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The Regalian Tribune - Third Edition

A new edition is spread all around the city, to every doorstep and countryside estate available. Additionally, the Regalian Tribune office is re-opened and the Tribune requests support, be it by tips, sources, or perhaps donations and endorsements. The primary way a business could help the Tribune is by contacting it for an advertisement feature.​



Government Change, Draconic Crisis & More
After His Imperial Holiness' concerns were made clear in the Assembly session of January 13th, the fate of the Noble Assembly was hanging by thin rope. The session after furthered concern for many nobility and the Consuls, on January 20th where Crown Prince and former Spirit-vessel Alexander Kade echoed his brother's view. The topic of the month; the Noble Assembly, and it's ineffectivity to handle government. The fourth edition of the Tribune brings you details on that, and more relevant & recent stories.
Stamped by the Noble House d'Ortonnaise

Arken Defeated, Supposedly Killed!
Despite prolonged conflict seemingly everywhere, there is good news to be had on what many are now calling the Draconic Crisis of Regalia. After weeks became months with the Arken terrorizing the streets, damaging state property and outright assaulting Regalian civilians, a group of brave souls led by an Ithanian, Edmond du Pont, challenged the stone statue-manipulating Arken dubbed "Claire", defeating and supposedly killing her. While there is conflicting information on the method Arken can be killed, it seems that "Claire" has been eradicated from the streets of Regalia. Following the death of the Arken "Claire", Edmond du Pont was chosen as Lord Commander of the Violet Order by Noble Assembly. This was an abrupt turn to remove the rank from Kaya Sorenvik, though the role has been jumping recently as many Assembly sessions ago, Wulfram Kehlen had been offered the position.

Changes of the Synod
After the absence of Benedict XI, the Synod held another meeting in which they chose the next High Reverend. Claude du Pont was elected and now takes the name Exarch Balthazar IV. In related news, the Synod fueled a siege on the Cultist-controlled Bastion, after the Lord Commander was captured and imprisoned. The result of the siege was essential information, further good news for the Draconic Crisis; the Holy Spirit, and an unrelated pro-Regalian dragon, both have the power to lift the Dragon Song that forced unwilling victims to follow the will of the Arken and witch she-dragon.

Ministerial Cabinet & Assembly Slaughter!
In what was to be a standard Noble Assembly session on January 26th, nobility and citizenry were startled alike at the sound of shouting near the hall's entrance. Armed dragon cultists stormed the building, though a number of Hightowers, other assorted guards and even some capable nobles held several lines and fended the cultists off, in what was likely one of many recent attempts to catch His Imperial Holiness in an audience in order to assassinate him. After the armed group of cultists were defeated, the Noble Assembly convened as usual, though a perhaps more major story follows from this session.

Noble Assembly Abolished
Many expected the once Proconsul Dietrich Drache to have a strong and positive set of policies while electing him as Consul, and then abruptly at the will of the Emperor after a debate about faithlessness in the assembly, Proconsul. What very few could have expected is that Lord Drache would abolish his own position, to do away with what has been recognized by imperial family members and prominent nobility as an uncontrolled mess incapable of governing efficiently. But the Proconsul himself made the proposal on the 26th of January, just after the Assembly security was challenged by an onslaught of Dragon Cultists who were soundly defeated. His proposal would not only abolish the Noble Assembly, but also form a replacement, two bodies of government. The Privy Council would be above the Ministerial Cabinet, whereas Councilors were selected by His Imperial Holiness, and Ministers of Finance, Logistics, State, Arcane or Scholars would be selected by the Privy Council itself for more direct rule of the government. What followed the proposal would be witnessed as the Noble Assembly voting to abolish itself, the final vote to be cast.

Imperial Assassination Attempt
His Imperial Holiness Cedromar Kade held an Imperial Audience at the Howlester castle. What appeared to start normally quickly took a turn for the worse, when Violet guardsman Anton Storbjorn drew a dagger and pulled the Emperor away, putting the knife to His throat. He proceeded to spout nonsense and gibberish, demanding that the real Emperor be brought to him. With impeccable timing and preventing damage done to His Imperial Holiness, the Court Arcanist Edward Estellunar cast a spell prior to the charging of the Imperial Guards, who quickly pulled away the perpetrator. This event took place long before the recent Assembly, though both attempts have been foiled, thusly the Imperial Guards have been proven capable.

Repeat Assaults, Victims Threatened
An unfortunate story was found not too long ago when a member of the nobility was found beaten in an alley and brought to the clinic. The man was later approached with a threat to coerce him into joining the Harhold-led Western League. The nobleman recovered proper and has not joined any leagues, though the city watch is to be reminded to keep a keen eye out for corruption and assault on the streets, especially considering the further recent attacks committed against a Reverend of the Holy Synod.

New Leaf Charity Festival

The Alchimia Order invites artisans, businesses and citizens to a festival featuring stalls, sideshows and games!
Where: Budenwel party location (/tp rpevent) at 10:30PM GMT, 28th of January!

Nouvelle Soirée Lumineuse
House Villeneuve offers a banquet, featuring dancing, music, and a feast; festivities to promote the dance academy!
Where: Regalian City Park, at 10pm GMT 9th of Feburary!
Benedictus d'Vaud sat down in the study of the Milais, flicking through the Reglian Tribune at his leisure...