The Queens Of The Sea

Just a note that all contents of the following story happened many years ago.

She was a fool. Her skin pale and soaked with sweat. It was done, but she still felt like a fool. A fool who had made so many mistakes. This one being the largest as of late. Or at least that's how she felt. The midwife, a middle aged northern woman, stepped over, going to dab gently at the young woman's forehead. The young woman grimaced and closed her eyes. The midwife tutted softly.

"Strong for such a youngin'. Yar babe will be just as strong. Would ya like to see her, Miss?" Agathe, the midwife, looked toward the young woman, tucked into the bed. She shook her head 'no' at Agathe's question, who would tut again.

"Come now, she's a real beauty, looks just like her Ma'. Have ya thought of a name for the wee one at least?" She asked as she bustled over to where the baby was asleep.

"Es...Esther…" The young woman in bed, stuttered out. She winced as pain surged through her weak and injured body. Should have let her die. You could be halfway across this stupid country by now. A voice hissed within her head. She grimaced some more and curled in on herself, before slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position. The midwife turned her head at the sound of the bed shifting. The young woman, the baby's mother had risen completely and was making her way over, clutching her stomach.

"Miss! Ya shouldn't be outta bed! Ya're hurt and ya ju-"

"Shut… up." The Avanthar, for that's what the young woman was, growled at the other. Agathe retreated back a few steps as the other drew much closer, leaning heavily upon the edge of the crib. Her eyes peered down into the crib, gazing at the bay within. The child only a few hours old, was asleep, wrapped tightly in a thick blanket. She lifted a hand from the railing and reached down, going to gently touch some of the hair upon the child's head, it was light brown, much lighter compared to that of her mother's.

"Little… Esther…" She whispered, moving her hand down and gently, brushed a finger against the child's cheek. The baby would yawn slightly remaining deeply asleep.

"Miss… Let's get ya back into bed, aye? Ya need yar rest." Agathe stepped forward, going to place her hands upon the other's shoulders. Seraphina closed her eyes and slumped back against Agathe. She barely heard the older woman yell for her Ur companion, Drake.


She awoke to a darkened room and an aching head. Her vision was a tad clouded and she swiped at her hands, attempting to clear away the sleep from her eyes. Blinking, she squinted into the darkness of the room. Slowly, she attempted to sit up and was actually successful, except for the fact that a pain surged through her upper stomach region. She grimaced and pushed herself out of bed, moving toward the window.

"Damn…" She grunted as another surge of pain went through her. Lifting her shirt slowly, she grimaced some more and looked down at her bandaged midsection. Stabbed. Who would ever stab a pregnant woman. I'll find out and th- Her thoughts were cut off by the soft noises of the baby, her daughter. She turned her head toward the crib and made her way over.

"Hush now, pequeña Princesa. Mami's here." Sera hushed the child as she slowly lifted her from the crib and held her in her arms. She made her way over to the window and pulled back the curtains. The window had a view of the seaside as the sun was slowly setting over the horizon, casting oranges, yellows and reds upon the sea. The baby cooed softly and looked up at her mother.

"That's the sea, little Esther. When jou're older, I'll teach jou to swim. And we'll collect seashells. We'll be the Reinas Del Mar. Queens of the sea. How does that sound, hm?" Sera kissed the baby's forehead and smiled slightly. I was wrong. I was foolish. You aren't a mistake. You're a beautiful little ray of hope. My little Esther. My precious daughter. Sera thought to herself, staring outside. Esther continued to coo and looked up at her mother. Sera leaned down and kissed her fore head.

"I will protect jou. My pequeña Princesa."

[CENTER]✦[I]Walnut/Wal[/I]✦ ✦[I]They/Them[/I]✦ ✦[I]Before you ask, my favorite vine is: "Hi my name is Chelsey, what's your favorite dinner food?" [/I]✦[/CENTER]
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Just a note that all contents of the following story happened many years ago.

She was a fool. Her skin pale and soaked with sweat. It was done, but she still felt like a fool. A fool who had made so many mistakes. This one being the largest as of late. Or at least that's how she felt. The midwife, a middle aged northern woman, stepped over, going to dab gently at the young woman's forehead. The young woman grimaced and closed her eyes. The midwife tutted softly.

"Strong for such a youngin'. Yar babe will be just as strong. Would ya like to see her, Miss?" Agathe, the midwife, looked toward the young woman, tucked into the bed. She shook her head 'no' at Agathe's question, who would tut again.

"Come now, she's a real beauty, looks just like her Ma'. Have ya thought of a name for the wee one at least?" She asked as she bustled over to where the baby was asleep.

"Es...Esther…" The young woman in bed, stuttered out. She winced as pain surged through her weak and injured body. Should have let her die. You could be halfway across this stupid country by now. A voice hissed within her head. She grimaced some more and curled in on herself, before slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position. The midwife turned her head at the sound of the bed shifting. The young woman, the baby's mother had risen completely and was making her way over, clutching her stomach.

"Miss! Ya shouldn't be outta bed! Ya're hurt and ya ju-"

"Shut… up." The Avanthar, for that's what the young woman was, growled at the other. Agathe retreated back a few steps as the other drew much closer, leaning heavily upon the edge of the crib. Her eyes peered down into the crib, gazing at the bay within. The child only a few hours old, was asleep, wrapped tightly in a thick blanket. She lifted a hand from the railing and reached down, going to gently touch some of the hair upon the child's head, it was light brown, much lighter compared to that of her mother's.

"Little… Esther…" She whispered, moving her hand down and gently, brushed a finger against the child's cheek. The baby would yawn slightly remaining deeply asleep.

"Miss… Let's get ya back into bed, aye? Ya need yar rest." Agathe stepped forward, going to place her hands upon the other's shoulders. Seraphina closed her eyes and slumped back against Agathe. She barely heard the older woman yell for her Ur companion, Drake.


She awoke to a darkened room and an aching head. Her vision was a tad clouded and she swiped at her hands, attempting to clear away the sleep from her eyes. Blinking, she squinted into the darkness of the room. Slowly, she attempted to sit up and was actually successful, except for the fact that a pain surged through her upper stomach region. She grimaced and pushed herself out of bed, moving toward the window.

"Damn…" She grunted as another surge of pain went through her. Lifting her shirt slowly, she grimaced some more and looked down at her bandaged midsection. Stabbed. Who would ever stab a pregnant woman. I'll find out and th- Her thoughts were cut off by the soft noises of the baby, her daughter. She turned her head toward the crib and made her way over.

"Hush now, pequeña Princesa. Mami's here." Sera hushed the child as she slowly lifted her from the crib and held her in her arms. She made her way over to the window and pulled back the curtains. The window had a view of the seaside as the sun was slowly setting over the horizon, casting oranges, yellows and reds upon the sea. The baby cooed softly and looked up at her mother.

"That's the sea, little Esther. When jou're older, I'll teach jou to swim. And we'll collect seashells. We'll be the Reinas Del Mar. Queens of the sea. How does that sound, hm?" Sera kissed the baby's forehead and smiled slightly. I was wrong. I was foolish. You aren't a mistake. You're a beautiful little ray of hope. My little Esther. My precious daughter. Sera thought to herself, staring outside. Esther continued to coo and looked up at her mother. Sera leaned down and kissed her fore head.

"I will protect jou. My pequeña Princesa."