Archived The Plague

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
Maybe introduce some sort of killer plague to aloria? It would be purely roleplay, and wouldn't change the game mechanics at all, but I think it would be pretty fun. People would have to start wearing masks to avoid catching it, and it would be somewhat like the plague they have in the game Dishonoured. People who carried it would be killed and have their body's burnt, so it would be recommended that if you roleplay with it try to keep it secret.

some of the earlier effects:
inability to sleep

Later effects:
coughing up blood
failure of vital organs
extreme weakness
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Plagues huh? That seems very useful in such circumstances; it would have been a good reason to stay away from other races. For example: In most Role Play, Orcs are considered dirty, so they may carry more diseases than others. However, personally I don't believe that, because most Orcs are Blacksmiths and have to keep clean. Again, a plague may be good, but players would be limited to being outside, near forests, contaminated water perhaps, foreign or disturbed areas. It all depends.
What's this I hear? A plague that would kill races not generally immune to such diseases? Maybe this could happen, like the Verse's way of saying thanks to humanity for killing off 95% of the Naga....hehehe.

In all honesty, while it could be cool it would also be something that I think players could stop pretty quickly. If not the Yanar with their plant healy magic, then with potions of regeneration and healing.
itd be awesome if they had a plugin for sicknesses like the plague
What's this I hear? A plague that would kill races not generally immune to such diseases? Maybe this could happen, like the Verse's way of saying thanks to humanity for killing off 95% of the Naga....hehehe.

In all honesty, while it could be cool it would also be something that I think players could stop pretty quickly. If not the Yanar with their plant healy magic, then with potions of regeneration and healing.

True, but I remember in some roleplay staffs story that a plague almost wiped out an entire village of Yanar. Yanars ability to heal others usually refers to their wounds. Potions are just super drugs that don't really help you to heal. Potions just take away the pain so you can fight longer. Only time and Yanars can heal. Maybe other magic users to but you would have to ask Posidem for more details on that.

This could work exceptionally well for roleplay. A race that is immune to this disease could catch it and transfer it to someone else on accident. A common cold for a dwarf could be cancer for a vampire. This would cause chaos in that perspective group of players while everyone else would be chilling. Of course this would need to be extremely random in order to keep it realistic. We can't just make a magical pixie that goes around everywhere on the forums saying. "Poof, You're infected."

Your Idea would have trouble being implemented in game or on forum. Diseases are just too random in reality for them to be actively controlled in any setting.
Out of curiosity, does anyone make short simple throwaway RP characters? Might be nice to have a character you're not clinging on to that could spread disease or be victim of crime or a criminal themselves.
True, but I remember in some roleplay staffs story that a plague almost wiped out an entire village of Yanar. Yanars ability to heal others usually refers to their wounds. Potions are just super drugs that don't really help you to heal. Potions just take away the pain so you can fight longer. Only time and Yanars can heal. Maybe other magic users to but you would have to ask Posidem for more details on that.

This could work exceptionally well for roleplay. A race that is immune to this disease could catch it and transfer it to someone else on accident. A common cold for a dwarf could be cancer for a vampire. This would cause chaos in that perspective group of players while everyone else would be chilling. Of course this would need to be extremely random in order to keep it realistic. We can't just make a magical pixie that goes around everywhere on the forums saying. "Poof, You're infected."

Your Idea would have trouble being implemented in game or on forum. Diseases are just too random in reality for them to be actively controlled in any setting.
I don't think vampires can get sick. Also undead would probably be immune to all diseases, as are Naga as I understand it.

You're right, potions are super drugs. Drugs fight sickness, therefore they would super fight sickness. Especially the regeneration potions. I'm not sure if I fully agree with this idea, but I suppose it couldn't hurt a ton.
interesting, a good addition to this would be that the killing of the naga actually helped spread this plague, an example would be that the slaying of the naga spread it to the guards and solders who then spread it to regalia. a plugin could have the sickness spread and infect only in regalia.
Although it seems interesting, this is medieval times. People didn't know it was contagious by bacteria in the air, so they brought bouquets of flowers and put them in front of their face to not get sick. Usually the people wouldn't be smart enough to know it is spread by coughing and sneezing.
I don't think vampires can get sick. Also undead would probably be immune to all diseases, as are Naga as I understand it.

You're right, potions are super drugs. Drugs fight sickness, therefore they would super fight sickness. Especially the regeneration potions. I'm not sure if I fully agree with this idea, but I suppose it couldn't hurt a ton.

Undead wouldn't get sick, but would be the prime carrier for diseases. Naga would get sick rarely and vampires constantly. The diseases that effect vampires would be less noticeable then in other races but just as deadly.

I'm pretty sure they aren't those kind of drugs. I'm also pretty sure they wouldn't be manufactured in factories. Only the rich would be able to survive an epidemic if they actually work like that.
Undead wouldn't get sick, but would be the prime carrier for diseases. Naga would get sick rarely and vampires constantly. The diseases that effect vampires would be less noticeable then in other races but just as deadly.

I'm pretty sure they aren't those kind of drugs. I'm also pretty sure they wouldn't be manufactured in factories. Only the rich would be able to survive an epidemic if they actually work like that.
Well considering that someone could just make a ton of potions at home, it could work. And if the the potions can make you go faster, hit harder, fire proof, regenerate health, completely heal, and give them night vision, I think they can cure disease. I don't think vampires would get sick constantly, but whatever i guess. However, I do have a solution to the potion issue. Perhaps there is a chance that the potion doesn't work, though admittedly they could keep trying until they were cured.
Although it seems interesting, this is medieval times. People didn't know it was contagious by bacteria in the air, so they brought bouquets of flowers and put them in front of their face to not get sick. Usually the people wouldn't be smart enough to know it is spread by coughing and sneezing.


I do think this should be put into action. It's another more life like thing in the medieval times, after all, the Black Plague was caused by rats and wiped out more than half of the British population. Mm. I definitely think this should happen.

Psst, MonMarty, care to take a look at this and see if it could possibly be a real thing? Maybe just a temporary disease traveling around certain parts like Regalia and such? I'd be an awesome edition.
Well considering that someone could just make a ton of potions at home, it could work. And if the the potions can make you go faster, hit harder, fire proof, regenerate health, completely heal, and give them night vision, I think they can cure disease. I don't think vampires would get sick constantly, but whatever i guess. However, I do have a solution to the potion issue. Perhaps there is a chance that the potion doesn't work, though admittedly they could keep trying until they were cured.
I think it could be such sort of a prion that is extremly deadly and impossible too cure in those medieval times
What if this plague were caused by undeads?
Like if the undeads had used some kind of black magic to turn whole lands into their own.

I do think this should be put into action. It's another more life like thing in the medieval times, after all, the Black Plague was caused by rats and wiped out more than half of the British population. Mm. I definitely think this should happen.

Actually it was caused by the flea, it's just it transferred to rats and then humans.
As a RP idea this could be great! I definitely agree, it could make for an interesting evening in the tavern when an obvious plage carrier walks in.
I don't think as a plugin which affects the player though, would become quite annoying. People should be able to choose whether or not they get it though, you don't want your best loved RP character getting killed by the plague. Of course if you RPed with a plague carrier that would be 'choosing' to get it.
One problem is: "Who wants their RP character to die?"
I like this idea.

However, we could just change it, so that vampires are the plague bearers.

(Would be so funny if a noob wanted to be a vampire, JUST BEFORE it was changed >-<

Then again, I am JK, as there are a few really good vampire RP'ers out there.)
As a RP idea this could be great! I definitely agree, it could make for an interesting evening in the tavern when an obvious plage carrier walks in.
I don't think as a plugin which affects the player though, would become quite annoying. People should be able to choose whether or not they get it though, you don't want your best loved RP character getting killed by the plague. Of course if you RPed with a plague carrier that would be 'choosing' to get it.
One problem is: "Who wants their RP character to die?"

me, for drama.
As a RP idea this could be great! I definitely agree, it could make for an interesting evening in the tavern when an obvious plage carrier walks in.
I don't think as a plugin which affects the player though, would become quite annoying. People should be able to choose whether or not they get it though, you don't want your best loved RP character getting killed by the plague. Of course if you RPed with a plague carrier that would be 'choosing' to get it.
One problem is: "Who wants their RP character to die?"
When you have multiple characters sometimes you'd like them to die.
I suppose that's true, it just feels like there'd be a lot of people who'd just 'turn down' getting the plague. But if there were some who would 'take one for the team' that'd be pretty good!
I suppose that's true, it just feels like there'd be a lot of people who'd just 'turn down' getting the plague. But if there were some who would 'take one for the team' that'd be pretty good!

They might, seems like if this happened I'd get a lot more business as a doctor.If it weren't for the 50 yanar who come up to me when i'm trying to help some sick person out.

Couldn't resist this at the thought of a Plague.​
The Harvest Season: Perfect time for something as gruesome as a plague, no?​
I think this would be a cool idea for a plug in too.. Just a common cold which eventually weakened you until you could make a medicine? Maybe even death if you couldn't in time, it'd be kind of cool. x
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