• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

The Regalian Tribune - Fourth Edition

The fourth edition would swiftly circulate through the streets, like any other recent paper. The Tribune office would then later release a statement that it was decreasing it's paper length to a single page, in order to facilitate stories that must be released sooner than they have enough stories to fill the original two-page paper.

Jared Kade sssaulted at a Joust!
The Grand Spring Joust, scheduled on the 11th of February 306AC, resulted in a final match-up between the mystery Knight Florentin and the Grand Commissioner Jared Kade. When Kade, who was jousting while representing House Kade, had defeated the mystery Knight, he stripped himself of his helm to reveal himself as Ser Percival. While Kade took his victory laps, Percival drew his sword and demanded Jared face him, before putting a deep gash into Jared Kade's chest. While Lord Vulmar Ravenstad joined to the aid of Percival, the Imperial Guard and Courteaux Life Guard both intervened to prevent further surprise injury done on Jared, who, once pulled from danger, demanded an honor duel be announced between the attacker, Ser Percival, and the Grand Commissioner Jared Kade. Despite the chaos and assault, it was announced that Jared Kade won the joust regardless, and is now named the Champion of Spring's tourney.
This honor duel challenge is hereby extended to Ser Percival using the Regalian Tribune as a platform, the challenge extended by Jared Kade himself. The duel has been scheduled for 4PM GMT, located at the Fang's Throng Lounge, to settle the dispute they experienced at the Grand Spring Joust. The duel itself will be in a full week from now, on Saturday, 17th of February.

The Very Brief Life of the Privy
Upon the termination of the Noble Assembly which once managed and administrated most goings of the city of Regalia, a proposal led by the Assembly's Proconsul initiated a Privy Council, to which His Imperial Holiness Cedromar I selected the councilors; Dietrich Drache, Audrey d'Ortonnaise, Rodderick Howlester, Thaddeus Kade, and Edmund du Pont. After what appeared to be a successful council slowing to a halt as a result of collusion between the du Pont and Howlester, His Imperial Holiness scrapped the whole idea of the previous Council, lowering it's authority, replacing it's positions and investing more focus on the Ministerial Cabinet, which as of present now hosts three Howlesters holding Ministerial positions, out of ten. The Tribune will do it's best to follow and record the available goings of the new government, to keep citizens informed.

Feer-Drakken College
The Feer-Drakken college of Regalia has opened, managed by Tristan Kade! Learn to fight with the ways of a two-handed sword and with utmost skill, pen the Imperial Steward Tristan Kade a letter of application.

Stamp of House d'Ortonnaise