The Ramoran Heritage ( Songaskia Aristocrats )


Draconic Mercenary
Jan 5, 2019
Reaction score
Regalian Empire

Crest made by Ghirko! Layout from the Fristadvlom family thread. Thanks for @CrimsletMonarch who made the original & allowed me to use it!


Etymology: The name "Ramoran" originates from the Sofaal word "Ramawa" meaning "Revenge", with an applied suffix to denote "the one fulfilling revenge". Its history is plainly clear, as the first Ramoran were children of Kash bringing forth the destruction of the Saryd Empire.

Family Crest: Round grey shield with a black dragon, warded by a pair of desert lions holding Songaskian war spears.

Family Heirlooms: The Spike of Kash

Motto: "A sleeping dragon is never to be tickled."

Colors: Black, Orange & Silver

Culture: Depends on the individual family member (Dragon Heritage)

Races: Songaskian, all Heritage/Pureblood

Religion: Primarily Shambala, with the occasional Unionist & Dragon Cultist.

Family Trade: Military & Mercenary work, Taverns & Songaskian Goods import

Location: Rivellia & Farah'deen

Location of Ancestral Home: Northern Masaya & Malifant

Status: Aristocratic Family




The Ramoran line is a heritage line, tracing direct descent to the Desert Dragons. Family tales claim a group of Songaski who emerged from a single egg, approached by the Black Dragon Kash-Tooral and instructed to travel north and lay claim to the Sayrid fortresses there.

The first leader of the heritage was Idrissa al Ramoran, a military leader who was claimed to wield the very tail-spike of Kash-Tooral as his weapon. He took part in the conquest of Diabaleni and its subsequent Songaskian re-construction into a pearl city, which has served as the de-facto seat of the family ever since.
Few Ramoran were born in the city as the family spent its lifetime on the path of conquest. Idrissa saw briefly the construction of Korbamakora, but fell in battle against the Qadir of Mooriye during the Masaya's push south.

He was succeeded by his first-born daughter, Sayina, who was largely lacking achievements yet is remembered fondly as a wise warrior and the first white-scaled Ramoran: her mother was a daughter of Karkish.

She lived a long and prosperous life and retired from her leadership to allow her son to continue the Ramoran legacy. She has remained in Diabaleni, only fleeing to Malifent briefly during the civil war, though is still in relatively good health at the venerable age of 157. Unfortunately, she was too young to witness the last of the Desert Dragons.

Voderess' Bloodline

Her son, Voderess Ramoran, distinguished himself as a general in various battles against Hadravia and died during the civil war, fighting for the rightful Massiya. Legally, he would have been succeeded by his firstborn son Malrosa al Ramoran. Yet it was Malrosa to lead platoons against his own father in the civil war, and the man remained with the Usurper Massiya and followed him into exile on the eastern frontiers of the Masaya. He still serves there as a military adviser.

Skipping over Malrosa, Sakara was next in line. She was born on the battlefields of Hadvaria, and was raised to a similar commanding position as her father was and her siblings. She fought multiple battles under his almost-literal wings, and rose to independent command during the Songaskian invasion of Regalia where she distinguished herself in leadership and was given multiple platoons to command.

Her career was splintered by the civil war, where she followed her father to the loyalist side and suffered a decisive defeat at the hands of the usurper Massiya. Years of scattered ambitions followed where members of the family could be found in the most remote corners of Aloria. The silence was broken in late 307 when Sakara finally decided to take the effort to recover her family in an effort to enter Regalian politics.

The Nasir Bloodline

Voderess' brother, Saalim, was the first al-Ramoran to break from military traditions. He married to Ramza, a Heritage-descendant of the white dragon Lleyvantrakh. Saalim and Ramza settled down in Diabaleni to live a modest life in peace away from the al-Ramoran military encampments that had in the past banished the al-Ramoran to a nomadic lifestyle.

The cutting of heritage traditions sparked immediate dissent between the brothers, which smoothed out over the decades. Ramza's family were wealthy merchants with multiple establishments and breweries in Diabaleni, which prospered further under the unusual pair. The two bloodlines made peace soon enough and had interlinking influence on each other. The Nasir bloodline enjoys the high discipline and orderly carry of the al Ramoran, whereas the latter bloodline was lifted for its three youngest generations from nomadic warriors and soldiers to a family of higher culture aristocrats.

The Nasir bloodline has enjoyed more sophisticated living centered around self-enrichment, the arts, carousing and trade, with members spreading to multiple corners of Aloria, including Regalia. The bloodline holds and administers most al-Ramoran affiliated businesses in the Archipelago and Farah'deen, and is currently led by Regalia-born Fathiyaa Nasir al-Ramoran. They usually carry the earned name "Nasir", which means aide, helper, the one who helped the family to success.




The al-Ramoran are all Heritage-line Songaski tracing their descent mainly from the Black Dragon Kash-Tooral, and partially from the dragons Karkish (main line) and Veerthil (some secondary line). Members of the bloodline are respectively black, white and red scaled (frequence in this order), with gold fairly rare.

This also results in black, white and red hair to be most common between the Ramoran, with a few other common traits to count:
  • Tall body height. A heritage of warriors, Ramoran range between 6'3' and 6'6'', males and females alike.
  • Large, black horns. The heritage of Kash-Tooral left the bloodline proud of their black horns. Secondary line members may have different shapes & colored horns.
  • A distaste to lesser form. Ramoran are proud of their draconic blood, and prefer not to look like the Qadir the family fought for over a century.
Mainline Ramoran are all military commanders & leaders, fighting with Kash-Tooral's spear. Other lines of the Heritage can vary greatly, but all sort-of fit the above few points.



Naming Convention

Al-Ramoran heritage descendants follow a simple naming convention where the name is made up of three parts:
1. Given name, the choice of the parents
2. Earned name (Halin), detailed below.
3. Heritage name, here al-Ramoran.

The earned name is a descriptor matching an al-Ramoran's character, earned during their early adulthood and giving all other Songaskia an immediate clue about the nature of the one they meet. It can describe a life event (Mansurah -> Victory, victorious), a feat (Fareed -> Unmatched, performance in duels) or the Songaskia's attitude to life (Nasir -> Helper, the one who aids to achieve success).

How to use the Ramoran name

Three options exist to write the Ramoran name, and neither is practically right or wrong. Specifically, the way the Heritage is referred to is actually a grammar quirk to define how and what they really refer to within the Heritage. Thus, "al-Ramoran", "Al Ramoran" and "Ramoran" are each correct. The first is used when writing down names, the second is the official name ("The Ones Taking Revenge") while the latter is the usual adjective or noun used on members.

(War masks)


Soldiers of the Heritage found helmets unwieldy. They were hard to fit around horns, broke apart during transformation into Songaskian ancient form and largely prevented breathing fire at their enemies. The Ramoran solution is hand-crafted war masks that serve more as ornaments and eye-protection than headgear (the head-protection is mostly supplemented by a length of chain mail draped around the neck.

The Masalar are war masks covering most of the face with opening for eyes, mouth and nose, with a simple strap holding them in place at the back of the head. These are easy to remove before transformation into ancient form, and if they are left on, the strap snaps and the mask simply falls off. The slot for the mouth and jaw also facilitates room for fire-breathing.

Masallar are hand-crafted with huge attention to detail, each a unique piece with different symbols, letters and an expression relevant to the wearer's personality, beliefs and preferences. These are added over time as the Songaskia progresses in their lives; a whelpling's mask is plain and polished whereas a veteran's is finely etched. When a Ramoran is found to have committed treason or betrayal, their mask is claimed and cleaved diagonally in half, largely preventing its restoration.

Wasanni Yaki
(War games)


Wargaming is a Ramoran past-time that heavily resembles New Regalian wargaming traditions with the addition of actual physical exercises and competitions. Games are held on the Ranar Yaki, referring to the
"day of war", which is determined by the phases of the moon and the sun. It is either held during full Moon (which is believed to be the day the Sun has its greatest grip on the night and darkness), or during one of the Sabbatical celebrations (equinoxes and solstices). The former Moon-day is more common, also because Full Moon alloved these games to continue into the night due to the persistent visibility.

During the morning of the War Games, the Farariya (military leadership, literally "the brave ones") convene to survey the location, agree on the fictional troops involved and agree on the afternoon games (if they weren't agreed upon already). They then use either a map or a practical survey to play out a battle in theory. For any uncertain point, a majority decision is made on the outcome and the point is noted. The agenda of the afternoon is to participate in the games (competitions) and to re-play the contested points in a way that is true to the situation presented (dulled weapons but actual platoons, duels between troops, etc).

As this part of the games tends to reach way into the night, the day is crowned with a grand feast. In most cases, the games are also accompanied by a hunt, in which case the prey animals serve as food. The feast involves music, dancing, storytelling and seeks to dissolve any tension that may have arisen during the day. The feast lasts until sunrise, at which point the Songaski offer a morning prayer, then take a short nap before continuing with the day.

Rawa Magana
(Spear dancing)


Kokawa Kaho
(Horned wrestling)


Horned wrestling is the traditional way to settle "Iko Shawara", which is a unique concept within the Ramoran heritage referring to a hierarchy of respect, which does not extend to any legal or dead-set preference, merely to precedence in house etiquette. It allows Songaski of the Heritage to have a firm grasp on their stance within the bloodline and allows them to settle disputes in a quick and efficient fashion.

Horned wrestling, as its name implies, is done in elder or ancient form. The Songaski participating enter a circular arena of sand marked with flames on the side (traditionally) or paint in the sand (pragmatic). The wrestle begins with "Karo-Kai", when the participants rush down to each other with their heads bent facing downward (thus with the side or tip of their horns forward). The participants then clash, head meeting head and horn meeting horn. It is important to learn the correct posture and to have a firm posture of the head to prevent injury at this early point, where the weakest can already fall out.

The next stage is the "Karo-Kwace" where the participants grab onto each others' shoulders and keep their horns interlocked while trying to push or pull the other to the ground. As the position ultimately does not allow room for grappling and the use of feet, this second part of the wrestle is a measure of endurance and raw physical power.

Gwaji Rayuwa




Main Line
Idrissa Saadati al-Ramoran
The patriarch of the family & member of the first hatching.

(restricted) Sayina Sirah al-Ramoran
A wise old woman with frail posture and fading health. Once a great general, leader and warrior.

(deceased) Voderess Anwaar al-Ramoran
A general of the Masayan army and formidable soldier. Slain by his first-born during the Songaskian civil war.

(played) Sakara Mansurah al-Ramoran @Luxus07
Second-born to Voderess, a talented commander and soldier of the Masayan army. She was exiled as a loyalist after the Usurper's victory in the initial civil war and turned her life to mercenary work.

(played) Keira Fareeda al-Ramoran @JcRED
Daughter to Sakara, a promising military leader, duelist and battle-sorceress who is to take up the mantle of Heritage leadership after her mother's death or retirement.

(available) Sandaki Shalan al-Ramoran​
This character is not yet defined and can be freely designed as a potential player would see fit.

Nasir Line

(restricted) Saalim Nasir al-Ramoran
Voderess' younger brother, the stoic white-scaled dragon long held the dream of abandoning warfare and military leadership to find a path of prosperity. He was helped there by his mate, Ramza, and became a successful merchant and business owner in Diabaleni.

(restricted) Ramza Nasir al-Ramoran
Ramza was a beautiful young dragoness with a golden singing voice and a talent for sorcery. She inherited a rich legacy from her ancestors and contributed much to lift it even higher. She is now of advanced age and lives retired in Diabaleni with her mate, pursuing a more scholarly life.

(restricted) Bako Nasir al-Ramoran
Bako is the first-born son of Ramza and Saalim; he brought the Nasir business to the Regalian Archipelago first, then to Regalia. There he married Nasheera and settled down for a family, and still lives there, occasionally travelling to Farah'deen.

(restricted) Nasheera Nasir al-Ramoran
Regalian born mother, a strong woman with the drive to love all around her. Following Lleyvantrakh the same as her husband's family, she sit right in with the Al Ramoran household.

(played) Fathiyaa Nasir al-Ramoran @Ampers07
Fathiyaa was born in Regalia and grew up following her father's footsteps in the heritage of Lleyvantrakh. She is an excellent administrator and businesswoman also known for her silver tongue and talent with food and drinks. Fathiyaa currently owns & manages the Gilded Orchid, a busy pub & lounge in the commerce district of Regalia.

(played) Züleyha al-Ramoran @Lewis_McEnd
Found an orphan in Regalia, Züleyha's parents were soldiers who died during the Songaskian civil war. She was adopted as daughter by Fathiyaa.

(played) Aiden Nasir al-Ramoran
Aiden is Fathiyaa's son, a rash and impatient young Songaskia with much of his life still way ahead of him.

(played) Sundiata Keita al-Ramoran @Mistles
Sundiata was born in Farah'deen, and remained there during her childhood with the rest of the Nasir bloodline. She grew up to be a talented dancer and musician, also enhancing her performances with arcane sorcery.

Secondary Lines

(restricted - 61) Malrosa Maslama al-Ramoran
Voderess' firstborn son, a prolific Masayan general who supported the Usurper during the civil war. Defeated his father and sister in a decisive battle, where his father also fell.

(available - 53) Unnamed sister to Sakara
This character is not yet defined and can be freely designed as a potential player would see fit.

(available - 48) Unnamed sister to Sakara
This character is not yet defined and can be freely designed as a potential player would see fit.

The above list is far from inclusive. New characters can always be added, with set relationships to present family members.



Heritage Companions are comprised of all non-Ramoran personnel involved one way or another in furthering the Heritage's ambitions. They are divided into categories of Companions, Contracted Employees and Slaves.

Tra'zzar Sa-Boszk @Lewis_McEnd
Violetta Gomorrha @Lewis_McEnd
Lleyv Kettrakh @Surrealizm
Irvacran Jenassal @Banard
Sidibe Abbiati @onlyathot
Morgan Zhau @The_Roleplayer
Zie'luium Lu'ksai @Aphellon
Cinna Eledhwen @Souled
Zayd Aldeleh @Werrington

Contracted Employees
Mikheal Baskin




Generally, be a positive addition to the family, to the RP server and the community. Show an example of what you would like to see from others in behavior.

IC/Character rules:
  1. Play your characters consistent to their design, the family and Songaskian lore.
  2. Know the family history & Songaskian history as well as traditions. If in doubt, ask!
Breaching character multiple times will lead to the character being revoked and the player kicked from the family.

OOC rules:
  1. Receiving a ban will immediately revoke your character, and so will open disrespect to server staff. There is no if or but.
  2. Please refrain from excessive cursing, cussing, vulgarity and mature content both IC and OOC, on any platform (including backwater discord servers. screenshots get around. all the time). Warnings will be given before removal from the family.
  3. Do not hold OOC grudges and don't be salty OOC. Do not belittle, sexualise or make fun of somebody else's character, unless it is a meme that they specifically asked for / appreciate.
Special stuff:
  1. Real life is more important than roleplay. If you need to abandon RP short or long term, inform the family about it. Your character will be shelved and won't be touched or handed out.
  2. That aside, we expect a certain level of activity on your al-Ramoran character. If you don't play them for weeks, there really is little point in being part of the family.


Applications are open!
Username: (IGN)
Time Zone: (GMT, CET, etc)
Character Name: (Self-explanatory)
Position/Family: (Staff position or family relation. Cousin, sister, etc.)
Main Proficiency: (Highest proficiency or two)
Description: (Few sentences about the character. Looks, ambitions, ideas.)
Purpose & Contribution: (Goals of the character IC and OOC)
Letter (for staff application): (Only for staff apps, a letter applying for the position)

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Useful Songaskia Stuff

The below links, resources and guidelines are not necessarily lore approved, but are being used for al-Ramoran family aesthetics, culture, progressions and characters. These should also help any prospective or current Songaskia roleplayer immersing themselves in the racial culture.

I marked "canon" resources (confirmed by lore or lore staff) below. All else is "extension".

Core pages:
Songaskia -
Masaya -
Farah'deen -'deen
Shambala -
Melaak -

Sofaal Language:

Name generator -
English dictionary - Thanks @Eronoc !

Script (Voynich):
Download font pack from here -
Upload unzipped file here to generate script -

There exists no distinct "Mali" script, except for two west-african scriptures that are not related to it (Mali wrote in Arabic).

Suggested by @Mistles It is exotic and otherwordly. Considering Sofaal is wholly unrelated to either common or Faraddi, a completely unique and mysterious script sounded good.

Songaskian Military:

Mali military -

Cathagenian military & influence:
Military -
Lone Legion -

I used Carthage to patch some holes left by lack of information on Mali military. Ancient Carthage's military matches a lot of Songaskian concepts (polerams & shields, Melaak, military governors, etc.).

Songaskian Music:

Canon music sources
(search these artists on youtube)
Mamadou Diabate
Toumani Diabate
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Username: (IGN) Ampers07
Time Zone: (GMT, CET, etc) PST
Character Name: (Self-explanatory) Fathiyaa Nasir al Ramoran
Position/Family: (Staff position or family relation. Cousin, sister, etc.) Cousin, will hash out exactly where.
Main Proficiency: (Highest proficiency or two) Food & Drink (16) and Diplo (+16)
Description: (Few sentences about the character. Looks, ambitions, ideas.) We've talked about it.
Purpose & Contribution: (Goals of the character IC and OOC) You know I believe.
Letter (for staff application): (Only for staff apps, a letter applying for the position) NA
IGN: Bayonettarded
Time-Zone: EST
Character-Name: Cecillic F'Draz
Main prof: Cooking
Desc: SHe is short and her hair is pure white, save for a few star hairclips she made. But, he main goal is to bring loved ones and friends/Strangers together to bond.
Goals IC: More familiar with cooking, learning how to write in Common
Goals OOC: Develop her to make her rather Unique!
Username: Mistles
Time Zone: CEST / GMT+1
Character Name: Sundiata Keita (goes by Sunny) Char app:
Position/Family: I was thinking she could perhaps be a part of the secondary line, or a cousin to the main line. I don't mind changing her last name and talking about her position in the fam with you!
Main Proficiency: + 20 Dance Arts, + 20 Musical Arts
Description: Sunny is an outgoing, fun-loving woman who adores attention and spreading her dancing career. She wants everyone to know that she is one of the best dancers in the empire.
Purpose & Contribution: Sunny would be able to help the family gain a cultural feel to them with her dancing and singing.
Letter (for staff application): N/A
Last edited:
Username: (IGN) Ampers07
Time Zone: (GMT, CET, etc) PST
Character Name: (Self-explanatory) Fathiyaa Nasir al Ramoran
Position/Family: (Staff position or family relation. Cousin, sister, etc.) Cousin, will hash out exactly where.
Main Proficiency: (Highest proficiency or two) Food & Drink (16) and Diplo (+16)
Description: (Few sentences about the character. Looks, ambitions, ideas.) We've talked about it.
Purpose & Contribution: (Goals of the character IC and OOC) You know I believe.
Letter (for staff application): (Only for staff apps, a letter applying for the position) NA

@Ampers07 if i had to guess you're already accepted

accepted, of course! will sort out during the week to add all Nasir family members to the family page under the "Nasir bloodline", and extend family history to branch off under Vodrass.

Username: Mistles
Time Zone: CEST / GMT+1
Character Name: Sundiata Keita (goes by Sunny) Char app:
Position/Family: I was thinking she could perhaps be a part of the secondary line, or a cousin to the main line. I don't mind changing her last name and talking about her position in the fam with you!
Main Proficiency: + 20 Dance Arts, + 20 Musical Arts
Description: Sunny is an outgoing, fun-loving woman who adores attention and spreading her dancing career. She wants everyone to know that she is one of the best dancers in the empire.
Purpose & Contribution: Sunny would be able to help the family gain a cultural feel to them with her dancing and singing.
Letter (for staff application): N/A

accepted! will discuss some details over discord so that the family page can be updated proper & welcome to the family.

IGN: Bayonettarded
Time-Zone: EST
Character-Name: Cecillic F'Draz
Main prof: Cooking
Desc: SHe is short and her hair is pure white, save for a few star hairclips she made. But, he main goal is to bring loved ones and friends/Strangers together to bond.
Goals IC: More familiar with cooking, learning how to write in Common
Goals OOC: Develop her to make her rather Unique!

I take it the application is to a position of cook? if yes, please find either Keira, Fathiyaa or Sakara IC/IG and hit us up for an interview in the Orchid. We can get rolling right after that if all is fine.
Username: HeyitsNano
Time Zone: EST
Character Name: Kekoto
Position/Family: 60 years old cousin line of the patriarch
Main Proficiency: I will be looking. Perhaps something guard like.
Description: Kekoto is someone who enjoys family, and mostly guard like ambiances. Fighting and his stoic personality defines him, although his hidden charisma works like a charm,
Purpose & Contribution: Activity and kindness.
Letter (for staff application): N/A
Username: HeyitsNano
Time Zone: EST
Character Name: Kekoto
Position/Family: 60 years old cousin line of the patriarch
Main Proficiency: I will be looking. Perhaps something guard like.
Kekoto is someone who enjoys family, and mostly guard like ambiances. Fighting and his stoic personality defines him, although his hidden charisma works like a charm,
Purpose & Contribution: Activity and kindness.
Letter (for staff application): N/A

tried messaging you over discord, i assume you are no longer interested.