Archived The Plan For 1.9

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
So. Guess it's time to address that thing pretty much every pvper on the server has been dreading for quite a while now. With the recent release of the 1.9 pre-release (, and the announcement for the final version to be released on the 25th (one week from now), I think it would be quite beneficial to give us some kind of idea as to what to expect on Massive. I personally, as well as many other pvpers, do not plan to stay on Massive should we update to 1.9 with all the features enabled, to put it plainly. Things like the attack cooldown, buffed arrows/archery (these have had a crafting recipe added for the new arrows, though they require access to the end), and the chorus plants simply don't appeal to us. Obviously Massive won't update to 1.9 for quite a time after this even if Massive does decide to update, but none-the-less, I think it needs to be addressed, the sooner the better. For this reason, I am simply requesting some kind of plan of action, as I personally would like to know what will be happening well beforehand, rather than suddenly seeing an announcement on the forums which essentially ruins everything I've come to love in Massive.

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This is been a very contested subject for a long time... I think that when the server gets closer to actually updating to 1.9... They will have one of those threads like they just made for massivelock. That shows the progress… And what we should be expecting
As short and simply possible said, There is no plan.

That's not immediate cause for alarm, rather it's cause for celebration in ways. We haven't even spent much thought about the 1.9 update because we're all very busy with our current date projects, and we are also all going off the assumption it will take a month if not up to 2/3 to actually update fully after all plugins have been dragged kicking and screaming into 1.9.

What this does mean however, is that our opinion on the matter is like a sponge. I will say that personally, I have never even looked at the 1.9 update. All I vaguely know is that it's going to have wings in it, which is something I'm /sort-of/ preparing for in the Lore department of things. I'd love for people to come up with a comprehensive list of solutions on how to deal with 1.9. Make a list of all new features and tell us which should be kept, which should be blocked, and which should be nerfed/boosted.
As short and simply possible said, There is no plan.

That's not immediate cause for alarm, rather it's cause for celebration in ways. We haven't even spent much thought about the 1.9 update because we're all very busy with our current date projects, and we are also all going off the assumption it will take a month if not up to 2/3 to actually update fully after all plugins have been dragged kicking and screaming into 1.9.

What this does mean however, is that our opinion on the matter is like a sponge. I will say that personally, I have never even looked at the 1.9 update. All I vaguely know is that it's going to have wings in it, which is something I'm /sort-of/ preparing for in the Lore department of things. I'd love for people to come up with a comprehensive list of solutions on how to deal with 1.9. Make a list of all new features and tell us which should be kept, which should be blocked, and which should be nerfed/boosted.
I'll get onto that soon as I'm back from school/track.
I think we should at least try out the update before getting so worked up about this. I have seen many threads on the 1.9 update claiming "This is the update that ruins PvP forever!". We haven't even updated the server yet, for God's sake the update hasn't even come out yet, and you're saying you're going to quit Massive all together? Just give the update a chance. Yes, change really sucks, but in the end it may be worth it. If its not I'm sure the Massive staff will figure out a way to work things out.
I think we should at least try out the update before getting so worked up about this. I have seen many threads on the 1.9 update claiming "This is the update that ruins PvP forever!". We haven't even updated the server yet, for God's sake the update hasn't even come out yet, and you're saying you're going to quit Massive all together? Just give the update a chance. Yes, change really sucks, but in the end it may be worth it. If its not I'm sure the Massive staff will figure out a way to work things out.
Technically, 1.9 is already out as pre-release. We all say it's going to ruin pvp because have you tried it? Ever PvP'ed on Massive? You'd know why us pvpers all think this.
I think we should at least try out the update before getting so worked up about this. I have seen many threads on the 1.9 update claiming "This is the update that ruins PvP forever!". We haven't even updated the server yet, for God's sake the update hasn't even come out yet, and you're saying you're going to quit Massive all together? Just give the update a chance. Yes, change really sucks, but in the end it may be worth it. If its not I'm sure the Massive staff will figure out a way to work things out.
I have tried it (pvping on a vanilla 1.9 server), as well as pvped on massive. I, as the leader of one of the power factions on the server (i.e. I hear quite a few opinions on the matter), am completely opposed to updating at all. However, I doubt this will be an option, so I believe that we should go into 1.9 well prepared, so that the pvp community is not damaged. Once we update, we have no idea how long it would take to make the necessary changes to 1.9 to make pvp decently balanced, and there would be an incredible amount of damage done to the pvp community during this time. I think one of the big differences between the pvp and role play communities that a lot of people don't realize is how much easier it would be for pvpers to simply uproot and leave than it would be for role players. Simply put, there are not nearly as many well-developed, strict role play servers as there are pvp servers. So, while it might take quite a bit of grief to cause large groups of role players to move from massive, it is much easier for a group of pvpers to decide to leave and go to a similar pvp server. For this reason, there isn't really much room for a period of "testing 1.9 out with all features enabled to see how it goes," as in that time a large percentage of the pvp community would likely uproot and move base to another server.
@Staff could this be locked please? I've gotten my answer from MonMarty.
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