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The Regal Gazette, Issue Vii

A letter from an Elf.
An Elf known as Lantana approached the Regal Gazette with a message that it wished to be spread to other elves. A message telling them to focus their energy on furthering the great way, and working towards being declared humanum the right way, through service to our Holy Empire. If the Elven population in Lantana's words are presented in full below.

As the snow continues to fall in the city, so does fall my heart as I watch the people around me. The struggle of the climb is a painful one and even more so am I disheartened by watching my fellow kin. As a humble magus trying to serve this great empire, I am astonished at the malice and stupidity I continue to see in those I dare call kin. Once I would complain and waste my hours thinking how yet unfair it was that we are without rights within this city, however as time has passed and my observations continued I realize that we have brought such punishment upon ourselves. We complain and whisper of our dreams to achieve better rights yet our actions only further push us from such a goal. We defy our beloved Empire while we should be serving. Yes, there are those who give us unnecessary grief but they are not the ones who revoke our rights. That blame falls upon ourselves. To rise in this city is to be earned, not demanded. Yet I grow ever frustrated, for as an outsider trying to make a life for myself, I find myself consistently pushed down from my goals simply because of my kin around me who ruin the name of any good Nelfin out there. I ask only this now of my brothers and sisters reading; Let your actions reflect your heart. Those out there who so desperately wish for better rights like myself, such a dream will not come into fruition until we prove we are deserving to our empire, our emperor, and the Imperial spirit.

I beg you, my kin, to find ways to dedicate these skills to the betterment of our home. As more of us show intelligence and loyalty, so sooner will we, the individual Elves, the ones with the potential to redeem ourselves, have a chance to become worthy of rights within this magnificent city. Lay to rest our readiness to fight and instead take on a mindset of peace and dedication. Stand with me in giving ourselves as a whole to making a better life for ourselves and for all who live in this city. Spirit bless those of the great path. Long live Regalia.


The noticeable deeds of Eske Ulfmaerr
A certain man has begun to make quite a name for himself, his name is Eske Ulfmaerr, here are some of the things he has done.

It was reported that on a late nights travel, Eske found himself upon the scene of three men trying to kidnap a young girl and her elder sister. It was reported that once Eske arrived, he attempted to scare them off, to no avail the men attacked him. However, they were beaten back by Eske, utilizing only an owl knobbed cane. The attempted kidnappers were restrained and transferred over to the proper authorities.

In honor of the fallen, and cheerfulness for the living warriors fighting the Elves, a large group of Velheim men gathered in the tavern and drank, bought drinks for other tavern goers, and paid for the meals of several more. The one who seemed to be running these events again was, Eske Ulfmaerr. Eske said to the Gazette's interviewers, "I am here for the people. Whether my kin or my countrymen I will fight any battle to make your lives better."

On top of these two deeds, Eske had rescued a child from the clutches of a Kidnapper by throwing his banner spear at the torch above the man, causing it to knock him out and free the child; and Eske, with his team of Velheimer, went out on a hunt and found a caravan being raided by bandits, they beat and routed the bandits and saved the couple who were being robbed.

This Concludes this issue of the Regal Gazette.