Barjuk's form of government is similar to a tribal hierarchy. The Chieftain is charged with the safety and protection of the clan and is the final voice in any matter, an absolute monarchy. You have people who assist and advise him such as: warlords and shamans. However, being an Orc faction there are elements that most human civilizations to not implement. For example, the role of Chieftain is not obtained by family relations, rather proven feats of strength and ability. A concept that the Barjuk Orcs are not fond of is prison. In our eyes, why would we bother providing food, water, and shelter to a criminal? Criminals pay the blood price or a trial by combat. Orcs, in general, seek a strong sense of honor and seek out glory wherever they can. The most preferable end for an Orc is going down in a berserk rage while taking down as many foes as possible. The Orcs hold their religion in high regard, but never have they tried to force their beliefs on others.
Malikar gro-Arzuk, the Chieftain of Barjuk, has been to Regalia several times and has formed his own opinions of the civilization there. He sees the idea of "nobility" counterproductive to the goals of the state. If you have several selfish people in power it is rather hard to get them to strive for a common goal. A common formality among humans is bowing to a superior. In Barjuk culture, it is a sign of weakness and submission, where strength and mutual respect are most desired. He follows a strict code of honor, but is not afraid to bend the rules to do what he believes is right.