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The Public Apology Of Lena D'vaud


I, Lena d'Vaud an Ex-Crown Protector of the Violet Order, wish to apologize for my great failures on twenty seventh of November. I failed to protect nobility, I failed the Violet Order and what it stands for, I failed my family and their name, I've failed to serve the Empire most importantly. I shouldn't have taken this issue to my own ruling and judge the scene, where it should have been done in the cellblock of the Black Tower. I apologize for my failures, my inabilities, and my incompetence. To this day, I admit to being unfit for the authority I was awarded in the Violet Order. Due to this, eye-opening issue, that not all arrests, and not all guard work is an easy task. I should have shackled the Jacobist, instead of trying to be peaceful. I tried to avoid holding more than one criminal at a time, due to my physical limitations, being a young woman. I wanted to take her in without using shackles. I blew my whistle, hoping for assistance, which sent me Vidarr Ulfurtonn by far the most able Violet I know, I made a selfish choice, by handing him the shackled man who assaulted the noble woman. I should have told him to assist me and shackle the woman behind me. I was also selfish, and thought that if I did this, I'd get a higher expectation besides the 'little guard'. I, walked out of that situation, not a Crown Protector of the Violet Order, not a d'Vaud, but a fool. It was my mistake that a terrible expectation from me came to be. For this, I will announce that my authority within the Violet Order has been stripped from me, and I am now the lowest ranking guardsman within your known guard. I do not wish to just apologize, I wish to thank Jared Kade for giving me a chance to redeem myself, not as a Crown Protector, but as a normal Violet. To this day, I am not to wear armor without another Violet to join me. I am Lena d'Vaud, and I have failed Regalia.
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Lucien frowns, shaking his head. "She's 15, no-one's perfect." He grumbles, going to find Solaine with the news, even though he assumed she already knew.
Rashid Khaled glanced over the parchment, a gentle smirk stretching out across his pierced lips. The Qadir seemed genuinely pleased with this, though for what reason would not be made clear until he parted his lips to say, "Weak".
Juliette nodded as if pleased as she read over the note before stating, "This is why fifteen year olds of no common sense shouldn't be allowed swords - unless they're wooden, I suppose."

Merina, on the other hand, was conflicted on how to feel a moment, murmuring after a short pause, "She did try to arrest me for being a mage- despite the fact I work for her own kin."

"Huh, the Violet Order has gotten very kid friendly recently" The Howlester mused from his office, tossing a quick glance out of the side window towards the Black Tower "So long as they're competent. This City needs all the help it can get with all these pesky gangs running around" The Duke licked the back of his thumb to turn to the next page of the tome he was reading. "C'est la vie, as they say in Ithania"

Raina flicked her gaze over the paper before an amused snort escaped the short girl as she adjusted her grip on the papers she carried."..Strange how they make a young lady apologize for such actions, considering she's practically a child. She should have been with other guards in the first place."She mumbled out before continuing along with a huff.
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Olivia scoffed as she read the notice. "I really do wonder why zese fools keep hiring this girl on as a guard. She failed horribly under Hengest, and 'as embarrassed 'erself and 'er family even more now." Said as to herself as she pursed her lips and shook her head, walking away to leave the apology where it was and allow others to read the many failings of the d'Vaud girl.
Seraphina drew close to the notice posted just outside the Ranger Keep. Her lips moved slightly as she read the words written. A small snort escaped her and she murmured, "She's still a wee one. Best she makes mistakes now rather than later."

Darcie cocked a brow slightly as she halted in her afternoon walk, spotting the paper upon the board. "Barely sixteen and she's allowed a higher position other than a basic guard? Foolish. Even so, still a child." Letting out a hum, the woman continued on her way.

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Lena would walk into the Willow, head low, and hands covering her face on the sides. She was dead silent, and said nothing to the people possibly scoffing past her. She would sit in a seat in the Willow, and just, read her apology over, and over again for about an hour. Afterwards, she'd head over to the Black Tower to clean the armory, waiting for someone to offer her to join their patrol. She was, never offered. Nobody wished to patrol with her. So, after a good two hours of that, she'd go to the d'Vaud city estate, and lay on her bed, in her wee lil' room. Regret, Guilt, Selfishness, were all but a few words that went through her head many, many, times. She wanted this day to END.
Garth kept his gaze on the paper, his eyes slowly reading over the words. His body soon emitted a shrug next to Raina, not bothering a look to her. "I was apologizing for fightin' and shit at that age, I mean. It's the same thing, right? Wasn't really even tha'..." He turned, only to see the Wodenstaff had walked off. He quickly paced after her at that, a tiny huff of his own coming forth.
After hearing of an apology through idle chatter, the d'Vaud woman had to see for herself, as she had not yet spoken to her younger cousin. It took only a moments reading before she became exasperated, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Lena, Lena, Lena," Czys muttered under her breath, before she returned to finish the apology. She chose to leave her comments on the situation private.

From there she marched home, to find the young woman..
"I must say, for as long as she has been in the guard, she sure did a good job up until now. More than others who keeps on having a hard time on serving the Crown City and to ensure the citizen's safety. Though if a mere child can do that, then there is no excuses for the rest of them. I pray that people will see the lighter side of this and provide the same mercy as Lord Commander did for my cousin. Though I do agree that it is no place for a child to be. Not until they get their barrings." Ida says as she looked at the notice board with a bittersweet smile before heading home.
Avilda read the notice an eyebrow arched "Shame, I went ta school at just sixteen. Glad Jared gave her another chance." She tapped Vidarr's name on the flyer. "Stil' need ta get him somethin' nice."
"The second incident I have had to rectify for you Lady d'Vaud, may the Spirit watch over you child." The Drache knight turned into the snow, pulling his fur higher around his neck. The cold is getting worse.
Reimund d'Vaud looked over the paper upon his desk, musing over such words as those Lena had written. It was a surprise, to say the least. He remarked in Leutz, "It is not all she has to apologize for, but it is certainly a start. Such humility is a virtuous spark to contrast her pride."

The Baron Úlfurtönn found the notice, with the d'Vaud name catching his eye he grabbed the first person he saw, basically forcing them to read it to him. After a soft sigh he spoke aloud, those around in the tavern likely hearing his words.
"A guards line of work is na' black an' white. Mistakes will be made, an' accidents will happen. I hope everyune will show some grace for t'e child placin' her life on t'e line everyday. A role many men an' woman tha' claim bravery refuse."

Finishing his words he offered a hum, speaking a quick setance with a certain Shendar slave to invite Lena to the estate for dinner; leaving.

The Baron Úlfurtönn found the notice, with the d'Vaud name catching his eye he grabbed the first person he saw, basically forcing them to read it to him. After a soft sigh he spoke aloud, those around in the tavern likely hearing his words.
"A guards line of work is na' black an' white. Mistakes will be made, an' accidents will happen. I hope everyune will show some grace for t'e child placin' her life on t'e line everyday. A role many men an' woman tha' claim bravery refuse."

Finishing his words he offered a hum, speaking a quick setance with a certain Shendar slave to invite Lena to the estate for dinner; leaving.

House Úlfurtönn
The Ulvtænder : The Hule Personale

Nouveau blinked, offering the Ulfurtonn a simple nod as she carried on in the opposite direction, rather quickly at that. As she was on the hunt for the d'Vaud, she muttered a brief sentence whilst passing a group of citizens, careful to keep her tone just loud enough for at least one of them to catch her words.
"People will truly do anything to bring down competition and power, public humiliation included... pathetic."

"Her pride caused her downfall, as I expected.. a shame surely."
And after quietly muttering these words, the Celyreos would stroll off.. heading for the tavern as usual.
