The Pauper's People (organized Crime)


Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
The Pauper's People


Who Are We?

The Pauper's People is a business that makes its money through less than legal means. At its very core, it is a business, but unlike most businesses, The Pauper's People have two divisions among its ranks, enforcement and business. As the names suggest, the enforcement division protects members of The Pauper's People, and provide a source of income for the organization by means of extortion, as well as protecting the other branches of The Pauper's People. The business division's task is solely on making as much money for The Pauper's People as possible.

How We Operate

The Pauper's People functions as a hierarchical structure where there is the main Boss, and then those who answer directly to him, and then those who answer to the next highest power etc… In this case, the highest authority is The Boss. The Pauper's People make its money through a series of illegal schemes. Some of its more profitable ones so far is weapon smuggling. The Pauper's People also runs a series of side businesses run by the players themselves depending on their specialties.

What You Can Do

For Players: There are several possibilities for players to be involved in The Pauper's People! The first, and probably the most obvious is to join our ranks and become a member of The Pauper's People. There are many roles that need filling, and hopefully there is one unique enough for you! Similarly, if you have an idea for a business and think it is possible to implement, then send an IC letter, meet IC, or talk with us via PM!

Note: If you are a player who has some specialty to offer The Pauper's People, but you do not want to officially join then that works also. An example of this is being a part-time blacksmith for The Pauper's People where your character is paid for each service they provide.

For Businesses: If you are a business or organization you can partner with The Pauper's People. If the business has something to offer to The Pauper's People, such as a new way to make money through them, then the business will also get a cut of the money The Pauper's People is making. We also offer protection to other businesses if the need should arise. Working with a business can be a one time or long-term service.

For Gangs: If you are a gang, or in a gang, that needs a little extra muscle or a good (bad) lawyer then The Pauper's People are right for you. The Pauper's People certainly hope to make alliances with gangs, and is willing to help them, for a cost of course! Partnerships can be a one time or long-term service.

Finally, if you are a player who owns a business, and feel that roleplay has become stagnant around you then you can OOC request that The Pauper's People harass your IC business. This gives the opportunity for guards to arrive, fights to break out, etc… You have to be the owner of the business or a higher up in order to request this!

Management Roles

The Boss

Current Boss: Castello dei Calco (my rp account @CountVonManatee)​

The Boss is the leader of The Pauper's People. Their task is to keep the mission of The Pauper's People at the forefront of the organization's mind, which is to make money and grow in power. The Boss manages both the enforcement and business branches, and maintains control over The Pauper's People. He/She also assigns an advisor(s) to themselves so as to consult on the various happenings in the organization. The Boss has auto kill perms set on him for specific situations. On a less menacing note players also have kidnapping perm on him. This ensures that new blood is able to lead, and helps prevent The Pauper's People from going stale because the current boss refuses to relinquish their power. Auto kill perms are not "activated" when poison or archery is used. The Boss is the only rank within The Pauper's People to have kill perms auto set on him.

Proficiency Points: No specific requirements.

The Consultant

Current Consultant: Cosette Vass (@Sopheyis)​

The purpose of The Consultant is to give advice on a number of matters to The Boss. Their secondary purpose is to fill the shoes of The Boss when He/She is away, or to become the new boss if the previous one dies and no one replaces him (Ex. A gang member kills The Boss and does not take over The Boss' role). The Consultant is the second highest rank in The Pauper's People.

Proficiency Points: No specific requirements, but having points in an area of interest are beneficial.

Enforcement Branch

Crime Boss

Current Crime Boss('): Vacant

The Crime Boss oversees all areas in the enforcement branch of The Pauper's People. He/She ensures that the money coming in from the enforcement branch continues, and steadily increases. Their job is to maintain all of the fighting troops, locate new targets to extort, ensure the safety of The Boss, and a number of other roles. The Crime Boss answers only to The Boss, and not any other rank. If the enforcement branch of The Pauper's People grows enough then there can be more than one crime boss.

Proficiency Points: It is generally required that the Crime Boss be skilled in a form of fighting. Leadership points are also important but not required.


Current Soliders: Vacant​

While The Solider might have a rather generic sounding name, they are the foundation on which The Pauper's People stand. The primary role that Soldiers fulfill is brute force. The Solider can act as a bodyguard, thug, attacker, intimidation, and a number of other fighter like roles. The Soldiers help ensure protection to the higher up management as well as protecting the various assets of The Pauper's People. There is not a limit to the number of Soldiers there can be.

Note: If you wish to apply as a soldier, but wish to only be a bodyguard, thug, etc… Then be sure to specify that in the application!

Proficiency Points: Soldiers should have points in a fighting skills/weapon. Points in heavier or more aggressive fighting styles fit the Soldier role a bit better, while the lighter weapons are more ideal for being operatives.


Current Operatives:

The Operative fulfills a twofold purpose. The first and foremost job for the operatives is to gather intelligence on various groups and gangs. They then report to the Crime Boss or directly to The Boss if they uncovered pressing information. The Operatives also try to forge connections with other people to, hypothetically, create their own chains of information. The second purpose for the operative is infiltration during times of fighting. Operatives report to the Crime Boss who relays information to The Boss.

Proficiency Points: While not required potential areas for points should be in Sneaking and Espionage, and Syndicate Contracts.

Business Branch
Note: All business roles are open to being kidnapped, however, work it out with the player beforehand!

Director of Business (D.O.B)

Current D.O.B: Vacant

The Director of Business ensures that the business aspect of The Pauper's People remains functioning and bringing in profit. The Crime Boss and The Director of Business are equal in rank to one another and cannot order the other around. Since there are more roles in the business aspect of The Pauper's People the D.O.B has to ensure communication between The Boss and the business groups to keep the regals flowing. Unlike the Crime Boss, there can only be one Director of Business.

Proficiency Points: Points can vary from anything between Commerce and Syndicate Contracts. There are no specific requirements regarding the Director of Business.


Current Lawyers: Vacant​

The Lawyer(s) are an essential part of The Pauper's People as their knowledge of the law and how to manipulate it comes in handy. The priority of the Lawyer role is to keep the members of The Pauper's People out of real legal trouble, such as execution. The Lawyer(s) are also encouraged to set up their own "lawyer firm" so as to extend The Pauper's People area of influence. In the beginning, the business can be NPC to establish a presence in Regalia, and then slowly become solely player based. Since the average OOC player does not have access to all of the fine details of Regalian law the lawyer should try to work out the details with the prosecution, since, technically, the lawyer knows the law. There is no limit to the number of Lawyers in The Pauper's People.

Note: The Pauper's People is not a clean business. Lawyers can receive permission from the D.O.B to try and bribe or to request that the enforcement branch does something to prevent them from losing the trial.

Proficiency Points: Characters applying to be lawyers should have proficiency points in Judicial, and possibly Diplomacy.


Current Bankers: Vacant​

The Banker(s) keep track of The Pauper's Peoples financial strength and have their own businesses where they bring in money. The Bankers know the hard details when it comes to how much money The Pauper's People is making, spending, and their investments. They can work together in their own side businesses, or they can start up multiple small banks in Regalia. One of the ways the Bankers make a profit is my giving out loans to desperate people. These loans seem to have unusually high-interest rates.

Proficiency Points: The Bankers should generally have points in Banking, as that is what they will be focusing on. Points in Commerce is also acceptable.


Current Forgers: Vacant​

The Forger plays a crucial role in The Pauper's People. They produce documents that give members of The Pauper's People access to areas and information that they would not generally have. The true power of the forgers is that they create many possibilities and opportunities for The Pauper's People, and are only limited in their creative power to see possibilities in the different documents. Generally, there is a head forger who has more skill in forgeries, and then understudies who are learning the art of forgery, and create less important forgeries, but are honing their skills.

Proficiency Points: Points need to be in Forgery.


Assets are just general characters who provide intelligence, skills, or muscle when called upon, and are not officially part of The Pauper's People. Assets can be made IC or by applying to be a particular asset. Assets can range from being the blacksmith for The Pauper's People to having your own mercenary organization who will come to help The Pauper's People out, for a price of course.

OOC Role

Roleplay Advisor

Current RP Advisor(s): Vacant​

As much as I would like it to be true, we are no masters of the lore, or the more subtle possibilities there are to pursue in the lore. The Roleplay Advisor(s) would serve to make sure that The Pauper's People remains as lore compliant as possible, and goes through the proper channels to accomplish larger tasks, such as arranging stuff with the lore staff. The only requirements for this position are that you have a firm grip on the lore and roleplaying. There can be more than one Roleplay Advisor!


In game name:

Character Name:

Character Application (not required, but useful):

The role you are applying for (Ex. Asset, Solider, Crime Boss, etc...):

Reason for wanting to join?:

Do you have discord?:
Last edited:
In game name: Axelu
Character Name: Briar (Elaine) Honahr
Character Application: ---
Role: Operative.
Reason?: I find it very interesting and I do think my character would fit right in, as well as using her strengths to be an asset to The Pauper's people.
Discord: Axelu#4554
Thank you for applying! I regret to inform you that you've been...


I'll add you to our discord!
  • In game name: Stannerys
  • Character Name: Iheiurhile Velulaei.
  • Character Application: Currently in the midst of completing it!
  • The role you are applying for: Operative.
  • Reason for wanting to join?: I've recently returned from a hiatus - I'd like to immerse myself in more role-play situations, all while further developing my character in what seems to be an interesting opportunity.
  • Do you have discord?: Stannerys (Stann)#6634
Well I'm happy to say that you've been

Last edited:
In game name: @DudiGuy

Character Name: Peter Cedric "Bluequill" Fox

Character Application (not required, but useful):

The role you are applying for (Ex. Asset, Solider, Crime Boss, etc...): Forger

Reason for wanting to join?: I have not been able to participate my character in crime role play suitable for his skill set, and I believe that the position of Forger in "The Paupers People" would be beneficial for the Organization and himself

Do you have discord?: Yes I do,

I'll add you to our discord!