. Nature care is especially sought, as well as magical knowledge pertaining to Shatterology and Sanguinology in specific. We are seeking to make a better City for our patients and provide the best care possible. While the Violets safeguard the City's safety, let us safeguard the City's wellness. Contact Commander Dianne Black for information.

Blood, sweat, and tears are three things Spriggan's Heart members face daily in a battle against the evils of Aloria. Whether trusted to fight alone, or side by side with comrades, no Spriggan is without loyalty and bonds. If you wish to delve deep into ancient ruins, support businesses, offer charity, or simply fight for a just cause - then pledge yourself to the Spriggans. We'll pledge back.

The Golden Hive, located at Commerce Hall 1, is your one-stop shop for honey treats and sweet things! Stop by today!

The Bureau of Internal Revenue Enumeration is looking for dedicated employees who specialize in finance and law to assist the Secretary of Finance in dealing with flashpoints around the Archipelago! Bureau workers will be enforcing laws both in the Holy City of Regalia as well as the rest of the isles and will be duly compensated for outstanding and admirable work.

Tungvekt Gym is celebrating their grand opening on the 28th of October! For the opening ceremony only, the general public will be able to utilize the Gym's facilities including the workout equipment, the sparring pit, the sauna & steam room, and a private bar & lounge. Make sure to sign up for a gym membership after the ceremony as the gym will be members only after the opening ceremony day! Contact Torhilde av Kongehjem for more details or job offers.

Are you a woman or girl of Ailor descent, bored of the mundane city life, Want to add a bit more flare to your life? If so, join Matrais Order today. Engage in the elegance of the ballroom dance; take up the musical arts in your free time; engage in the theatrics of bill fighting; defend your Empire from the vermin Kathar who seek to overthrow your kin. Seek out Dame Humaira el-Farah to begin your journey as a squire today! Already a Matrais who has made their way to Regalia? Don't be shy! Reunite with your Sisters in Arms.

The Bloodcast Order opens its doors to any youths aspiring for knighthood, regardless of gender or skin. Headmaster Lazarus Lupenzi implores any interested to approach him at the knight quarters or wherever you may see him!

Is there something you'd love to say, but don't know if anyone would listen? Write it down and send it in to the Editor-in-Chief, Milena du Brierüst, for reviewing. Letters should be at a maximum of 350 words. No anonymous write-ins will be accepted.


Staff Alerts

Advertisement and subscription requests, as well as comments, questions, concerns, and inquiries into positions should be directed to either Milena du Brierüst or Haeddi Harhold at their estates or the new Rose Record building, located at Boulevard 2!

The Rose Record is always seeking informants, writers, and staffing! Seek out Milena du Brierüst.

OOC: Please write subscriptions into the threads, and PM me or find @canaaa or @AtticCat (@ChurchCat_ for Halloween) ingame for the rest!

Note: edits made within five minutes of publishing due to a misprint of Aesling Sylfina's shop location. Another edit was made within ten minutes due to a formatting issue.

Edit made at 8:30 CST to correct a spelling issue and a clarity issue in the Viduggla story- there was a Viddugla out there somewhere, and a fragment with the Imperial Marshal. Sorry!

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Remarked the man, slapping the paper down upon the counter.

"Really makes you wonder how Viduggla's able to walk around with such a heavy set swinging between his legs. NORTHERNER PUTS HORSES TO SHAME!"
Aleck huffed, eyes skimming across the paper as he produced a look of disgust. "The man knows not his place, he'll cause the North to be burned again. And here I was beginning to tolerate his kind."
Alexis dropped the regals into the vendors hands quickly skimming over the paper "Cerberus, I do hope we have a bit more luck than that" she quipped resolving to pen a subscription to the Milena at the Du Brierüst estate. @canaaa
A pleased noise escaped the scarred Avant as she leaned back in her chair at her kitchen table. "Another notch for the doorframe of creatures to not worry about." As she flipped further through the newspaper, she nearly spilled her kaffee. Her eyes shifted over the paper before she rubbed her eyes and uttered, "Garth, you idiot."
"Given time and resource they will wipe Jacobists from existence," Fen'nan mused and quoted from the sofa's of Milo's apartment, sprawled out with a roguish laziness to her, a smirk placating her lips. "We should all be so scared," she drawled with sarcasm, her blue-green gaze flicking over more of the paper, "Oh ha ha, the politics is better, just look at the rich tits squabble," she said with no short of amusement and a snicker.
Sigrid couldn't help the slight chuckle at the thought of the Sanguines death. "Finally caught her. Can't believe it was only a javelin that did the finally blow." Idly petting her dog she continued to read the rest, really getting a laugh out of The news of the Northern Shorty.
The date of this issue would be carefully torn from Sidaige's copy, pinned up on the Castaway's notice board along with the article on his friend's untimely end.
"Well.. This does put a damper on things."
The rest of the paper would find itself becoming litter, how villainous.