Archived The Rift, Enabling Fac Claim, Or Disabling Massive Restore

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The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
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Up North in that Minnesota place
Roleplay Guilds
Divine Intervention
The title explains it all, but let me get a little more in depth.

The Rift's intent is to be a resource world correct? I can gather that by the fact that factions are not allowed to claim within it. Since The Rift is a resource world, I see no real reason for it to restore every month as it creates an economic environment with 0 scarcity. I remember a time when Quartz was one of the most expensive things on the server. It was a little time span between Kelmoria and the first Rift. This was an interesting time era because Quartz builds were an indicator of wealth much like purple dye before the discovery of the indigo flower (IRL). I think it would be cool if the same thing were to happen again. It would be a nice indicator to who are the more upper crust factions, or players in the survival world.

Another reason I see no reason to have Massive Restore in the Rift is the fact that factions aren't allowed to claim in the Rift. Massive Restore is a tool to protect from world grief in factions world, so why are we protecting world grief in a resource world? Instead of disabling Massive Restore we could allow faction claim which would also make sense as the world is much larger than the old Rift, and the reason the Rift didn't have faction claim was because it was a tiny temporary world.

This is a fairly jumbled post, so let me just summarize in bullets

The Rift is a resource world why does it need Massive Restore
- It removes all scarcity from the market
- Quartz used to be an indicator of wealth (Viridia Tower, Rose's Mansion)

Massive Restore would not be an issue in the Rift if faction claim was allowed
- much larger than the old rift
- more permanent than the old rift
- plenty of space for factions

In conclusion I think the current state of Rift management. is jumbled there are two really good options stated above that could be how the Rift is managed.
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Honestly we didn't even need to remove the last Rift. I had 4 blaze spawners that were less than 3000 blocks in and the area around them was completely untouched. Most people mined right as they left the spawn area and the greater majority of the map never saw activity.
I support faction claiming within the Rift. It would make sense for external powers to have outposts in the region due to the resources found there.
Claiming in the nether really should be a thing again. It adds more variety and unique factions that actually build there.
Cool idea but most likely won't happen. It's been requested a lot during the old nether, but it was never added.
It has MassiveRestore because it is a resource world. The other worlds are also restored meaning there is "infinite" diamonds, why shuld quartz be any different?
Although there are "Infinite" diamonds they are much scarcer than quartz (in the world when being mined). When restored in the overworld the ores are generated are iron, gold, redstone, lapis, diamond and emeralds. This causes diamonds to flood a lot slower (still a problem). Also unlike diamonds quartz has no sink on the server. When quartz is brought into the economy it almost never leaves unless a base made of quartz gets restored.
* Quartz comes in much faster than diamonds because its the only resource in the nether being restored
* Quartz is a decorative block so is usually not destroyed and stays in the economy much longer destroying its worth because over saturation.
What would happen to any new players that want quartz if MassiveRestore was gone? Some people don't have the regals to buy quartz, and don't want to join a faction just for the possibility of finding some.

Personally I don't really care one way or the other, but I'm just posting this as a future reality on the idea.
Although there are "Infinite" diamonds they are much scarcer than quartz (in the world when being mined). When restored in the overworld the ores are generated are iron, gold, redstone, lapis, diamond and emeralds. This causes diamonds to flood a lot slower (still a problem). Also unlike diamonds quartz has no sink on the server. When quartz is brought into the economy it almost never leaves unless a base made of quartz gets restored.
* Quartz comes in much faster than diamonds because its the only resource in the nether being restored
* Quartz is a decorative block so is usually not destroyed and stays in the economy much longer destroying its worth because over saturation.
I see no problem with quartz being more common than diamond. Gold and iron is also more common, some ores are more rare than others that is how it is. Now if you want to make quartz more rare, wouldn't it make more sense to decrease the spawn rate?
I see no problem with quartz being more common than diamond. Gold and iron is also more common, some ores are more rare than others that is how it is. Now if you want to make quartz more rare, wouldn't it make more sense to decrease the spawn rate?
I think leaving massive restore on is fine but claiming in the nether would be a nice feature.
I'd love to make a nether base. +1
Honestly I could care less about claiming, my problem is with quartz ore not spawning on the surface of the nether. It really makes it harder to mine quartz than it was in the previous rift, it just saves you five minutes or so of running out a couple thousand blocks with lava fly.
I see no problem with quartz being more common than diamond. Gold and iron is also more common, some ores are more rare than others that is how it is. Now if you want to make quartz more rare, wouldn't it make more sense to decrease the spawn rate?
I completely agree thats not necessarily the point I was trying to convey. Quartz should be way more abundant than diamonds that much is true, but I don't think anything on the server should be so abundant that it has next to no worth. The economy has suffered greatly from infinite sources of things being added without the proper sinks being added. But you are completely right quartz should be more abundant and things should be more rare than others and decreasing the spawn rate since it infinitely regenerates would be a better solution.
If claiming was possible in the Rift, or if it wouldn't restore anymore, we would have one nether darkroom after the other there (again). Sure that would be great, because it would be easier to farm gold (particularly because of the golden swords the pigmen drop) and ghast tears.

Furthermore I read:
a) Quartz is now to common
b) I can't find quartz because it's not on the surface anymore

These two comments seem to cancel each other out. If you are determined to mine for it, I guess you can find more quartz now, but not everyone will have the time/luck to do so. I'd say we keep going as it is and if there is a big impact on the economy because there is too much quartz around, the spawn rate can simply be turned down.
If claiming was possible in the Rift, or if it wouldn't restore anymore, we would have one nether darkroom after the other there (again). Sure that would be great, because it would be easier to farm gold (particularly because of the golden swords the pigmen drop) and ghast tears.

Furthermore I read:
a) Quartz is now to common
b) I can't find quartz because it's not on the surface anymore

These two comments seem to cancel each other out. If you are determined to mine for it, I guess you can find more quartz now, but not everyone will have the time/luck to do so. I'd say we keep going as it is and if there is a big impact on the economy because there is too much quartz around, the spawn rate can simply be turned down.

Gold is not why you make a Nether DR Ghast Tears are and as it stands now this item has become incredibly hard to farm. I've been hoping for a Ghast Massivemob as this would somewhat fix that issue but update after update and not even a Ghast boss mob has been added.

IDK if the Hell biomes still spawn Ghasts because MassiveRestore was added to Ithania before Massivemobs was so my Hell DR was swallowed by MR and as far as I can tell and I've been all over the Hell biomes there is nowhere left to claim. The whole area is claim locked by inactive factions.
things change. Just because its the way its always been done isn't a good reason to keep something the same.

That being said i do support EITHER Rift claiming OR rift restore disabled. Which one really doesnt matter since im thinking about nether darkrooms. Either be able to claim land to make them or turn off the auto-restore.
Gold is not why you make a Nether DR Ghast Tears are and as it stands now this item has become incredibly hard to farm. I've been hoping for a Ghast Massivemob as this would somewhat fix that issue but update after update and not even a Ghast boss mob has been added.

IDK if the Hell biomes still spawn Ghasts because MassiveRestore was added to Ithania before Massivemobs was so my Hell DR was swallowed by MR and as far as I can tell and I've been all over the Hell biomes there is nowhere left to claim. The whole area is claim locked by inactive factions.
I wasn't even thinking of a ghast-massive mob. Nice idea :3
At this time, faction claiming will not be enabled in the Rift.
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