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The Regalian Gentlemen's Club


Mamba Mentality
Aug 5, 2017
Reaction score


You find this pinned to Regalian notice boards throughout the Crown Isle. Showing the titleage above stating:

High lords of the Regalian State. I hope this notice finds you in good health, during this time in the Regalian State, I find myself confined to my office with abundant paperwork and meetings. There has not been a proper social club for Gentlemen of the Regalian State for too long, whilst women work in their own social clubs while we're confined to our office spaces. It is with honor, that I present to you the first iteration of the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. This club exclusively caters to men of the Regalian Noble Peerage, and commoners of selective choice. One which provides the means for entertainment, sociability, and creating a platform of men, many of us war veterans or strategist to come together, compare stories, discuss the state of the realm, or even hunting events. With that I hope to see many of you at our first meeting, which will be a socialite event at Castle Typhonunburg. Uninvited guests may pen a letter to Princely Electoral Count, Reimar Typhonus, Sir Reginald Typhonus , or Baron Julius Peirgarten to seek entry, with that, Spirit Bless, and Glory to the Empire.

Reginald Wolfram Typhonus,
Freisöldner Inspector of the Regalian State.
The list of present invitations goes as follows:
  • Of House Kade:
  • Of House Howlester:
    • All male members of House Howlester are invited to the Regalian Gentlemen's Club's meetings.
      • More specifically, Sir Aldwyn Howlester, Sovereign Prince Rodderick Howlester, and Imperial Court Marshal William Howlester receive personalized invitations. @Anarchizm @BillyTheScroofy
  • Of House Peirgarten:
    • Countess-Consort Rodrigo Peirgarten receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Yigit
    • Baron Julius Peirgarten receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Anarchizm
  • Of House Delmotte:
    • Prince of Pays-suds Louis Delmotte receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Arhbi
    • Baron Marceau Delmotte receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Arhbi
  • Of House von Drachenburg:
    • Duke-Elector Dietrich von Drachenburg receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @FireFan96
  • Of House Typhonus:
    • Baron Klaus Typhonus receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Battlebrawn
    • Sir Karsten Typhonus receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Lly2
    • Sir Reinhardt Typhonus receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @NoERPChat
  • Of House od Albion:
    • Baron Wilheim od Albion receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @The_Hochmeister
  • Of House Latimer:
    • Baron Abelhard Latimer receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @festiveCorvid
  • Of House Reinard:
    • Viscount Augustin Reinard receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Eronoc
  • Of House Harhold:
    • Baron Hengest Harhold receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club. @Jonificus
  • Of House Lok-Guthrian:
    • Baron Kalmar receives an invitation to join the Regalian Gentlemen's Club.

  • Where/How can I join? Pen a letter to @ChapterDeath or @Natannine or @Anarchizm stating you seek entry.
  • When's the first meeting? To be determined, those interested will be sent a Discord Invitation to the Gentlemen's Club Discord.
  • What will be happening at these events? Anything from hunting, to drinking, discussing politics, fishing - You know, manly stuff.
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To whom it may concern,

Allow me entrance into your social club. You certainly shan't regret it. I am entertaining, of noble blood, and have a good story or two.

