Archived The Removal Of Massive Armor

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
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Cowboys touched up on this a while ago, but it was never removed for some strange reason even though the majority of the community seemed to be against it. But that's not why I'm here. I'm here to remove this so-called Massive Armor and its flawed logic.

Even if people have god armor, you can earn that god armor either through enchanting yourself, or by buying it out of your own pocket, in which case the money from that can be earned through collective bargaining, gathering materials, or training in a dark room. Loans also work in some occasions.

However, Massive Armor cannot be obtained through enchanting. It is obtained from voting, in which case it doesn't circulate around the economy, it spawns out of thin air. This armor cannot be gotten by skill at fighting mobs and enchanting. It can only be gotten through voting, or by buying it off of somebody else, in which case they would've gotten it through voting.

Even if their seller didn't get it from voting, the armor always will end up coming from voting. This ends up leaving it up to chance that by typing your name in and solving a puzzle everyday you can get this armor which can be sold for a pretty high price. All in all, it'll take you a maximum of 5 minutes to log in, vote on all three websites, then log off for the day. You can keep doing that over and over again, and it doesn't require any effort. I'd rather have god armor being earned than just being conjured.

With such high enchants, the armor was ridiculous from the start. The rumors that it can be repaired for a pretty low cost of around 20-25 levels per piece of god armor just shows how much damage this can do to the PvP environment of the server if kept around.

Anyway, I always come with an alternate solution - a "Plan B", if you want to call it that. Instead of completely removing Massive Armor, a nerf of it or an addition to it would be great as well. Possible nerf or addition suggestions:
  • Turning the armor into god armor enchants with iron durability (For non-premiums to use)
  • Turning the armor into god armor enchants with diamond durability (For premiums to use)
  • Additional particles around it that are random and can be customized (For a fun ability)
  • Firework explosion around it when you kill somebody while wearing it (For a fun ability)
Also, before people start saying what they will get in return for their missing Massive Armor, they could possibly get a refund of regular god armor or whatever the new Massive Armor is.

Finally, please don't start bragging about how I have "no PvP experience lol u a weeaboo scrub" and how you are "one of the first actual PvPers" commenting on this. I've fought enough with others not to mention ran my own PvP/Anarchy server for a little while. I know what makes the game unfair and what makes it fun for all. I'm simply trying to put my thoughts into this logic that seems to need a fix.

~ Imboring56
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The majority of the server that doesn't pvp......
Imboring56 instead of disagreeing with about every post I make, make a logical response supporting why you disagree. Pissing me off.
The majority of the server that doesn't pvp......
They don't have to PvP often. They don't have to train. But I bet that almost every single person on this server has been in a fight at least once, either from other servers or from this one. Their opinion still matters, as they are a part of the community that gets to decide things.
They don't have to PvP often. They don't have to train. But I bet that almost every single person on this server has been in a fight at least once, either from other servers or from this one. Their opinion still matters, as they are a part of the community that gets to decide things.
Of course everyone has pvped at least once but there are factions or individuals who are known for pvp, their opinions matter to me more because of the fact they are active PVPers and care what happens to pvp more than others.
Commanderkull so you are saying about 3/4's of the communities's opinions don't matter as much as the pvp nuts?
Commanderkull so you are saying about 3/4's of the communities's opinions don't matter as much as the pvp nuts?
When I said that I was referring to myself and my views. I'm not saying their opinions don't matter, I'm saying I don't value them as much as a PVPers.
I'm surprised the staff didn't do anything about the Massive Armour, considering how out of place this item is, let alone how many people suggested it's removal.
It's over-powered, it makes the Premium perk officially "Pay to win", and it makes the PVP nuts become even more bothersome to those whom don't want to PVP, or to those whom don't have similar armour.
Non prems make hefty profits from selling this armor to prems. Just change it up a little and create a comprimise.
When I managed to get the full set through voting, if anyone remembers, I said I would "throw it in lava, if I can't wear it, nobody can!" But all that really happenec was a member told me to hold onto it and sell it when its changed. All i want to happen to it is a change from diamond to iron, as prems already have a high enough advantage with diamond armor, we don't need to give them a bigger advantage.
Ok, just because non-prems cant wear the armor doesn't me it completly works against them, one if your a non prem you can sell it for up to 50s, two if you have a premium friend just offer it to him if he protects you or something, and three if you have a allied factions that don't talk to you much give em one of those and they will probably like you a lot more :D

I usually enjoy PVP, but I'm not going to be joining in with it in this server because its massively in favor of anyone who is a Premium and spends hours in a dark room. A premium who trains his MCMMO level up and has Massive armor, is essentially unkillable to anyone who isn't a premium who trains his MCMMO level up and has massive armor.. Obviously premiums/people who spend a lot of time training should get rewards for doing so, but it shouldn't make them basically invincible to other players who A don't have the money to buy premium and B can't spend that much time training in a darkroom.
Massive armor should be removed for one reason and one reason only: It's Stupid as hell.
this is a role-play server with pvp elements, i have learned long ago that if you don't like the direction they are going with pvp, don't pvp. If you want to pvp the way you like it with fair and square elements, go play a hunger games server. Not much else to say, Imo i think pvp has just been something they overpower premium in so people buy premium.

were this untrue and they really cared about the state of pvp do you honestly think things like massive armor would have even been thought of seriously?
this is a role-play server with pvp elements, i have learned long ago that if you don't like the direction they are going with pvp, don't pvp. If you want to pvp the way you like it with fair and square elements, go play a hunger games server. Not much else to say, Imo i think pvp has just been something they overpower premium in so people buy premium.

were this untrue and they really cared about the state of pvp do you honestly think things like massive armor would have even been thought of seriously?
As much as I would like to agree with you, I think that the majority of people on this server out of the major amount of logins are here to do other stuff than just RP. If it was only RP, even with PvP elements infused, it wouldn't be as big as it is today. People want to PvP and thus, the staff should care a little bit about the status of PvP. And considering how they made a thread asking about how MassiveCraft PvP should change, I would definitely assume that they care about PvP.
I do agree: Massive Armour is just too damn easy to obtain. Even though its rare; You still can obtain it, and it's a bit ridicules. Yes, you can obtain more money, because more people will want to buy premium, so that some random nublet can go around killing people with their god armour. Pretty annoying. And not that easy to kill off the person wearing it.
Judging from the commentarty, it could be removed, or replaced with a different armor type that non-premiums could wear. Reducing it's overall value somewhat, and making non-premiums much more capable of defending themselves in armed conflicts that are ubiquitous in a medieval styled roleplaying server.
Judging from the commentarty, it could be removed, or replaced with a different armor type that non-premiums could wear. Reducing it's overall value somewhat, and making non-premiums much more capable of defending themselves in armed conflicts that are ubiquitous in a medieval styled roleplaying server.
Big words are big D:
I completely agree with the removal of Massive armor, and in its place, iron god armor. This is useful to non-premiums as it gives even the most lowly noob a chance in some PVP, and it could be sold by premiums to make silver to buy normal god armor if they wish. This effectively makes at least a bit of the despairing in non-premium vs premium go away and as well would jump start the economy as non-premiums who never saw a reason to buy anything would start to buy iron god armor as it is very precious to help protect the rest of their items. Lastly once MCCMO you know, works again swords will actually have not none, not 1, but 2 reasons to train it as it gives you counters and swordsman can make more money buy selling any reasonably intact iron god armor they loot, while axemen's long OP armor breaking trait will finally have a tiny reason not to spend as much time leveling.
Massive Armor is much to easy to acquire. I've gotten a fair bit of it from casual voting, and the sheer number of pieces in circulation are overwhelming. I don't care if it's removed or nerfed, I'd just like to see action taken to make the PVP environment more player friendly.
Solution to Massive Armor: Just keep training axes. As armor seems to be higher quality over time (at first just enchanting with table, then combining armors in anvils, then books, then ubreaking enchantment, and in 1.7 unbreaking can be gained on armor naturally from enchanting on enchant table) people keep leveling their axes to match. So Massive Armor may be good now...just wait till the axes catch up to rip them to pieces.
Solution to Massive Armor: Just keep training axes. As armor seems to be higher quality over time (at first just enchanting with table, then combining armors in anvils, then books, then ubreaking enchantment, and in 1.7 unbreaking can be gained on armor naturally from enchanting on enchant table) people keep leveling their axes to match. So Massive Armor may be good now...just wait till the axes catch up to rip them to pieces.

This is the only positive thing about it.
Solution to Massive Armor: Just keep training axes. As armor seems to be higher quality over time (at first just enchanting with table, then combining armors in anvils, then books, then ubreaking enchantment, and in 1.7 unbreaking can be gained on armor naturally from enchanting on enchant table) people keep leveling their axes to match. So Massive Armor may be good now...just wait till the axes catch up to rip them to pieces.
That isn't a solution. That's just lazily telling all the new players who DON'T have access to diamond armor to, "Lulz, suck it up." And armor ISN'T becoming higher quality over time really, it's just become more accessible and easier to acquire. However, massive armor just takes it to a whole new level of stupidity by making it so that some person who has 3 minutes can just "duuur click the lock and keys, den duh pritty kitty".

And in the majority of PvP, most fights don't last long enough where someone is going to manage to break diamond armor, unless you're fighting someone with 1000+ axes. All massive armor has done is to widen the ridiculous gap between premiums and non-premiums. It doesn't matter if the non-prem has high axes or not because the person with massive armor either dies first or more likely, runs away to keep their precious massive armor.

Saying that axes, which is already ridiculously overpowered and excessive compared to the other combat skills, is a solution to the problem of massive armor is like saying, "Darn, this apartment is way too hot, I'm sweating bullets! Maybe I should turn down the heater? Nah, lol. Let's just kick up the air conditioner even higher! ;D That'll solve the problem!"
Solution to Massive Armor: Just keep training axes. As armor seems to be higher quality over time (at first just enchanting with table, then combining armors in anvils, then books, then ubreaking enchantment, and in 1.7 unbreaking can be gained on armor naturally from enchanting on enchant table) people keep leveling their axes to match. So Massive Armor may be good now...just wait till the axes catch up to rip them to pieces.
I don't know about you but training axes to break unbreaking 5 armor that you get for free seems stupid to me. And without god apples and regen pots you'll probably die before you break armor, unless you're moofin then you might be able to break it.
With how many people, even heavy PvPrs, wanting the removal of this armor, why the hell is it still in existence?
With how many people, even heavy PvPrs, wanting the removal of this armor, why the hell is it still in existence?

Not going to be rude but maybe because a staff member enjoys it for some reason and won't let it disappear from the voting list. Or maybe because we are only hearing from people who WANT it removed, not from those who want it to stay -cough- jerk premiums, traders. -cough-. In all honesty the sad part is that massive armor pieces are going for.... five silver, people are selling GOD armor for five silver! Not only does it break pvp but it's gotten the economy to put it's head up it's ass. something tells me there is more then a 5% chance to get this item with the amount of people who have TWO sets of it and are selling them like candy!
With how many people, even heavy PvPrs, wanting the removal of this armor, why the hell is it still in existence?

As far as I can tell there are 4 Possible Situations why it is "still in existence":
1. They are busy with the quest system and want to do that first before ANYTHING else involving coding.
2. They have not found a good method to either remove it, (reminder that massive armor is still just enchanted diamond armor) or change it ([Change to Iron armor with same enchants was suggested often] they would need to scan all chests/backpacks and somehow exchange it).
3. They are still waiting for peopel to Post alternatives on the Vote Rewards Suggestions Thread.
4. They havent decided if they want to remove it.

I guess that covers some of the most reasonable explanations why it is "still in existence".
Don't get mad at me, but wouldn't the bulk of this argument be resolved by removing the "premium only diamond armor" perk? If both prems and non prems could wear it, that would make massive armor something much less over-powering.
In all honesty the sad part is that massive armor pieces are going for.... five silver, people are selling GOD armor for five silver! Not only does it break pvp but it's gotten the economy to put it's head up it's ass.
Gonna agree with you on this one. I already warned the staff what voting would do to the economy, and now the results are flooding in. Good luck to anybody who might try to fix this mess.
Gonna agree with you on this one. I already warned the staff what voting would do to the economy, and now the results are flooding in. Good luck to anybody who might try to fix this mess.

And we thought the fishing rewards were bad... D:
MassiveCraft Logic:

We couldn't imagine a night chewing on a god apple, so we took it out. Oh, and also we have voting, because knights also tap buttons to receive cool loot

Get rid of Massive Armor. Do it now.
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