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The Pan-ithanian Defensive Treaty


40th President of the United States
Oct 3, 2017
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White House
Republican Party
United States of America
Roleplay Guilds
Screen Actors Guild
Drafted in Mitau Palace, 23rd of April, 306AC


To declare an official treaty between the signatories and their respective families and holdings until such a time comes that all signatories agree to scrap the treaty, or all but one signatories pass to embrace the Spirit in the Everwatch.


The signatories agree to take up arms and align in war against any foreign power invading or interfering with their holdings. The signatories denounce any attempt to interfere with the sovereignty of the Ithanian sub-realms and their independent governance and wov to prevent attempts at such. Within this, the treaty refers to the sub-realms of Vixhall, Loiree, Pays Sud, Rivellia and Basta.


The signatories agree to not invoke this treaty in any offensive war, and in any war they clearly provoked themselves by force in order to disguise an offensive war as a foreign invasion. The purpose of this treaty to cross-guarantee rightful governance between the benefactors and to prevent foreign influence.


Adrienne d'Ortonnaise
Matriarch of house d'Ortonnaise

Stéphan Valeur
Patriarch of house Valeur

Enzo Celyreos
Patriarch of house Celyreos

Sophia du Polignac
Matriarch of house du Polignac