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The Regalian Tribune - Second Edition

As chaos plagued the city, swarms of papers were delivered across Regalia. Many of them for free, many to the former Regal Gazette subscribers. All titled "The Regalian Tribune", the newspapers had truly been delivered hastily before the printing presses within the city were emptied and locked. Along with the papers came many announcements, between the Gazette & Tribune as well as over recent emergencies...

La Résistance
The Regalian Tribune is proud to announce that it has formally merged with the Regal Gazette, expanding the Tribune's influence across the Archipelago. It is unfortunate that we have to make the following solemn announcements, though the Tribune & the Gazette, now maintaining the Regalian Tribune press name, both hold loyalties to the Regalian Empire, Emperor and the Holy City of Regalia above all else. The following announcement is broadcasted as far as our printing presses managed to reach.
Stamped by the Noble House d'Ortonnaise
Oppose the Arken, contribute to the Resistance
In these beyond troubling times, the citizens of the Holy City unite to fight for their Emperor, their Divine, and for their freedom. The Regalian Tribune is by all means Regalian above all else, with chiefmost faith and fervor for the Regalian people's united loyalty to His Imperial Holiness. It is with this we regret to inform you that the Holy City is at major risk of a hostile magical takeover from both the Slums of the city, where criminal conspiracies work with a magical she-dragon Rikkira, known as a risk by the Isldar faith and Regalian people. The afflicted who are unfortunate victims of this she-dragon's powers, forced to follow regardless of their past beliefs, can be saved. Therefore, the people are ordered to not kill the afflicted, normal citizens who were made victims of a hostile takeover and turned into meatshields. Instead, we must target the Arken, divide the leadership, and cut off all connections these afflicted and Arken have to these malicious underground groups suspected to be located in the slums.

Hear ye, all Regalians who still have control of your thoughts! If you do not fight the Arken, you will be forced to surrender. To be made a subject, and to be thrown into a war against your family, your friends, your people. Your home. This war involves every man and woman, every species who locates themselves in Regalia, everyone who wishes to still have control of their own minds. Fight for those you loved that have been forced to fight you, fight for yourself. Fight for your freedom, to not be subdued. Fight for Regalia. Fight for the Emperor. Work with La Résistance.

Caution with the "Enlightened" Afflicted!
While it may be reassuring to believe that the Dragon-Afflicted can be saved from their curse, do not fall for the trap. Thus far, the only "saved" afflicted have gone on to sabotage Violet Order & Resistance efforts, and we suspect it is these "enlightened" that caused the takeover at Black Tower. Be cautious & paranoid when looking for Afflicted, but do not act with hostility against any but the Arken unless it is in self-defense. Work with the proven Regalian authority. We furthermore encourage cooperation with the Imperial State solely, as well as the charters that are proven to remain loyalist.

We will continue to update our readers, and the populace, on which groups are proven loyal. For now, while the Violet Order has self-destructed, the Safeguard Rangers appear to be the best bet at city-wide authority… though it is uncertain for how long this will last, so we furthermore encourage cooperation with the Resistance.

The Barricade & Breach
Upon the conversion of many in the Bastion fortress, the Violet Order and others opted to shut off entry and exit by placing a barricade to the one street that lead to it. Doing this, however, cost the Ithanian and Garden districts, shut off by the barricade. These districts were utilized by the Afflicted, who raised archers and warriors throughout them, even deploying ballistae from the Bastion's arsenal. Likewise, Violets and more defended the barricade and walls. It wasn't long before it was discovered that somehow, Afflicted were spilling out into the city and doing damage, stealing, kidnapping and worse. After a search was conducted by a Silven named Seris, a breach was found near the docks. Several guards and volunteers opted to hold the opening, these including the brave Benjamin Journey and Silver Valentine, and residents of the street volunteered their properties for the watch, namely Fiviah Cavallero. Unfortunately, the Afflicted learned of their blocked passageway, and fired ballistae upon the group, decimating the nearby area and severely injuring several. Ever since, the Afflicted has freely spread through the city, uncontested and unhindered while seeking refuge in the slums.

The Rie Front Persists...
After a long and drawn-out effort to locate and neutralize the Elven fleet, which was reported to near 70 warships strong, the combined Crown, Grand and Scout armadas overlooked as the enemy moved north and began bombarding Regalian coasts of Girobalda and Gallovia. The Elven fleet was supposedly decimated by reports of a feathered dragon aiming for the enemy, supporting theories that there is a feathered dragon opposing the Regalian Empire's enemies. Despite this, many were lost in the bombardings, and the Tribune's condolences go out to the families who experienced losses as a result of these unfortunate turn of events.

At the same time, the Avanthar have demolished the Regalian occupation in Lusits, and ever since has been considered a near-unstoppable force in the field, proving to raise tensions as the Shendar invade their territories from the west. All eyes seem to be on the orc tribe nations, as it is yet unclear whose side the orcs will pick in the war, if they do participate at all.

The Exarch Benedict XI claimed to have went missing for over a week, before returning, baffled by the concern and reassuring that he had been injured in a mere mild accident, and recovered in Vixhall. There was a great deal of concern as to his safety, but now that he is back, many in the city look to him for clairvoyance amidst all the chaos.

The Funnies
Cheap jokes, riddles & miscellanous. Don't look at the right column of the paper until you think you've completed the riddles! (Note, these riddles are rarely made by the producers of the paper.)

Why do dragons sleep at day time?
So they can fight knights!

The most stressful part of being a dragon is supposedly trying to blow out the candles for your birthday cake.

Why isn't it easy to work out the weight of a dragon?
They don't come in scales.

What did the dragon say when it came across a Sanguine biting an innocent lady?
"Fangs for the two for one deal!"

Why do dragons refuse to eat guards?
Because they taste so lawful.

I've been told these jokes truly dragon. Therefore, I'll spare you the rest.

What is the Resistance?
The Resistance is a group of Regalian-loyalists, organized to oppose all Arken-dominated control in the Holy City, though organized in a way to counter infiltration and division, the tactics that split the Violet Order. To get into communication with the Resistance, one would have to pen a letter or contact a member. Considering the secrecy of both location and members, it is understandably difficult. Those who have a record of opposition towards the she-dragon and her legions would likely have an easier time finding the correct people, while those who have a history of Affliction will be all but avoided.

We want to stress that we are not in any way encouraging dissent or actions made against the State. We are not a revolution, nor a conspiracy. The Resistance is a group of those who wish to oppose the Arken and help contain the Affliction, without risking being Afflicted themselves as a result of public location, members, etcetera. The Resistance is perfectly willing to cooperate with the State and legal authorities, and only wishes to assist them in the efforts of securing law and order in the Holy City of Regalia. The group is founded under the lack of an organized Violet Order or official opposition to the Arken, and it is founded in a way with preventative measures made against the infiltration and conversion that severely damaged and debatably crushed previous oppositional movements and groups.

For the duration of the crisis, most advertisements are suspended. Instead, less relevant but important short stories or reports will be shown in this section, additional to the noble affiliated stamp, since the State's proceedings has not shut down despite the chaos.

Men of the Faith
The Sancella and Synod is short of fervent & zealous men of the Imperial Spirit. If you are not a trained Reverend but wish to join anyhow, find a Reverend or pen one; even the Exarch himself*!
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