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The Regalian Times #2


Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
The Regalian Times Second Edition

Business in the New Town Flourishes!
As the Clicker Crisis becomes a thing of the past business all over the new town are reopening. As these new companies are opening many wonder if this newfound business will stay or is it a glimmer of hope before a vast economic depression? Experts are stating that it is very likely that this is just a glimmer of hope before an economic fall. Others are stating that Regalia is going to see an economic boom in the near future. One thing is for sure the future ahead is unknown.

A beast in the nook???
There have been rumors going around that there was some type of beast right outside of the nook, the details are currently known and our good reporters are trying to find out as much as they can but right now all we can say that there might have been a beast right outside of the nook and the beast might have not been a werebeast but something else. The details at the moment are unknown and there is a good chance that this is just a myth and nothing more.

Taxes are fun
The Empire was forced to increase taxes nationwide because of the aftermath of the clicker crisis. All taxes have increased by 10% in order to give the empire a positive economic balance. Although currently, the tax rise is only going to last for 4 weeks before taxes return to normal. We took to the streets to gather people's opinions on the subject, "I believe that the rise is necessary for the betterment of the empire, without the tax rise the government would not be able to function.", "What are taxes? And also what is a werebear?",
"Taxes are bad, they should end all taxes", "I think that the empire should reconsider increasing taxes, if there are fewer taxes it will allow the business to generate more wealth, Them generating more wealth is good for the economy as a whole", "For the last time I don't care about taxes can you please fucking leave." As you can see the opinions on the new tax laws are mixed.

Will business in the New Town see a sharp rise? Is the beast in the nook a Myth? And will we ever find out what a werebear is? Find out next time on the Regalian Times.

Side Note: The Regalian Times are now taking subscriptions, Just reply that you are subscribed to the newspaper in the comments and I will tag you the next time I make an article.

Anika Kreiburg would glance at the paper as it dropped onto her desk, she glanced up to the maid, "Subscribe me to this, would you?" she then went to pick it up and glance it over.