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The Regalian National Coalition


Lanky Leg Extraordinaire
Mar 28, 2020
Reaction score
Dublin - Ireland
The Regalian National Coalition
"For Prosperity, For Security, For the Empire."

To The Dukes, Duchesses, Lords, Ladies and Citizens of the Realm.
Trying times are again on the horizon, today we face new challenges to our own rule and to the rule of the empire itself. Due to all this in these times we may feel more divided than ever, as though we are all enemies. However I write today to try and change that, it is time enough for us to stand united and together. We may not agree on everything, however that can always change. Through the creation of the Regalian National Coalition, I intend to bind us all closer together. Not just through voting on issues as a block. But through the development of personal relationships and friendships, and through hard work together. So I invite all upstanding citizens of the realm to join me in this venture.
Signed, His Grace Alastair Mac Conall.
Duke of Dundarne.
Protector of the Highlands.
Lion of Clannadh-Alba.
Titles & Positions ect.

  • On the Topic of the Empire's Economy.
    • The Empire has developed a strong economic powerbase in the archipelago and while further investment is necessary to ensure the fiscal heartland of the empire stays strong. For too long other areas of the empire have been disregarded and written off. It is time for the state to step in and develop the rest of the empire using the strong base of the archipelago to link and bind the empire as one empire.
  • On the Topic of the Empires Military and Security
    • The Empire has fallen far and has further to fall, if the war in Hadar and the current situation in Ellador does not prove that nothing will. However with the rise of the Allorn empire in the west, Regalia can no longer sit on its laurels and sleep. The Giant must rise! The empire must be garrisoned all over and we must be ready and secure for when our rivals try to take the next bite out of us.
  • On the Topic of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs.
    • The Empire has taken far too lazy a stance as of late when it comes to forigne affairs. The downfall began when the empire failed to capitalize at the end of the Dreadwar, by failing to secure the Altalar principalities through inaction began our decline. It is now that we must pull in the reins at this pivotal moment and use not just our military but our diplomatic tact and skill to prove we are still the predominant power.
  • On the Topic of Imperial Subjects
    • Imperial Subjects have for far too long been forgotten, tossed aside and treated as an after thought by successive governments. They must be fully brought into the empire and established both militarily and economically. They must be brought up to scratch and into the fold, not as afterthoughts but true pieces of the Imperial Puzzle. Examples such as the abandonment of the colonies following the Bone Horror crisis, Ailor being made slaves in Ellador. And the all but abandonment of Hadar till the situation grew out of hand.
  • On the Topic of Governance
    • The current lord chancellor has done an excellent job in expanding the state government, however further work is needed to ensure the continued prosperity and development of the state. State focus will have to be expanded to cover more than just city politics but take into account the whole empire and external threats. There is also some cause for allowing for the military to take a greater role in governance in an advisory position.
  • On the Topic of the Assembly
    • The Assembly is a tool to be used, as such members of the Coalition are dedicated to advancing the goals of the Coalition by way of the assembly. Before every assembly a general meeting shall be held, members can bring their proposals to the meeting and should a majority be in favour of it all members will debate in favour and vote in favour when the time of the assembly comes.

Coalition Structure
  • Chairperson:
  • Duke Alastair Mac Conall
    • The role of the Chairperson is to be the public head of the party, it is in their duty to set out the manifesto, plan party events and head party meetings. The main role is to be the glue that holds the party together, therefore at meetings they are generally expected to remain impartial. The chairperson must be a titled member of the peerage and is elected by a two thirds majority of electors or a unanimous vote of none elector members.
  • Secretary:
  • To Be Elected
    • The role of the Secretary is to keep party meetings on schedule, to take the minutes and ensure topics are adhered too. It is also their job to manage party funds and act as the second in command of the party. The secretary can be any member of the party and is elected by a majority vote of the members.
  • Party Electors:
  • Duke Cillian Mac Conall, Duke Reimar von Falkenreich, Duchess Violetta de Piedmont.
    • These are members of the party who have votes in the Assembly. They are given seats at the table in party meetings and are expected to adhere to party policy, as such they recieve all benefits of party membership and can bring proposals before their fellow Electors at party meetings.
  • Party Members:
  • Vulmar Faulkner, Lady Natharia Mac Conall, Lady Gwendolyn Black.
    • These are members of the party who lack votes in the Assembly. However they are welcome to attend party meetings and events and are given opportunities through their membership. These opportunities include an ability to mingle with high society. A gateway into politics, incite into how the assembly works and various opportunities depending on their skill sets and motivation.
Through DM to !Farly!#6570 on discord using accompanying format.
Character Name:
Character Application:
Reason for joining:
Letter to the Chairperson:

Note party procedure will be explained IC, the reason for this is so the system of electing leaders of the party is not known to those who would seek to see it undermined or manipulated.