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The Peacekeepers Guild Of Regalia


Lord Brandt von Eisner
Aug 24, 2016
Reaction score
Missouri, U.S.A
Roleplay Guilds
Viridian Order, House von Eisner

I, Wulfric Amadias Birkwood, Heir to Mountumbria, the Young Stag, hereby officially create The Peacekeepers guild of regalia, or T.P.G.R for short. Frankly, anybody is allowed to join, if you are a Klien reading this, or having it read to you, you may join, if you are a Slizzar, you may join, if you are a commoner or noble, you may join! This Guild's sole purpose is to further the great way, support the crown, and keep Regalia united in times good and bad! if anything like the Freya Lo usurpation happens again, in times near or far, the party will attempt to unite all rebellions into an organized efficient force. At the moment, our main task is keeping the people of the city united! Everybody here, I'm sure, is aware of the martial law enacted in our city, we will support the Bastian Guards keeping peace, but will not support beatings, we walk a very thin line, and wish to not anger, but unite. Past that, every member is free to do what they wish, whether they stand with, or against Montegaard. I invite liberals, conservatives, and jingoists, Alt-Regalains, Ithanians, and Anglians, all to join The T.P.G.R!​

[OOC]:Official thread: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/the-peacekeepers-guild-of-regalia.56578/
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