The Revenant Covenant


No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score



"It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength."

Corinthians 15:42-43


You look upon the Old Town forum with a frown on your face. Page after page had been stapled to that beat-up old wall, and just as expected, page after page had been ripped down within hours of being produced. Personal denouncements, house guard recruitment, and business requests had forever plagued that wall without really seeming to relent. Just when you thought that you would be forced to read something you already have before just to keep yourself busy, you notice a page that has been crumpled up and disposed of into the bush nearby. Curiously, you scoop up the page and delicately unfold the spindled paper.


Capable hands, Sanguine, and undead alike
Pays well
No previous experience required
Must be willing to get dirty
Contact Ignace Hugo Leveau, Old Town fighting pit

Little else was left behind on the recruitment form. It was humbly written, lacking any sort of flourishes and sigils that others might have. Had the page not requested sinners, maybe it could have hidden among every other employment sheet with people being none the wiser.





To establish a foothold in the Regalian empire as a sizeable force, either by expansion, absorption, or invasion.

To provide quests and opportunities for criminals, neutral-grey opportunists, and powerful villain characters.

To provide entertaining storylines, character arcs, and 'villain versus hero' roles.


Any race will be accepted with emphasis on vampires, possession victims, aberrations, and ordinary no-good mooks with nothing special about them.

Generals of Dread
Numbers: II
These characters are the cream of the crop, whether they are the highest bidder or they have very personal ties to Ignace. They often have military leadership capabilities, heavy initiative, extreme political power, or overwhelming support from the masses. This rank is given to whoever is trusted OOC and supplies a steady flow of quests.

War Dog (looking for more!)
Numbers: III
These characters are the thugs, executioners, serial killers, and belligerent boxers that are most capable when it comes to the ring of battle. They often have power mutations, adept martial skill, great hardiness, or a downright determined resolve that allows them to stay in the ring until their knuckles are raw. This is a private rank for those part of the covenant.

Numbers: IV
These characters are the mages, grave-diggers, necromancers, and ultimate survivors that are most capable when it comes to supernatural skills. They often have survival mutations, rotting minions, medical and chemical skill, hatred that surpassed death itself, or are simply enamored with scholarly knowledge in things they shouldn't ever learn. This is a private rank for those part of the covenant.

Beguiler (looking for more!)
Numbers: I
These characters are the seducers, sweet-talkers, diplomats, and stab-happy swindlers that are most capable when it comes to maximum success with minimum blood. They often have guile mutations, adept political skill, rogue training, or happen to be too dainty to do the dirty work when their wallets do the foul deeds best. This is a private rank for those part of the covenant.

These people are the OOC guests and friends that can be found in our discord. As long as you know someone in the group, get them to ask Magivore to add you in. You will be able to see General, Announcement, Art, Bot Commands, and our Quests (which sometimes may be publicly known), but not our internal discussion board. This is a public rank.



Unlike most systems, there are no official ranks within the order. This is more free-form at the moment until proper numbers are established, but this allows extreme freedom when it comes to relations with other gangs and covens. Age and experience generally will be giving orders, but above all, everyone listens to the generals and the quest-givers. Those who offer the most quests will receive the most help and supplies, whereas those who help with the most quests will be given the highest pay. Initiative is rewarded with more opportunities and better loot, along with whatever spoils you happen to find through adventures you are helping with.



We cannot do player quests as of yet, but there are still plenty of opportunities to be found IC, such as robbing businesses, ambushing hunters, recruiting, arming thugs, teaching slummers how to line battle, blackmailing nobility, infecting commoners, vandalizing holy sites, obtaining cadavers, scamming products, et cetera. "'Long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead," after all!


Recruitment Template
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory):
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory):
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory):
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it):
  • Role (no generals, no prisoners):
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):
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Change Log
  • October 14th
    • The covenant page is created.
    • Undead and horror aesthetics added to the thread.
    • Covenant Discord chat is created.
  • October 15th
    • The covenant page is published.
    • Members are accepted.
    • Change log is created.
    • Relations page is created with sub-links to their respective groups.
      • The Violet Order was enemied.
      • The Divine Militia was enemied.
  • October 16th
    • People like being throwaway zombies too much. Prisoner rank locked because no one is selecting any other option.
  • October 21st
    • Undeadism added to the Revenant rank, but especially combative undead may become War Pigs instead. Beguiler rank may or may not open to them depending on legality.
  • October 24th
    • War Pig rank renamed to try and increase attractiveness to the rank.
  • November 3rd
    • A new general has been appointed alongside Ignace.
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  • In-Game Name: BRBKing
  • OOC Age: 18
  • Discord: You have it.
  • Role: Slave
  • In-Game Name: Lizmun
  • OOC Age: 18, 19 in december.
  • Character Name + App: N/a
  • Discord: U got it my brother
  • Role: Prisoner
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): Helping Papida as one of his undead minions, also willing to be an actor in events if needed.
In-Game Name (self-explanatory): AtticCat
OOC Age (self-explanatory): 16 lol
Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Azra min Eazim/Jouhari link
Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): :thumbsup:
Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Beguiler
Letter / Char Description (optional):

I'm Azra, very good at sneaky spying. Good friend with noble folk, so keep a secret if you need them. Been Dead Man and Rook, so very good at gangs.

  • In-Game Name: BRBKing
  • OOC Age: 18
  • Discord: You have it.
  • Role: Slave
Accepted! Your characters always give perms until you join as a dedicated one.
  • In-Game Name: Lizmun
  • OOC Age: 18, 19 in december.
  • Character Name + App: N/a
  • Discord: U got it my brother
  • Role: Prisoner
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): Helping Papida as one of his undead minions, also willing to be an actor in events if needed.
Accepted! Your characters always give perms until you join as a dedicated one.
In-Game Name (self-explanatory): AtticCat
OOC Age (self-explanatory): 16 lol
Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Azra min Eazim/Jouhari link
Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): :thumbsup:
Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Beguiler
Letter / Char Description (optional):

I'm Azra, very good at sneaky spying. Good friend with noble folk, so keep a secret if you need them. Been Dead Man and Rook, so very good at gangs.

  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): KrakenLord01
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 17
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Aq'uëllo Cioness'a (ëllo-cionessa.65447/)
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Got Discord, should be able to give it to you
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Revenant (Scholarly)
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): Void Priest, delves into magical and supernatural knowledge
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): KrakenLord01
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 17
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Aq'uëllo Cioness'a (ëllo-cionessa.65447/)
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Got Discord, should be able to give it to you
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Revenant (Scholarly)
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): Void Priest, delves into magical and supernatural knowledge
Accepted! Send me your details through conversation, please.
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): PapidaCarrot
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 20
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Xraeloric Braelord
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): PapidaCarrot
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Revenant
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):

    A simple signature would be written upon the dustied parchment, with a blotch of crimson stained blood upon it's corner. A seal of death.
- Xraeloric Braelord of Axford
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): PapidaCarrot
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 20
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Xraeloric Braelord
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): PapidaCarrot
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Revenant
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):

    A simple signature would be written upon the dustied parchment, with a blotch of crimson stained blood upon it's corner. A seal of death.
- Xraeloric Braelord of Axford
Nah, you're accepted
  • In-Game Name: Anakyrivo.
  • OOC Age: You know it already pretty sure.
  • Character NameApp: Volker.
  • Discord: You got it.
  • Letter: Omitted after IC meeting.
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): Last_Link
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 17
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Uh, no.
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Linkypoo#1825
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Prisoner
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): No.
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): Last_Link
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 17
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Uh, no.
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Linkypoo#1825
  • Role (no generals, prisoners don't need apps): Prisoner
  • Letter / Char Description (optional): No.
Denied: not because of ability, but because we actually have an overwhelming number of people volunteering to be throwaways rather than actual characters when I currently need the latter.
Looks like the sort of faction I want to get involved with if you guys are willing to take on someone who's pretty damn new to this server.

  • In-Game Name: pyromaniacwolf
  • OOC Age: 23
  • Character Name + App: Al-thezz
  • Discord: Pyromaniacwolf#7806
  • Role: Revenant
  • Char Description: Down on his luck (read: homeless new arrival in the city) alchemist with no real options open to him with a great curiosity of things he probably shouldn't be looking into.
  • Letter (because why not both): *A hastily scrawled note has been left with the recruitment message* I am Al-thezz the alchemist and am happy to offer my skills.

I trust you're happy to accept alchemists and not just mages into your ranks when it comes to Revenants? (Afaik Al-Allar can't become magic users otherwise I'd likely try to do something with that in the future but I digress)
Looks like the sort of faction I want to get involved with if you guys are willing to take on someone who's pretty damn new to this server.

  • In-Game Name: pyromaniacwolf
  • OOC Age: 23
  • Character Name + App: Al-thezz
  • Discord: Pyromaniacwolf#7806
  • Role: Revenant
  • Char Description: Down on his luck (read: homeless new arrival in the city) alchemist with no real options open to him with a great curiosity of things he probably shouldn't be looking into.
  • Letter (because why not both): *A hastily scrawled note has been left with the recruitment message* I am Al-thezz the alchemist and am happy to offer my skills.

I trust you're happy to accept alchemists and not just mages into your ranks when it comes to Revenants? (Afaik Al-Allar can't become magic users otherwise I'd likely try to do something with that in the future but I digress)
Alchemists are plenty welcome among our ranks, but I'll wait until your app is approved for a verdict on the group. PENDING for now, but stay optimistic!
In-Game Name: Nice_One_Bruva
OOC Age: 18.
Character Name + App: Agnieszka Sabina Dufková but is waiting review.
Discord: I'll send you over private.
Role: Beguiler
Letter / Char Description (optional):

Hello, Leveau.
I've been afflicted for nearly two centuries and I have spent years studying Seraph and Ancient Elven ruins in search of a suspicion of mine, which implies they had weaponry left somewhere. My travels have brought me to the festering corpse of Regalia after discovering of its stagnation after the Bone Horrors appeared, which leads me to seek shelter from the citizens of the city. If you accept me amongst this covenant, maybe one day, i'll be able to share the power they may hold.

- Agnieszka Dufková, the remant of Odroczona Sprawa.
In-Game Name: Nice_One_Bruva
OOC Age: 18.
Character Name + App: Agnieszka Sabina Dufková but is waiting review.
Discord: I'll send you over private.
Role: Beguiler
Letter / Char Description (optional):

Hello, Leveau.
I've been afflicted for nearly two centuries and I have spent years studying Seraph and Ancient Elven ruins in search of a suspicion of mine, which implies they had weaponry left somewhere. My travels have brought me to the festering corpse of Regalia after discovering of its stagnation after the Bone Horrors appeared, which leads me to seek shelter from the citizens of the city. If you accept me amongst this covenant, maybe one day, i'll be able to share the power they may hold.

- Agnieszka Dufková, the remant of Odroczona Sprawa.
Your application isn't yet approved. However, that does not mean you'll get a rejection! PENDING, and keep optimistic!
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): Utto_
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 16
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Démenche Atozaïs
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Utto_
  • Role (no generals, no prisoners): Revenant
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):
A neat letter was written on a small piece of papyrus, both in D'Ithanie, and a Common translation.

Dear Ignace Hugo Leveau,

I believe my comrade/subordinate Xraeloric Braelord of Axford has joined your Revenant Covenant. In fact, he was the one whom informed me of such. I wish to join your covenant, and lend my incomparable skills to you and your people, as well as keep my dear friend Xraeloric safe. I assure you my assistance will be quintessential for the success of the Revenant Covenant.

Lord Démenche Atozaïs, Remnant of the Blooded Chalice
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  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): Utto_
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 16
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Démenche Atozaïs
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): Utto_
  • Role (no generals, no prisoners): Revenant
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):
A neat letter was written on a small piece of papyrus, both in D'Ithanie, and a Common translation.

Dear Ignace Hugo Leveau,

I believe my comrade/subordinate Xraeloric Braelord of Axford has joined your Revenant Covenant. In fact, he was the one whom informed me of such. I wish to join your covenant, and lend my incomparable skills to you and your people, as well as keep my dear friend Xraeloric safe. I assure you my assistance will be quintessential for the success of the Revenant Covenant.

Lord Démenche Atozaïs, Remnant of the Blooded Chalice

Privately accepted characters.
+2 Revenants.
  • In-Game Name: Bearacuda
  • OOC Age : 16
  • Character Name + App : Olannias Flor Alessandri <x>
  • Discord: Bearacuda#9805
  • Role: Beguiler
  • Letter / Char Description :
Olan is a dastardly and chaotic skeleton from the seas, he plays a fiddle and works well with his words.
Dear Ignace Hugo Leveau,
I was looking for some more excitement in the city and your coven looked quiet pleasant. I'd honestly like to show off my skills among these many longing years and like to entertain the lots of you.
  • In-Game Name: Bearacuda
  • OOC Age : 16
  • Character Name + App : Olannias Flor Alessandri <x>
  • Discord: Bearacuda#9805
  • Role: Beguiler
  • Letter / Char Description :
Olan is a dastardly and chaotic skeleton from the seas, he plays a fiddle and works well with his words.
Dear Ignace Hugo Leveau,
I was looking for some more excitement in the city and your coven looked quiet pleasant. I'd honestly like to show off my skills among these many longing years and like to entertain the lots of you.
In-Game Name: Nice_One_Bruva
OOC Age: 18.
Character Name + App: Agnieszka Sabina Dufková but is waiting review.
Discord: I'll send you over private.
Role: Beguiler
Letter / Char Description (optional):

Hello, Leveau.
I've been afflicted for nearly two centuries and I have spent years studying Seraph and Ancient Elven ruins in search of a suspicion of mine, which implies they had weaponry left somewhere. My travels have brought me to the festering corpse of Regalia after discovering of its stagnation after the Bone Horrors appeared, which leads me to seek shelter from the citizens of the city. If you accept me amongst this covenant, maybe one day, i'll be able to share the power they may hold.

- Agnieszka Dufková, the remant of Odroczona Sprawa.
Accepted, please send me the correct details since your current one isn't working.
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): etragan
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 21
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Hannibal Bathory
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): hannibal #1378
  • Role (no generals, no prisoners): War Dog
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):
"Dearest Ignace Hugo Leveau,

Hello, Mr. Ignace! I am absolutely THRILLED to see others of our.. ilk.. grouping together for the greater good! I hope I am accepted, and would love to see you soon. I look forward to using my particular set of skills for a likeminded person such as yourself.

Eternally Damned,

Hannibal Bathory, Warlord of the North"
  • In-Game Name (self-explanatory): etragan
  • OOC Age (self-explanatory): 21
  • Character Name + App (self-explanatory): Hannibal Bathory
  • Discord (no info here, but can't join w/o it): hannibal #1378
  • Role (no generals, no prisoners): War Dog
  • Letter / Char Description (optional):
"Dearest Ignace Hugo Leveau,

Hello, Mr. Ignace! I am absolutely THRILLED to see others of our.. ilk.. grouping together for the greater good! I hope I am accepted, and would love to see you soon. I look forward to using my particular set of skills for a likeminded person such as yourself.

Eternally Damned,

Hannibal Bathory, Warlord of the North"
A new general has been re-appointed.
We are still recruiting!
In-Game Name : qyest
OOC Age : 16
Character App :
IC Name : Thomas Crenshaw
Discord : qyest/Thomas#8312
Role : III, aka Wardog
Letter / Char Description
Greetings Ignace, I believe we have met just the other night , when I decided to show my face, and walk about the Slum's. The timing was also right for me to be there as that man came fourth we had a little struggle to take on him, but in the ending, we succeeded on taking him on. From what I believe is that you and your organization plays a small role in a huge city. You and your men, are good people and are a helping hand in so many way's that the empire don't even realize.
You're group could benefit me for my great stature, I am a great monstrosity I can assure you this, my muscle could help this cause with an impact. While on that topic of your organization, I've asked around the district for the name of so group, "The Reverent Covenant", is what I am being lead to believe.
On a final note, I leave you with this, an agreement, an alliance, a friendship.
Yours very truly, signed*

Thomas Crenshaw
In-Game Name : qyest
OOC Age : 16
Character App :
IC Name : Thomas Crenshaw
Discord : qyest/Thomas#8312
Role : III, aka Wardog
Letter / Char Description
Greetings Ignace, I believe we have met just the other night , when I decided to show my face, and walk about the Slum's. The timing was also right for me to be there as that man came fourth we had a little struggle to take on him, but in the ending, we succeeded on taking him on. From what I believe is that you and your organization plays a small role in a huge city. You and your men, are good people and are a helping hand in so many way's that the empire don't even realize.
You're group could benefit me for my great stature, I am a great monstrosity I can assure you this, my muscle could help this cause with an impact. While on that topic of your organization, I've asked around the district for the name of so group, "The Reverent Covenant", is what I am being lead to believe.
On a final note, I leave you with this, an agreement, an alliance, a friendship.
Yours very truly, signed*

Thomas Crenshaw
Pending until character application approval.
The Revenants have hereby been dissolved.
With the sight of Revenants ducking into the canals of the Dragon District, none of them ever seemed to have come back the next day.