The Post Monmarty Closed In Mass-debate Section Continued Here

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Nov 28, 2013
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  1. I had recently been banned for "intent to grief" when I had taken valuable blocks (which is not against the rules and is permitted by the site rules). I was banned for following the rules. When submitting an appeal, I explained myself and was wondering why I was banned for such a thing.

    I also stated that if I was banned for taking "valuable blocks" the site should specify which blocks are considered to be valuable.

    I also asked for the admins to elaborate on why I was banned.

    Their response: MonMarty: "Probably one of the least constructive and helpful appeals I have ever seen.

    Voting no. "

    I explained (in aggrivation) how that was not fair and how I shouldn't be banned. I also asked which blocks I had taken that were "griefed"

    after seeing that I still would not kiss MonMarty's ass he stated

    "I think you need to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach, as well as your general perception of things."

    I was recieving no help on a ban I did not deserve. Then I got pissed and asked if I was just condemned to wait out the ban time even though I was not deserving of it.

    That is when Admin Gethelp chimed in with absolutely no help and locked my appeal because I didnt kiss admin ass.

    Gethelp stated: "Voting no as this appeal is to thin and then you go on to spam with posts. This appeal has recieved 2 no's and is rejected. You may try a new appeal in one month.

    Seriously?????? I did nothing to deserve this not to mention I received absolutely no help in getting to the bottom of the ban.

    The admins of the server literally provide no help to you, even if you are innocent, unless you kiss their ass... Its truly messed up.​
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    SuperSaiyanWoff, 25 minutes ago

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    OmnomivoreSelena Sictor/ Mortimer "Morty" Faye

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    SuperSaiyanWoff said:
    I tried to respond to your ban appeal but it was locked before I got the chance to. You tore up a large portion of wooden planks and slabs from the walls and floor in an actively used home in Fendarfell wilderness. In my opinion, your ban was very light for the grief.

    When we look at ban appeals we look for well thought-out appeals that follow the correct format for the appeal. It's not about "kissing ass", as you put it. It is about showing us that you learned from your mistake and can respond in a mature and collected manner; in this light, spamming a thread will wind up reflecting poorly on yourself.​

    Selena Sictor & Morty Faye.......


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    Omnomivore, 16 minutes ago

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    I have just been back to this server after months of inactivity and had seen dark oak. I consider it to be valuable. Had I known it was considered not valuable I definitely would not have taken it. Where do you get dark oak then?​
    SuperSaiyanWoff, 14 minutes ago

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    Also thank you for your help and not just shutting me out. I really appreciate it!​

    SuperSaiyanWoff, 13 minutes ago

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    MonMartyThe Boss Man

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    Might want to start with the actual correct version of events, the part where you go trough a train of logic: "This is annoying", "I didn't do it" "what you say is wrong".

    You're also omitting that you spammed the living daylight out of the thread. In a span of half an hour you produced nearly 7 messages.

    You barge the door in, and basically scream "THIS IS HOW I SEE IT THEREFOR THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE AND ONLY TRUTH WHATEVER YOU SAY IS WRONG" and then expect us to do exactly what you want us to do.

    The world, and certainly this server doesn't work that way. Also i don't know if you've ever tried, but kissing ass doesn't work. Insulting the staff and being a generally difficult person to speak to will cause us to not want to help you.

    (Let the thread spamming commence!)​

    MonMarty, 12 minutes ago

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    Not to mention this had happened to me before, same situation except the person who griefed me and my friends houses got away with it. Hopefully my confusion is understood.​
    SuperSaiyanWoff, 10 minutes ago

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    OmnomivoreSelena Sictor/ Mortimer "Morty" Faye

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    SuperSaiyanWoff said:
    I have just been back to this server after months of inactivity and had seen dark oak. I consider it to be valuable. Had I known it was considered not valuable I definitely would not have taken it. Where do you get dark oak then?​
    Even if it had been considered valuable, removing entire walls of valuables is considered griefing. Please keep this in mind.

    Dark oaks and acacia saplings were given out at the winter festival. Now many players have them. I'm sure if you ask in trade chat you can find someone selling them, and can start growing your own trees and harvesting your own saplings [dark oaks require 4 saplings to grow 1 tree].​

    Selena Sictor & Morty Faye.......


    Despite the cheer, despite the gloss, there lies a heart, burdened with loss.
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    Omnomivore, 7 minutes ago

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    I spammed it because I kept thinking of more to say not to mention I was not being helped. And the rule is very vague. Be more specific on the rule and I would've know I was in the wrong. Anyone would be annoyed with not knowing they were doing wrong and felt they were wrongly deserving of a ban.

    I should be able to treat admins as other player and not as almighty gods of righteousness as I feel you, MonMarty, would like to be treated. You were completely not understanding of my situation even when I was not annoyed and continued not to help me in any way.

    I know the wrong-doing now but I still do not feel I should be banned.

    I felt the blocks were of value which as stated in the rules is ok to take.

    The site should be more specific on the matter to prevent situations such as this.​
    SuperSaiyanWoff, 5 minutes ago

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    MonMartyThe Boss Man

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    I'm helping you by confronting and pointing out the fact that you have a toxic attitude and cause people to not want to help you from the very moment you step into their sight with an offensive attitude.

    Considering the rules of the debate section have been violated with your latter post, this thread is now locked.​

    MonMarty, 2 minutes ago
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I do like how they close and lock threads so nobody can get a point across or say anything lmao
Wow, you have learnt nothing. your thread was locked for a specific reason and you create another to just point out things that have been dealt with.
What you call 'Kissing the admins asses' is actually just following the rules.
What I understand is that you took blocks that you thought were valuable and therefore in the rules, but as the admins pointed out, you tore a large wall in an active house and is considered griefing. So, it was a misunderstanding of the rules. Which have been corrected for you, before. Now you continue to make this rant because you have ideals that are not the same as everyone elses.
But these things have not been dealt with. And yes it is a misunderstanding of rules. The rules were vague and were in contradiction with one another in the situation. I know now that it was wrong and still feel I should not be banned due to the generalization of the rules. I'd be happy to resupply the victims as well as help build.
Nobody likes to read novels when they're reading rules. ((Reason why nobody reads ToS agreements.)) which is why most rules (Ours included.) run off common sense. Something that you are clearly lacking due to the existence of this thread. Please for the love of all that is good in the world, STOP POSTING THIS NONSENSE.
If the rules are vague this is what happens.

If a house is made of diamond blocks, I can't loot the diamond blocks?

The rules contradict one another. This is why it needs to be a little more specific.

Now that I know that regardless of the value of the blocks walls cannot be looted it will not happen again.

It is a wrongful ban. In what way is it my fault that the rules were vague and percieved differently than you percieve them?

I was in compliance with the rules regardless of what you say.
Common sense is left to speculation as are the rules when they are generalized.
But these things have not been dealt with. And yes it is a misunderstanding of rules. The rules were vague and were in contradiction with one another in the situation. I know now that it was wrong and still feel I should not be banned due to the generalization of the rules. I'd be happy to resupply the victims as well as help build.

Your ban ends in a little under 9 hours.

We have supplied you with reasons for why you would not be unbanned early:


From the rules:

You may:
  • Steal valuable items such as: Emeralds, Diamonds, Gold, Iron, Redstone or Bookshelves. We expect you to be reasonable.
You may NOT:
  • Rip up an entire floor or rip out a wall that is very obvious, even if it is made of valuables.
You tore up an entire wall and part of the floor of non-valuable blocks. Planks are never considered valuable.


You were banned for /1 day/. This is a very light ban. It could have been much worse.


Your appeal was "too thin". It wasn't well-thought out and consisted of you complaining and being argumentative, as well as accusing towards staff.


Spam. You can edit your posts instead of having to make new posts every time you have a new thought. Spam is considered annoying, and it wasn't generated positively towards the conversation.
Your ban is not up for discussion. The supposed 'vaugeness' of the rules are not up for debate and you constantly spamming the forums with this nonsense will not help.

Please, tell me. In what world do you live in that copying and pasting a locked thread HELPS ANYTHING?! All you are achieving is more rulebreaks and making me more dumbfounded at this whole situation.
Once again reasonable and what is valuable differs between people.

Yes the wall part I understand now. Like I said it won't happen again. I still feel as though most admins (not all) feel as though they should have a statue in their honor haha

I didn't think the appeal needed to be elaborate since there was nothing to elaborate on with me not knowing why I was banned.

Feeling as though i was banned for no reason early I didn't see the need to be "thankful" to the admins and happy with their work.

If I had received the reasoning you provided earlier when MonMarty and Gethelp were commenting, It would've never have gotten to this point and I would've understood much much earlier.

Xskill...Had the thread not been locked, I could've continued the convo there and continued to get my point across but MonMarty saw fit to comment then close the thread after he commented leaving me unable to get my words across.
Honestly, I see this as an attack towards staff. In which you are bringing to the forums something that needs to be sorted out between yourself and the administration. In the past, this has been dealt with by a ban to both the forums account and a permanent ban to the in-game account. In my opinion, you are acting in a very immature manner, I'm sorry that your feelings might be hurt by this, but nobody's here to make you feel like a special snowflake. You are being treated fairly, and as for the 1 day ban, it was very light... However, it was likely due to the fact that you are returning to the server. The server staff is here to assure that the buildings that other players make aren't destroyed. A way that I judge whether a building is currently occupied or not is trying to open the front door, if it opens, then take what you want from it... If it's locked, don't take anything. To wrap this whole thing up nicely... If you're not permanently banned for attack on server staff, then please in the future follow that rule for looting, it will save you from a lot of trouble in the future.
It seemed like a good topic for "Mass-Debate." MonMarty has done the whole comment and lock on multiple occasions in the past.

Hiddenmonkey10. I'm not "attacking" any of the administration. Stating an opinion is attacking? Do we live in communist Russia? I think not.

I was simply pointing out what seemed to me as wrong-doing which I have seen time and time again on this server. Not to mention as you said about the door...THE DOOR HAD NO LOCK. Therefore according to you Hiddenmonkey10, I should've been able to loot whatever I pleased right? haha
P.S. MonMarty and Gethelp both have a very... peculiar way of dealing with issues that can be seen as rude (I once had a very similar thought about those two), however, look at it from the amount of ban appeals they likely have to deal with. If you had just mentioned that you didn't realize that Dark Oak was common and would return the materials to the owner, then I'm sure they would have considered an early unban. Likewise, spamming them isn't going to help your cause either, the admins here have lives outside of the game and you need to be wary of this. Whether it be something as simple as them leaving to get something to eat and returning to see that you had spammed the appeal thread to maybe them sleeping. This server has people playing on it from every timezone so they're not always guaranteed to be online.
You were banned for valid reason. Your ban appeal (for your one day ban) was denied for simple reason that you put no real effort into it. Had I been the first one to read it I would have locked it due to the fact you didn't even follow the ban appeal format. After your appeal was denied and locked (locking a denied appeal is what normally happens) you began to be really rude and offensive. Sit out your final few hours of ban peacefully. Any further attacks or spam will be punished you have been let off easy and if you do not discontinue your offensive behavior I will correct that punishment with one be fitting the crime.
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