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The Regalian Times #1


Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
People would be selling newspapers around the city

Regalian Times First Edition

Recovering from the Clicker Crisis?
On June 16th at 8 pm Regalian windows shattered as a massive explosion rang out all over the city. The Clicker rift in the city was destroyed but in its place was a massive crater. The good guards of the city saved us all but now the rebuilding of the city must begin. Economic experts have made predictions on how many regals will it take for the city to go through a full recovery. Here are some words from experts. "The amount of damage the clickers have caused is truly mind-boggling. To repairing the windows shattered will cost the city nearly 13k, Meanwhile rebuilding the buildings destroyed, including the cathedral, will cost nearly 100k, and another 30k to fill up the crater with dirt again. On top of all of this, the economy will likely see a depression, many businesses had to close due to the clickers and many people stayed indoors this means they were not spending any money. This will lower the overall GDP of Regalia we are looking at a fall of nearly 9%."

Werebeastism on the rise?

As the Clicker Crisis becomes a thing of the past a new problem looms on the horizon. Werebeast cases have seen a sharp rise. The guards of stated that they are doing an investigation but is it really enough? There have been multiple reported attacks and even the kidnapping of nobles. As werebeastism is on the rise lets see what the experts have to say about it? "Werebeastism is extremely similar to vampirism. Werebeasts when infected see it as a gift they will likely attempt to infect friends and family to spread the gift. This means that if a friend of a family member is infected you are at high risk, if you suspect this please report them to the guards. Common signs are Grey eyes, Sudden change in behavior, sharper nails, and sharper teeth." We went to the street to gather other peoples opinions, "Eh, Werebeasts are bad I guess", "What is a Werebear?", "They should build a wall and make the werebeasts pay for it" (This is just a joke please don't take it seriously), "Oh Come onnnn Werebeasts are not that badddd", "Will you please leave me alone." As you can see here the people are extremely worried about Werebeastism now on our next Story.

Jacobinism screaming revolution?
All over the city, more and more Jacobin posters are appearing all over the city. Many of them are reading "The revolution is coming, Which side are you on?" Experts Claim that they are likely just edgy teenagers or a small amount of Jacobins. We took to the streets to find out other people's opinions. "Leave me alone", "Jacobinism fucking suck", "They are bad I guess", "The assholes smashed the windows of my shop", and "WE SHALL SHOW NO MERCY WHEN WE SCCCREEEAMMM THE REVOLUTION" The last quote was what a Jacobist yelled as he was being arrested by guards. On another Jacobist Related story, Jacobins Smashed the Windows of the Smoking Bull at night.

Will the Jacobin's ever do anything except yell shit? Will werebeastism be stopped? And how will the clicker Crisis affect Your taxes? Find out next time on Regalian times.

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By the way, the newspaper is accepting Advertisements
If you want an advertisement for your company in the next edition of the paper just
Put your Company name and the number of regals you are willing to spend on the advertisement in a reply.
On another Jacobist Related story, Jacobins Smashed the Windows of the Smoking Bull at night.
"We know who's behind this paper, then. This is such a lie! If we're going to be targeted by a criminal, at least let it be by a smart one!" Sierra complained.

(Just as a note, I remember reading this earlier and there was no mention of this section in the post. You only added it after my character called yours out icly.)
"We know who's behind this paper, then. This is such a lie! If we're going to be targeted by a criminal, at least let it be by a smart one!" Sierra complained.

(Just as a note, I remember reading this earlier and there was no mention of this section in the post. You only added it after my character called yours out icly.)

(Oh, If you want me to remove it I will, I did not know you were not allowed to do that)